Maintaining the manuscript, keep on national identity are a means to write history, so states seek to maintain, through a set of legal rules that criminalize the abuse as well as the development of national and international legal mechanisms. Algeria, was a state of the colony
يمثل المنهاج التربوي دوراً رئيسي، في تكوين شخصية المتعلم وهي ان يتعلم ليعرف، ويتعلم ليعمل، ويتعلم للعيش مع الآخرين، ويتعلم ليكون عضواً ناجحاً في المجتمع، و يلبي حاجاته المجتمعية المتوقعة منه، و مع التحولات العصرية التي أفرزتها العولمة والاحداث الاقليمية المحيطة، كلها عوامل ادلت بدلوها، في استنساخ وبلورات تغايرت اجتماعية متسارعة، تكاد تتلاشى فيها القيم المجتمعية. والمتابع لأي منهج تربوي في أي مجتمع من الم
... Show Moreفي حكومة الشراكة الوطنية
Before the unit environmental problems serious the issues of the environment and conservation of contemporary issues important in the developed and developing worlds, it was natural that leads increasing global awareness to alert a group of intellectuals, scientists and politicians to the seriousness of this problem and the call to take steps deeper and more comprehensive with respect to the environment humanitarian based on the study of the various elements of this environment and a greater understanding of the relationships among them, and on this basis, steps have been taken to target the environment and to identify problems and make efforts to achieve the goals I: stop the deterioration of the environment and the second impro
... Show MoreThe economic- Arabic relations reflect , without any doubt, the debate of the relation held between development and what is not developed ; on the basis that these two phenomena form the two polar of the Arabic economic as a system resulted out of the correlation nature presented between the Arabic world and the outer world. Accordingly, the present study focuses on the in- between Arabic trade exchanges. There are many factors which relate the Arabic countries with each other . They all contribute in paying these exchanges through different historical decades. The trade relations between the Arabic countries have taken their manner from the base of the nonequivalent development which is related in the distributio
... Show MoreBolivia:1867-1964
Maher Harbi's drawings have taken an aesthetic and artistic dimension that leads to creating an approach between what is religious and mundane, between religious and mundane, with the techniques of plastic art, and this is what led the researcher to address this topic and stand on the realistic controversy based on the religious and the secular. Accordingly, the researcher divided the subject of the research into four chapters. The first chapter (the methodological framework) dealt with the research problem, which is summarized in the following question: (What is the dialectic of the reality of Maher Harbi’s drawings between the religious and the secular?) Then the importance of the research manifested in shedding light on the deep str
... Show MoreThe research team seeks to study the phenomena of random housing in Iraqi society in general and Baghdad city in particular by standing on the causes behind this phenomena and its relation with security situation in Baghdad. The researchers adopted a theoretical and practical framework. The main objective is to diagnose the risks caused by the escalation of slums in Baghdad city.
تعد رواية (غراب الطاهرة ) من الروايات المعاصرة التي ركزت على الواقع المعاصر، وهي تمثل حقلاً بكراً صالحاً لدراسة العلاقة الحميمة بين ( الواقع ) و ( الشكل البنائي ) وأثره في بنية النص الروائي، بمعنى آخر دراسة القوانين التي توجه أنماط التأليف، وحرية الأختيار في صياغة العمل الفني.إذ إن اهتمام المؤلف بالتوثيق التاريخي، وتسجيل أهم المظاهر الواقعية، ومايرتبط بها من ممارسات النظام السابق أثرت في البناء الروائي، فمن حي
... Show MoreThe policy issue in all countries of the world is concerned with government and research because it has the ability to reveal many of the problems facing the state and its organizational and scientific capabilities in the development of solutions and appropriate treatments that go beyond random and improvisational reactions, As a result of this interest, many studies have attempted to conceptualize and academicism it. The concept of public policy has been linked to various aspects of social life such as social, economic, educational, agricultural or other aspects. Public policy, regardless of its meaning or its relation to aspects of life, refers to the systematic thinking that directs the behavior and actions of the state, organization
... Show MoreDespite all the possibilities, owned by Iraq for the production of fish, but there is low in the level of production and in the rate of per capita consumption is due to inter alia, the weakness of investment, stop government support, a significant decline in the quantities of water, the high proportion of salinity and the proportion of pollution in the water, the use of means and fishing methods are primitive, weak laws and legislation, the policy of dumping markets imported products. Despite all this research has shown that there are investment opportunities very large in this sector through the size of the market and the absorptive capacity and the growth of per capita income and cultural revelation