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Historical School in Medina             Until the end of the second century AH
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Medina was according to its importance and religious status the basis for the emergence and emergence of historical schools, it is the emigration of the Prophet  and the presence of the companions , and it was natural to shine the beginnings of historical codification, whether in the process of collecting and codification of the verses of the Koran or the Hadith, and once the pillars settled Islam in the Islamic areas until the Muslims began to go to the city to provide a broader knowledge of the Islamic religion and everything related to the biography of the Prophet and the significance and actions, and in return took the jurists and preservation and readers of the companions and followers to undertake the task of teaching in workshops This study deals with identifying the beginnings of the historical school in Medina and writing down the biography of the Prophet and then focused on the most prominent authors of biography and Maghazi in the city school until the end of the second century AH.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Military incidental messages In Andalusia until the end of the sixth century AH
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The Arab literature in Andalusia was distinguished by its special nature, in addition to the distinction of its influencing rhythm in our souls, it represents the natural extension of the Arab-Islamic civilization in Morocco, that civilization that collapsed with insecurity and stability and the exit of Muslim Arabs from those countries and the defeat of Muslims, their civilization has ceased, and only remains of them witnessing For its leaders in a safe and stable life, but literature in Andalusia underwent many experiences that express the lives of Arab Muslims there, especially what distinguished the Andalusian Muslims from their many battles and conquests, but they did not suffer as their support during the fall of Andalusia and the

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Civilizational Manifestations in the City of Astrabath in the Sixth Century AH
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The current study is concerned with presenting a descriptive study of the history of the city of Astrabath in the sixth century AH. The problem that the research tried to answer is represented in the investigation of historical news, and the study of the most prominent cultural aspects which characterizing that city. The research also aims to reach the geographical location of that city, its name and its suburbs. The importance of the research lies in the knowledge of everything related to the role of the civilization of Astrabath, as well as tracing the entry of the Arabs to it, so that it became a cultural, economic and scientific center and its historical role in the sixth century AH. The research reminde us with the scientific role o

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The most important ministers of the Abbasid state until the end of the era (198-218 AH)
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The existence of succession system has appeared in Arab Islamic state after the death of the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon God and peace), So there was caliphate, then the Umayyad dynasty in Syria , until 132 AH , the date o the emergence of the Abbasid state adopted a system ministry formally , hafs bin sulaiman ( Abu salamah Khallal ) was the first  minister emerged on the political scene. He was killed at the time of the first  Abbasid caliph , Abu Albbas , incest 132-136 who had put Khalid bin barmak as a minister instead of Hafs bin Sulaiman . During the reign of AL-Mansur 136-158 , there was an importance and a place for the ministry , despite of AL-Mansur strength personality that covered on his ministers personalities

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The efforts of scholars in the science of readings in the fifth century AH (450 AH - 500 AH).
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The sciences related to the Book of God are many, and the benefits of every science in it are abundant, and among those sciences is the science of readings, which is for the sake of science and the most honorable, due to its strong attachment to the Book of God Almighty. From this care, and aims to show the attention of scholars to the science of readings in general and the scholars of the fifth century in particular, as the literature on it abounded until it became the principal for those who came after them.

The research consists of an introduction that includes the objectives of the research, the reasons for choosing it, previous studies, research questions, and research terms, then a preface dealing with the im

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of Arab civilization   On the first century AH
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The influx of Arab Qahtani and Nizari tribes continued to the countries of Baluchistan and the Levant in pre-Islamic times until the Levant became open to the Arab-Islamic tide during the first century AH. The Islamic Orient until the early Islamic Arab Army reached the western borders of China. What we will see in the folds of the search.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Japanese territorial dispute about the Soviet northern provinces )South Kuril Islands until the end of the Cold War( Historical Study
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The imposition of (state) policy on the South Kuril Islands.In the Pacific was a subject
of borders dispute between Japan and Soviet Union which appeared clearly afterthe second
Great War and during the cold war. Despite the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the
Soviet Union in 1991, this conflict has continued, thus both countries had to made a historic
and legitimate claims to demand the rights of sovereignty and ownership of four islands
occupied by the Soviet Union after World War II under the international conventions and
treaties, but these claims are proven failures through the continuation of the regional conflict.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of the Qur'anic expression on the poetic picture In Oriental poetry in the eighth century AH
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This research deals with the poetic image of poets of the eighth century poetic, where they embodied the features of the religious life in which they live, and their impact on the Koranic text in the reflection of the image on their poems, where it becomes clear the ability of the poet at that stage to clarify the aesthetic components of the poetic text; Investigations, singled out the first topic: the analogy, and the second metaphorical picture, and the third: the picture.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Civil Administration on the Suburbs of Al–Kufa
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We have found through research , that administrative institutions on the outskirts of Kufa and their management is not as important as administrative institution in place that were associated with it and subject to its control ,as it often was express power , or poor ( if true ) expression , directors of the center for the suburbs , as it became clear to our diversity of those administrative institutions and prominent role in the interest of the affairs of the people and society in all aspects of life , and are the functions and different staff from the highest authority the suburbs represented by house of representatives ( the workers ) ,then workers abscess and Al-dhaqan and not to mention for other jobs came the actions of Bhaltsier a

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 25 2025
Journal Name
Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
Ideals and values in the texts of the second century AH - Visit forty examples - Technical objective study
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Values and ideals are two basic pillars in human life, and high societies have been keen throughout their ages to adhere to and establish them so that man can distinguish good and evil, right and wrong, as they are a balance of actions that give man a higher value. Many of the followers of Abbasid literature, poetry and prose – it is noted that many imams and writers have been keen to highlight these values and make them material for their poetry and literature, courage, generosity, chastity and....All meanings of human values and there is no doubt that one of the texts abounding in this field is what was reported from the people of the house of infallibility pure (peace be upon them), including we touch it in the visit of Imam Jaafar al-

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Christian Taghlib tribe in the first century A.H: The Christian Taghlib tribe in the first century A.H
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Taghlib tribe had an important part in the history of the first century of
hijra. She managed to get the best social, economic and political basis in the
Arab- Islamic state. In this basis Taghlib was the best Dhimies in the Islamic
state. This tribe refused to be among the people of the book, and to be from
the people of dhima. That tribe refused to pay the Jizya and Khraj, but
accepted to pay double Sadaqa in stead of Jizya and Khraj, so in that case
many Muslims become angry.
Although their Christianity was naïve and simple, Taghlib hold it until the
end of the third century A.H. Taghlib did so because her people wanted to
keep their good relation with the Byzantine. Taghlib thought that the

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