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التجارة العربية البينية (الواقع ــ المعوقات والحلول )
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The economic- Arabic relations reflect , without any doubt, the debate of the relation held between development and  what is not developed ; on the basis that these two phenomena  form the two polar of the Arabic economic as a system resulted out of the correlation nature presented between the Arabic world and the outer world. Accordingly, the present study focuses on the in- between Arabic  trade exchanges. There are many factors which relate the Arabic countries with each other . They all contribute in paying these exchanges through different historical decades. The trade relations between the Arabic countries have taken their manner from the base of the nonequivalent  development which is related in the distribution of the colonial work which imposed the specialization , on the Arabic countries , in the production of the real materials, consumed what is made in the capital states and blended or fused in the world market. After the independence of the Arabic countries , their products of oil represented the maximum ratio of all their in- between and state trade. The importance of the research is implied in that the Arabic Homeland is characterized by a strategic important location and has a huge wealth enables him to depend on itself . This can be done by making use of these materials, typically, through the Arabic cooperation  approaching the Arabic economic blending that can compensate the fusion with the capital economics. The research aims at investigating the return ( comeback) of the adaptations of the Arabic- Arabic relationships and the necessity of directing and associating the Arabic and economic binary and wholly relations for the purpose of serving the national goals . It is hypothesized that there is what makes the different factors of problems prominent in the in- between Arabic trade exchanges and their relation with the outer world . This leads to the decrease of the ratio of the in- between exchanges (9%) as compared to the ratio of the state exchanges (91%).

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Public Policy Education in Iraq / Reality Challenges and Proposed
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The policy issue in all countries of the world is concerned with government and research because it has the ability to reveal many of the problems facing the state and its organizational and scientific capabilities in the development of solutions and appropriate treatments that go beyond random and improvisational reactions, As a result of this interest, many studies have attempted to conceptualize and academicism it. The concept of public policy has been linked to various aspects of social life such as social, economic, educational, agricultural or other aspects. Public policy, regardless of its meaning or its relation to aspects of life, refers to the systematic thinking that directs the behavior and actions of the state, organization

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Sustainable development and nuclear energy -The dialectical relation –
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 Today, development is the dominant idea at the international and national levels, while energy is at the heart of development as the engine and vital element of modern civilization, which can’t be achieved without the participation of an energy policy that takes into account this concern. At the same time, we can’t make any development in the margins of human rights, in other words, if we are to move to development, it would be wise to do so taking into account the rights of present and future generations, whereas they provide the greatest amount of development and less environmental damage. This may not be possible for all energy options, including nuclear, because of its intersection with the rights of future generations.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
هجرة هجرة العقول العربية عامة والعراقية خاصة وأثرها على الواقع الاجتماعي
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         استأثرت ظاهرة هجرة العقول او (الكفاءات العلمية) خلال العقدين الاخيرين باهتمام البلدان المتقدمة والنامية على حد سواء ، وذلك نسبة لاثارها السلبية والايجابية ، على الواقع الاجتماعي والتنموي في الدول المرسلة والمستقبلة ، وزاد الاهتمام بهذه الظاهرة في البلدان النامية لما ينجم عن هجرة العقول من خسارة البلدان المرسلة للموارد البشرية العالية التاهيل ، واللازمة لتحقيق النمو الاقتصادي ذ

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
The contribution of the arts to interdisciplinary sciences: Art Therapy
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The history of the arts is closely connected with the history of humankind, since it is impossible to separate our scientific and artistic advances’. Therefore, the current research focuses on the close bond between art and other disciplines. The connection of the arts to the sciences is unequivocal and undisputed; the contributions of artists to the various scientific domains are clear. If one scrutinises the ability of artists to participate in building societies, one will find that the arts have penetrated deeply into a range of products and inventions, starting with the pencil and ending with the missile. The artist’s contributions play a part in the minutest of details across all fields of industry: production, craftsmanship, me

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
تداول المصطلح اللساني الاشكالية والحلول
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Talking about such a Problematic is frequent and continues from
the earliest times of science to its maturity. This calls for
adopting the method of digging to reach the beginnings of the
Problematic and its first manifestations. Perhaps its first signs
arose in the cradle of linguistics as a science that studies

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
الشباب في مواجهة الارهاب (الدوافع والحلول)
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الشباب في مواجهة الارهاب (الدوافع والحلول)

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
عمالة الاطفال في العراق " الاسباب والحلول "
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لقد عرفت بلادنا ظاهرة ( اطفال الشوارع ) والتي تشمل عمالة الاطفال والمتشردين والمتسولين ، فتحولت من مشكلة على نطاق نسبي الى ظاهرة واسعة جداً تتضمن المخاطر المصاحبة لها ، إذ إنها ظاهرة منتشرة جداً في جميع المدن العراقية تصف في كثرة انتشارها في المناطق المليئة بالسكان .

إن ظاهرة عمالة الاطفال والتي ينصب عليها إهتمامنا في هذا البحث تشير الى نشاطات تقع خارج نطاق قوانين العمل وشروطه الاجتماعية ،

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Determines the application of smart tourism as an electronic commerce application in the form of B2C) to attract tourists to Saudi Arabia
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The study focused on the application of smart tourism as one of the applications of electronic commerce in the form of (B2C) to attract tourists to Saudi Arabia, where the tourism sector is one of the important sectors on which the Kingdom depends on the diversity of its economy.

The purpose of the research: With the issuance of tourist visas for the first time the study noted a deterioration in the case of Saudi tourist sites over the Internet, which do not live up to this great interest by the Saudi government for this sector, which became vital to them. The study tried to identify the reality of the Saudi tourist sites through the Internet in order to identify the sui

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
المعوقات والالتزامات الأسریة التي تواجھ المراة في عملھا
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This research aims to understand the main problems and family
commitments faced by working women, and make proposals that would stop or
lessen them, the researcher made questionnaire , applied on a sample of (20)
university female teachers, the study showed that the main problems in respect to
their importance as: Anxiety of leaving children at home alone, the weak role of the
nurseries and kindergartens in taking care of the children, relative large number of
children per family which would lead to more commitments, and the unavailability
of convenient working arrangement for working mothers.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Graduate Unemployment In Iraq , Problems , Solution
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There Are Many  Communities Suffering Of Unemployment Due To Has  Great Social And Economic Impact, As Well As The Psychological Effects Devastating And Serious And That May Threaten States  With Collapse And  Leading Human Displacement And Loss And Crime, And Often Derive Unemployed People To Practice  Bad Habits Such As Gambling, Alcohol And Drug Abuse To Escape From Their Reality To Their Concerns And Problems.

It Should Be Noted, That The Largest Percentage Of Unemployment In Developing Societies Represented By The Educated Class Of University Graduates, And This Is Something Painful.

The Unemployed Know That (Each Capable Of Working And Who Want To Look For And Accept Prevailing Bricks) Is Th

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