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الاصول المعرفية للحب الالهي عند سقراط
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يرى سقراط ان الحب الحقيقي لا يكون خالصا دون معاناة الالم. وهو لا يكون جديرا بمدارك الحب الصوفي-    الالهي دون ارادة وقوة منع وتنفيذ شهوات الحواس البشرية.

كذلك يرى سقراط ان اول مراتب العشق الالهي تبدا بتطهير وتنقية النفس البشرية من كل ما يمازجها من اهواء ورغبات.

فالنفس البشرية تشبه المرأة لا يمكن لها ان تعكس صورة العشق الالهي الاسمى دون ان تكون صافية وصقيلة.

وسقراط يرى ان المعرفة الفلسفية قادرة على شحذ همة النفس وتهذيبها بالعلوم الفلسفية والالهية, وبذلك يمكن للنفس البشرية التي تطهرت من شوائبها الحسية ان تتذوق العشق الالهي في ينابيعه  الصافية والنقية.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Epistemological The Epistemological Foundations for Comparison of Religions by al-Amiri: The Epistemological Foundations for Comparison of Religions by al-Amiri
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 Research topic: (The Epistemological Foundations for Comparison of Religions by al-Amiri)

The research sought to study the topic with: a descriptive methodology by investigating the components of al-Amiri's approach to the interfaith comparison. And analytical, by showing the applied perception of an objective model in the comparison of religions to answer two questions: What are the cognitive foundations of al-Amiri? And what is his approach to establishing an objective comparison between religions?

The research started by introducing Abu al-Hassan al-Amiri, and then presented four topics: An introduction to al-Amiri's efforts in the interfaith comparison, his knowledge foundations, an applied model

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 29 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاصول الثنائية والثلاثية والرباعية في الاصول المعجمي
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We conclude that verbs in terms of the number of letters divided into abstract and enlarged

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Philosophical origins of psychology
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Since the beginning of Philosophical thinking, philosophers had interested in matters that related to psychology. Greek philosophy had sought different psychological cases such as knowledge, thought, sense, and cognition. Plato classified cognitive processes and distinguished between intelligence, emotions, and desires. As Aristotle believed that soul is the essence of human beings that characterize it from other creatures. Regarding the European philosophy, Descartes linked the optics field to psychology that comprises theories about visual perception. Then, john Watson who interested in behaviorism, he believes that the interpretation of behavior will be materialistic. However, the evolutionary view had great effect on psychology that

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Cognitive dimensions For grammar work at Sibweh In light of the data of the speech
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The Arabic grammatical theory is characterized by the characteristics that distinguish it from other languages. It is based on the following equation: In its entirety a homogeneous linguistic system that blends with the social nature of the Arab, his beliefs, and his culture.
    This means that this theory was born naturally, after the labor of maintaining an integrated inheritance, starting with its legal text (the Koran), and ends with its features of multiple attributes.
Saber was carrying the founding crucible of that theory, which takes over from his teacher, Hebron, to be built on what it has reached. It is redundant to point to his location and the status of his book.
So came to my research tagged: (c

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الخرائط المعرفية ( دراسة نظرية )
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Cognitive mapping in humans is the process of coding, storing, and processing information that. Can be used in special behavior . Several scientific Domains interfere in the concept of cognitive maps including cognitive Psychology and environmental Psychology. Three papers at the start of the last century introduced the concept of cognitive maps ,  ( Gulliverʼs  ,1908 ) brief note mentioned such maps in the context of teaching children orientation and there was a paper published by                ( Hutorowicz , 1911 ) comprising an abridged translation of a monograph written by ( B .F .Adler ) o

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 17 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
قراءة تحليلية في كتاب الاصول للسيد محمد باقر الصدر واثره على الدراسات المعاصرة.
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    In the subject area (participation and tandem), the study showed the views of Mr. Sadr in this field when researching first: the issue of the necessity of these two phenomena in the language that some imams of the language and principles called for to discuss and respond to, and

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Historical origins of Hellenistic architecture in ancient North African civilizations: رويدة فيصل موسى النواب
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Hellenistic architecture represents an important example of the reflection of ancient Greek architecture in the art of oriental architecture in the countries of the ancient world, including those states spread across North Africa that were under the authority of the Ptolemies and who were able to transmit those artistic values and traditions of Greek architecture to those regions. The current research deals with a detailed study of those important transformations of civil and religious architecture, as well as the most important features of that architecture through the constituents of location and geographical location.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
المعتقدات المعرفية لدى طلبة المدارس الثانوية للمتميزين
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The current search is determined by the students of the preparatory stage in the talented schools in the province of Baghdad Rusafa Educational Directorates (first, second, third) and Educational Directorates Karkh (first, second, third) of both sexes(male, female)and for fourth, fifth and sixth classes.

            The researcher reviewed a number of theories that addressed the variables of the research, and to achieve the objectives of the research, The researcher used the foreign measure (Schommer) to measure the Epistemological Beliefs, which is to be finalized (49) items. The researcher translates the research and extract sincerity translator has

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مهارات ما بعد المعرفية في الأداء التعبيري
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إن التعبير ينوء بأثقال كبيرة ، وهذه المشكلة قد تتضاعف ،لأنَّ التعبير يحتاج إلى مها ا رت " لم
تنجح المدرسة في تنميتها تنمية صحيحة " ولأنّهُ يصطدم بعوامل معوقة متعددة منها ثنائية اللغة ،
وكثافة الصفوف ، وغياب المنهج ، وٕاهمال التصحيح، ووضع المدرس لكلمة "لوحظ" من غير
ملاحظة شيء وقلة الحصص ، وضعف الربط بين فروع اللغة ، والتساهل في إعداد المدرس.
وقد كان من نتائج د ا رسة أجرتها المنظمة العربية للتربية والثقافة

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العمليات المعرفية و الفروق الفردية وتطبيقاتهما التربوية
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        مهما كان السلوك الانساني بسيطا كطرفة العين او معقدا كحل مشكلة ما, فأنه يعتمد بشكل واضح على تكامل عدد كبير من العمليات داخل جسم الإنسان, وما يصدر عن الكائن البشري من سلوك خلافا للكائنات الحية الاخرى ليس مجرد استجابات, أو وروود فعل آلية بسيطة أو غريزية كما يحدث عند الحيوان, وإنما هي عبارة عن نشاط راق مركب, هادف قابل للارتقاء والتسامي . ويشير العلماء بهذا الصدد الى ان كل شيء موجود في الط

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