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Irrigated Women News   In the historical and literary fluorescence of Andalusia
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Andalusian women enjoyed much historical news in the fluorescence of Andalusia, describing it as beautiful and good cohabitation, as the men were involved in conquests, including those who were wives of the caliphs, including scientists, singers, and adept writers Hassan and tongue, in addition to the acquisition of masters in slave markets in Cordoba, Seville and many cities, In addition, Andalusian women enjoy freedom in their relationship with men and have been reflected in the historical fluorescence of Andalusia, such as the book of the history of Ibn Abdul Malik bin Habib al-Alberi (d. And the collar of the dove repented in intimacy and thousands of Ibn Hazm al-Qurtubi (d. 456 AH / 1065 CE), the book of Hilla al-Sayra of Ibn al-Wells al-Balansi (d. 658 AH / 1267 CE), and the book of al-Bayan al-Maghrib in the news of al-Andalus and Morocco by Ibn Adhari al-Marakchi (d. Al-Andalus wet branch of al-Muqari (d. 1041 AH / 1650 CE) and others. The status of this woman in Andalusian society, the research material was based on fisheries The research looked at the civilizational situation witnessed by women in Andalusian society, both in customs and traditions, freedom of cohabitation and mixing, and between them and the caliphs of friendliness, influence, and freedom. It was a picture of what happened between the Arab and Spanish elements, as many values ​​melted. Arab customs in front of the beauty and nature of Andalusian women have won women good and beauty and created a prominent place in the bureaus of Andalusian poets and this is embodied in the research, describing the most beautiful descriptions of fiction, which reflected the poem pictures of history of this woman.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Affect of learning the bag in the acquisition of historical concepts for students in the fifth grade literary history
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The  adopted method in the teaching of history is conservation and indoctrination in all grades, and this will lead to a lack of students interact with teachers in the course of the lesson, and poor use of teachers to questions that raise students' thinking during the lesson, which leads to a lack of interest in the topic of the lesson and wasting opportunities contribution making it the teacher at the center of the educational process, and to provide arrogating the researcher to contribute to teaching style with the belief that the use of this method of teaching could lead to overcome the difficulties and problems faced by the teaching material.

And there are educational complexes integrated approac

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of PDEODE Strategy in Acquiring Historical Concepts in the Subject of History for Students of the Fourth Literary Grade
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The research aims to know (the effect of the pdeode strategy) in acquiring historical concepts among the fourth-grade literary female students in the history module. To achieve the goal of this research, the following null hypothesis was formulated. There is no statistically significant difference at the level of (0.05) between the average scores of the experimental group students, who study history according to the PDEODE strategy, and the average scores of the control group students who study the same module in the traditional way of the historical concepts acquisition test.The researcher chose the experimental method for the current research and adopted the experimental design of partial control with a post-test, which depends on the

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Ethics in historical times
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To learn about the importance of ethics in different historical eras have to be identified first on the roots of this concept and return to the origins of language and the statement connotations Home as a morality single won Position good in the literature of the Arabic language , and beliefs of the monotheistic religions that see the majority it had on moral grounds .
The name of the morality of the natural qualities of a human being , or the name of human nature itself , and morality , plural ( created) is the name of the inner configuration of this man , but Valkhalq put against the word of creation - which is the name of this human form evolving .
In the opinion of other references that word ( ethics ) but they are collecting f

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring the Historical Concepts of Kindergarten Children
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Historical concepts are among the concepts that are difficult to present to the pre-school child except by using modern techniques, as well as the difficulty of making visits to all historical monuments and going back to antiquity and the lack of studies in this area, therefore, we need an attractive medium that children love which is able to convey some abstract concepts that are difficult to teach to children using traditional methods, and among these activities that the kindergarten provides to children are the stories through which they develop their linguistic wealth, consolidate their religious and spiritual inclinations, refine their correct morals, and form their proper attitudes, knowledge and life concepts.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Historical Paths of the Political Conflict in Iraq and its Development After 3002
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Following the political development in Iraq Since 7112 exposed kind of political traditions about how to manage the conflicts that have different Iraqi powers .That what was clear since the formation of permanent government since in 7112 .
The case of conflict between political powers in administrating Iraq state and the withdrawal of American Forcesintroduces questions:
0-Is it possible that that the beginning of Iraq state building shall ease this conflict and peacemaking in the post-conflict period?
7- To what extent the Iraqi powerswas to manage their disputes in non-military like elections which was held in 7112?
2- What is the range of the extent of the political operation after the American withdrawal?
The important

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Chinese power challenge of becoming historical sites in the course
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China occupies an area of 906 million square km. and lies east Asia. Its population approximately 1,388 people, according to census 2010. China was a global great power for centuries , then shrank its jurisdiction and occupied by European countries and Japan in the 19th century. It regained its strength and independence under the leadership and rule of the Chinese Communist Party since 1949. In the 21st century , the Chinese positions has risen universally due to its achievements in the economic and trade affairs . Nowadays, China became a largest exporting state in the world and a second economic power after USA.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sharia's position on historical statues and monuments
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A disagreement has arisen among scholars regarding the ruling on historical statues and monuments in Muslim countries, especially after the Taliban blew up some huge historical statues, and we have witnessed different positions that reach the point of contradiction, each claiming to be right, and now that the crisis has passed and the intensity of the dispute has subsided, I see It is appropriate to discuss this issue calmly, without drifting behind this or that party, to find out the legal position on these statues and monuments.
I presented the most prominent modern opinions related to the subject and discussed them in this research, which I called (Sharia’s position on historical statues and monuments), in which I tried to reach

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical School in Medina             Until the end of the second century AH
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Medina was according to its importance and religious status the basis for the emergence and emergence of historical schools, it is the emigration of the Prophet  and the presence of the companions , and it was natural to shine the beginnings of historical codification, whether in the process of collecting and codification of the verses of the Koran or the Hadith, and once the pillars settled Islam in the Islamic areas until the Muslims began to go to the city to provide a broader knowledge of the Islamic religion and everything related to the biography of the Prophet and the significance and actions, and in return took the jurists and preservation and readers of the companions and followers to undertake the task of teaching in work

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Historical knowledge of the Arabs in an era          Pre-Islam: Quranic connotations
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This paper examines the most important historical knowledge and knowledge of the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era based on the Holy Quran, which is the oldest and most reliable Arab Islamic sources recorded at all, as a major source of this study, to ensure a great interest in history, especially the news of the prophets, and the positions of their nations Some of them, as well as some of the news of the old Arab people such as Aad and Thamud and the owners of the elephant and others, and some of which are repeated in several Quranic fence and various methods of presentation, cited as a lesson and exhortation to the Arab opponents of Islam and a reminder of what befell the peoples of the world B relict of doom to discredit them the apostles

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
News of Zubarah Family- Unionists in Nishapur and their Scientific Contributions in the two Centuries (4-6 AH/10-12 AD)
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This research is concerned with qualitatively studying the history of an ancient family, one of the most prominent noble, Alawite families, that assumed the position of the Student Union for the Alawite Supervision in the city of Nishapur in Khorasan during the centries (4-6 H./ 10-12 A.H.). Thus, the research aims to investgate the historical news, and the outstanding Zubarah figures who experience the supereme the religious, historical and scientific position in Khorasan generally and Nishapur particularily. It further aims at arriving at the true meaning of the name Zubarah, and to whom it was called, and the extent of this family’s affiliation to the noble Alawi House, and how they moved to live and settle in the cities of the East

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