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صورة الانقلاب الديني في اسبانيا في العصور الوسطى
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The research entitled (Image of the Religious Coup in Spain in the Middle Ages) aims to shed light on the prevailing image of the religious coup in Spain during the Middle Aga

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
The Cultural Identity in David Gentelman’s Works
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The study of cultural identity and its data in the designer’s work is considered a cultural nature to highlight the cultural identity and link it to the national culture of their country and society. It provides a reflection and translation of the society’s culture, traditions, social and economic dimensions, the natural environment, and scientific phenomena. Within meanings translated into a variety of methods, including expressive and realistic, which defines the designer’s relationship with his society and the national culture of his country and his connection with the civilization of the country.
The research problem came with the following question: What are the data of cultural identity in the work of designer David Gent

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
الثروة السمكية في العراق الواقع و الآفاق المستقبلية
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Despite all the possibilities, owned by Iraq for the production of fish, but there is low in the level of production and in the rate of per capita consumption is due to inter alia, the weakness of investment, stop government support, a significant decline in the quantities of water, the high proportion of salinity and the proportion of pollution in the water, the use of means and fishing methods are primitive, weak laws and legislation, the policy of dumping markets imported products. Despite all this research has shown that there are investment opportunities very large in this sector through the size of the market and the absorptive capacity and the growth of per capita income and cultural revelation

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Wordy expressions of integrity and reform in the use of holy Quran
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The aim of this message to monitor this phenomenon throught the Quran , which is the constitution of the Islamic nation and Hariatha as well as to express kasalah integrity , justice honesty , patience , abd pacr .
We feel this vocabulary to hight athical values advocated by the Quran and the need to build commitment to the orthodox society free of corruption that leads ta a disorder of the human society .
The outcome of the study the researcher found that faith to a number of results was most notably the advent of righteusness in the Holy Quran meaning of comprehensive RPR spacious field and breadth Maadenh .

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Multiple Materials in Aggregate Art: وعد عدنان محمود
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The research presents a case study of collecting materials and raw materials in a visual space that allows them to form a perception and meanings that inform the recipient by reconstructing them and inserting them into the surface of the artistic work and in such a way that the aesthetic act consists of a variety of media, touches and surfaces. The overlap of races within an environment characterized by unity. That is why the researcher in chapter one presented the problem of research, and the focus was on studying the multiplicity of materials and their aesthetic and functional role in the structure of creative work. The aim of the research is enhanced to identify the aesthetic performance function of the multiplicity of ores in the col

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
marked as licensing oil and its role in future oil industry in Iraq
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Iraq's oil industry  has been passed  in different periods , began with domination  of  Western companies to invest in Iraqi oil at twenties of the last century ,  through the process of nationalization of the shares of those companies ,  beginning of the seventies , and ending with the new policies adopted by the government recently, which was contracting with international companies to develop the oil industry , because of what the outcome of the oil industry from a decline in artistic and  physical ability as a result to the  conditions of war and embargo imposed on Iraq before 2003.

The Iraqi government has introduced licensing of a contract to

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Means of activating the role of civil society institutions in Iraq
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    The concept of civil society is one of the relatively recent concepts that have emerged clearly on the political and social arena especially in European countries, where it effectively contributes to the process of democratic transformation through the multiple roles and functions that it exercises, and acts as mediator between the state and the individual. Civil society in essence works to bring about change in society whether it is political, economic, social or cultural .The civil society appeared in Iraq after 2003, as is the case with many concepts that entered Iraq and took upon themselves the building of a democratic Iraq .Accordingly civil society institutions are the entity capable of rebuilding the Iraqi personal

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The aesthetic effect of vocal recitation in building the theatrical image
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Between the duality of sound and image, the completeness of the actor’s personality at the director comes to announce the birth of the appropriate theatrical role for that character as the basic and inherent element of the artwork, within his working system in the pattern of vocal behavior as well as motor/signal behavior as he searches for aesthetic and skill proficiency at the same time.
This is done through the viewer’s relationship with the theatrical event, which the director considers as an area of active creative activity in relation to (the work of the actor) through vocal recitation and the signs it broadcasts in order to fulfill the requirements of the dramatic situation and what it requires of a visual vision drawn in t

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مرجعية الموروث الشعري في شعر ابي إسحاق الغزي
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Literary heritage and its employment in poetry has received the attention of poets, and they have employed it in their literary texts, as this employment is one of the oldest phenomena in Arabic literature, that the inspiration of this heritage in texts through the overlap of their texts with previous texts, and no poet neglected the importance of this employment.  The ancient critics determined that the poet’s special culture is represented in the necessity of taking from the ancients, and this taking is the reference from which the poet draws his material and idea, as well as to clarify the meaning and its significance

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The influence of the personal values of the workers in the performance of the work teams
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The research aims to know the impact of workers values on their performance which is reflected on increasing productivity and improving its quality as well as the organization's progress and success.  Application of this research took place in the General Company Of Electrical Industries; it contained four main pillars; the first involved research methodology، regarding the problem، importance، aim، basic theory، and method of data collection، the second is dedicated to the theoretical framework related to the research basic variables (values and workgroups) the third is assigned to analyze the actual data by using number of statistical methods، such as mathematical medium and standard deviation and also spearman rank

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
PROBLÉMATIQUE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT DE LA TRADUCTION ET PROLÈMES DE SON APPRENTISSAGE DANS UNE CLASSE DE LANGUE The problem in teaching Translation and problems of its learning in a language lesson
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Le présent travail aborde la question de l’enseignement de traduction en tant que matière faisant partie du programme élaboré dans des Départements de Français au sein de certaines universités irakiennes, en particulier celle de Bagdad. La méthode d’enseigner suivie constitue une véritable problématique qu’on a bien diagnostiquée à partir de quelques années d’expériences, à la lumière des observations faites dans des cours de traduction professionnelle, et dans la perspective des citations et témoignages établies par des traductologues et pédagogues et principalement par Marianne LEDERER qui a établi la Théorie Interprétative de la traduction. Mais pourquoi l’enseignement lui-même poserait une telle probl

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