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صفة صفة كلام الله - تعالى – عند المتكلمين
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All the Islamic Groups agreed that God Almighty is the speaker as nobody can deny the words of God as Quran texts are explicit in proving that, as all group integrity of God Almighty but the conflict was on the characteristics of words of God due to their differences in their understanding of Quran texts and the differences of their accents, and some adhere to the intellectual aspects like Mutazila whereas others adhere to psychological aspects like Ashaaira, while Handbalis focused on the ancient time of Quran and exaggerated in this , as the issue of words of God is the most critical issue of conflict that occurred in the  Islamic nation.


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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اسلوب أُسلوب المؤلفات الفارسية للخواجة رشيد الدين فضل الله بقلم الدكتور سيد جعفر شهيدى
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This research (The style of Persian books for Khawaja Rasheed Addin Fadhel Allah)is marked to a minister and historian (1247-1318AD) for a number of his books and theses .Dr. Jafaar had started his research by collecting dates of a detailed book of general history in the world including a history of previous kings , prophets ,the history of Islam until the fall of Baghdad ,the history of Jews

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Seeing Allah Almighty Detective according to incoming nodules In the interpretation of Ibn Arabi Maliki 9345 H
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Seeing Allah Almighty
Detective according to incoming nodules
In the interpretation of Ibn Arabi Maliki
9345 H

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The grammatical approach of Sheikh Isamah Allah Bukhari (died 1000 A H) in his footnotes on the benefits of light
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Through this study, I tried to identify the grammatical efforts of one of the most important authors of the footnotes that were built on the luminous benefits marked with (Explanation of Mulla Jami in Grammar), and he is Sheikh Isamah Allah Al-Bukhari, who died in the eleventh century AH, trying as much as possible to stay away from the path of tradition in repeating the efforts of Those who preceded me in explaining the grammatical efforts of many grammarians, and perhaps what helped me in this is the characteristics that characterize the notes owners that may distinguish them from other owners of grammatical authorship, as a result of what characterized the personality of the notes owners from the predominance of the in

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Designing Clothes that Meet the Functional and Aesthetic Needs of Children with Hip Dislocation: تهاني عبد الله القديري
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Children who have a health problem need special requirements for their clothes. The purpose of the study is to design functional and aesthetic clothes to meet their needs. The research used the applied descriptive approach. The research sample comprised 120 women whose children suffered from hip dislocation. Designs for injured children presented and submitted to the arbitrators for evaluation regarding the functional and aesthetic aspects. The finding was achieving the design solutions. The most important recommendations are to increase attention to designing clothes to suit all the needs of society.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Deconstruction in the abstract drawings of the artist Shaker Hassan Al Said: مواهب عبد الحميد عبد الله الخفاجي
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Deconstruction is an intellectual stream that emerged as a result of the changes and requirements of the modern era. This stream extended from thought and literature to all arts, and the research included four chapters.
Chapter One: From the research, the research problem was identified in the form of a question: Have the ideas and deconstructive concepts represented in the abstract drawings of the artist Shaker Hassan Al Said?
The importance and limits of the research were reviewed and the goal of the research was to reveal the applications of ideas and deconstructive concepts in the abstract drawings of the artist Shaker Hassan Al Said, in addition to defining the most important terms contained in it.
Chapter Two: Previous

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Jawabu suualat an qawli taqabbalalaaho wal musafahata bahdassalawat
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This research deals with a jurisprudential manuscript with study and investigation by Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Kurani, one of the prominent Kurdish scholars in the eleventh century. Some claim that it is heresy in the religion, and that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, did not do it.

The Sheikh responded to that, confirming its permissibility, and that it does not fall within the innovated matters, based on its permissibility on the two Eids and other religious occasions, and also that the issue of supplication with acceptance was legislated for the sake of worship without specifying it to one without the other, and it is known that prayer is one of the greatest acts of worship. supplication that fasting is accepted;

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Mosaic art as a cultural decorative aspect and contemporary mosaic re-employment: محمد طلال عبد آل عبد الله
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  • Islamic art is applied art that searches for everything that is useful and beneficial and Both are properties of Islamic art. Islamic art has many well-established elements and styles and pictures that distinguish it from the rest of the arts among those elements and methods that were used in the architectural cladding artwork Or mosaic murals and mosaic was known in its first form in Babylon in a primitive style similar to it, but the Muslim artist in the era of the Caliphs made the art of mosaic In mosques and palaces.
    Chapter one: This chapter is concerned with introducing the art of mosaic historically and focusing on it.
    Chapter Two: This chapter deals with contemporary Islamic mosaics, especially in Mecca
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Manifestations of social isolation in contemporary theater- Socio aesthetic study: صميم حسب الله يحيى -نورس عادل هادي
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The research presented to the concept of social isolation through the manifestations of that concept and its works within the theatrical presentation space, and the diversity of directing experiences that the theatrical field benefited from, as contemporary data that contributed to the production of theatrical speech engaging with various levels of different form and content, and this was revealed through the chapters of the research that included The first chapter (the systematic framework), the second chapter (theoretical framework), which included the first topic (formations of social isolation), the second topic (social isolation in the world stage), and resulted in indicators including:
1- Postmodernism produced intellectual appr

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Sociological Directions Among Iraqi Scholars: Sociological Directions Among Iraqi Scholars
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This study concerned of scientific analysis of sociological directions
among Iraqi scholars graduated before 1960. These directions was divided
between heritage, conflict, critical and symbolic interaction. It is important to
mention that Al-Wardi scholar tried to build a theory in Sociology focused on
the image of Iraqi personality through historical approach used by Arabian
scholar Ibn-Khaldon.


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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مفهوم الغريب ومناهج دراسته عند القدماء
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This research sheds light on an important topic related to the understanding of the Qur’anic expressions and how to deal with them in relation to their meanings and connotations intended by God Almighty and the concept of the term strange among the ancients. Its glossaries, such as earth, sun, air, etc., and the other have vague meanings that require careful consideration and scrutiny in order to reach the exact meanings that God Almighty wanted.

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