مارس العراقيون ومنهم سكان مدينة بغداد أنواعاً متعددة من الألعاب الرياضية الفردية منها السباحة ، الفروسية ، الساس ، الطابك ، والمصارعة بطريقتها القديمة ـ الزورخانة ـ وما تحملهُ من عادات وتقاليد وطقوس شبه دينية إضافة لما في حركتها من معاني القوة والبطولة ونجد أنَّ الذين يقبلون على مزاولتها عند انتشار بيوتاتها في بغداد فيما بعد هم من علية القوم ووجهاء مدينة بغداد ومن الذين كانوا يتمتعون بالاخلاق الدينية الفاضلة لما وجدوا فيها قراءة الأدعية الدينية أو آيات من القرآن الكريم أو البسملة التي كانت تتم في بداية كل تمرين أو نزال من نزالاتها ، وقد لمعت منها أسماء رياضية شابة حققت انتشارات في لعب الميل ، والشناو ، والسير ، وكسرت أرقاماً قياسية ودحرت أكثر من بطل عربي ، وأجنبي قدم إلى مدينة بغداد ليتحدى أبطالها فكانت النتيجة فوزاً ساحقاً للأبطال البغداديين وأحاديث يتناولها الناس في المقاهي والمجالس الأدبية الخاصة .
Marriage as a social case began Almighty God created Adam, peace be upon him then created from the rib Eve to be the first couple of human beings on the face of the earth and the formation of the first social family in the land, human and picked up this social reality through the generations, but in different shapes and purposes, but the mating process is one. So I got the divine religions and organized that life, especially in Islam, as explained every aspect of the life of the role and practice of marriage and had a large share in this organization and I got many Quranic verses and the Hadith.
With different civilizations, many of the marriage ceremony appeared in ancient societies take several forms of marriage.
But marriage and
يتناول البحث تعليم اللغة العربية وما لها من أثر بين التراث والمعاصرة إذ يعُد مقياس رقي أي مجتمع من المجتمعات مقدار عنايته بلغته القومية ، فهي وسيلته واداته للتفاهم في مواجهة المواقف المختلفة التي تتطلب الكلام ، والاستماع ، والقراءة ، والكتابة ، هي دلالة تحضره وتقدمه في احواله المختلفة ، وهي الشرط الاساس في بقائه ونمائه ، فبدونها يغيب موضوع الحديث عن مفهوم المجتمع القومي لاي شعب من الشعوب ..
The Arabs took care of the Arabic language, collected it, and set standards governing it; This is for fear of melody, in order to preserve the language of the Noble Qur’an from distortion, after many of those who are not fluent in Arabic entered Islam; There were many reasons for setting linguistic standards, but although scholars set these standards, we see them often deviate from them, as well as the language’s departure from these restrictions that they set, because language cannot be restricted, as it is subject to the law of use.
The Arabic medicine books have emphasized that the Arabic Pediatricians in their scientific career ,who searched in Various aspects concerns with pediatric , as well as that some medical results and phenomena emphasized some data related to this subject . Which operates at the present time attention and concern towards human and in public and towards Pediatricians in special.
This research contained from an introduction that interpreted the Arabic medical heritage in progressing medicines in Europe then it mentioned the prominence Arabic pediatricians . the researcher depended on references and sources which will the reader had found through research.
This study reveals important aspects of Ibn Tulun approach in this book through reading and scrutinizing the texts that had a direct or indirect relationship with this topic, as his study was not an easy thing, especially as it depends on the deduction of intellectual trends in his approach and his dealings with the texts of this topic In his directions and his architectural and service idea and highlighting its basic aspects as part of the plans of the Islamic city and its connection with the cultural heritage at the time.
the boot of honesty in the dictionary the term linguistic and religious
heritage, literary and Islamic Sufi thought, and concept in the literature of Imam
Ali, peace is upon him. And studied the summary first concerns its presence in the
literature and implications and directions, either the second part, has cared for the
analytical study has found research that safe weight was the counterpart of the
personality of the Imam accompanied the character most prominent in his
character, namely, (courage), it has struggled to deliver a impact of humanity in his
time and after the word and deed, It was based on the imagination in the formation
of images sensual and intellectual, to his persuasion of the evidence and argu
The Heritage geographical Arab-Muslim of great value in the history of the evolution of thought geographical The themes of cities, like other subjects heritage books geographical Islamic related to geography descriptive and regional were subject to the style of Arabic writing,
ادى انتشار الاسلام وانتعاش الاوضاع الى تطور السياحة البحرية
The ammeter is art form from folklore of the Arab perform many character so he is actor several from place to another, you able to use your tools (body) and (voice), he is genus ammeter that the character
The National trend and employment of Islamic heritage.
This stydy is an attempt to concept The employment of national Trend of Islamic heritage to serve ideological goals .
The research indicates to Arabic sights of heritage and the heritage through the curriculum of the first hational association , especially the first national trend , Arab mobile associate and also Almuthana , Al_Haritha Al_sho clubs .
The research depends on more origin documents and more Iraqi journals.