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الاحداث الأحداث السياسية التي مرت بها مدينة دمشق للمدة (100-400هـ/718- 1009م)
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Damascus has great importance throughout its history and has increased in the Umayyad period, It was interested the by Caliphs, and became the capital of the Islam, But the late Umayyad era has witness of troubles and political, this led to collapse the Umayyad state and take the Abbasid rule, despite the neglect of the Abbasids for this city and they left to others, but it remains of great concern by some of the Abbasid caliphs.

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Publication Date
Tue May 30 2017
Journal Name
أنماط الشخصية السائدة وفقاً لنظام الإنيكرام لدى الأحداث الجانحين
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استهدف البحث الحالي تعرف أنماط الشخصية وفقاً لنظام الإنيكرام لدى الأحداث الجانحي. ولتحقيق هدف البحث قام الباحثان بتبني مقياس (ريسو_هيودسن،1995) والمُعرّب من (الياسري،2004) وقد تم التحقق من الخصائص السيكومترية له، وعلى عينة البحث الحالي، وقد تم استعمال مجموعة من الوسائل الإحصائية منها الاختبار التائي لعينة واحدة، وأظهرت النتائج ما يأتي:- اتضح أنّ أنماط الشخصية السائدة هي: (المُصلح، والمُنجز، والمُتفرد، والباحث،

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 20 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
the Mission of the Iraqi E-press in crystalizing Public Orientation of Baghdad Towards Local Political Issues.
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This dissertation explores the role of Iraqi E-press in crystallizing the orientations or directions of the public towards the local political issues like (demonstrations, parliamentarian elections, provincial elections, the public budget and its consequences, Iraq’s relations with neighboring countries, Iraqi HOR and its sessions, and the relation of the federal government with KRG). The dissertation’s main problem revolves around a central inquiry: what is the role of the Iraqi E-press in crystalizing the direction of the Iraqi public towards the local political issues?
The dissertation included a number of assumptions; the first assumes the relation of demographic variants (gender, age, social status, education, working status

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
DEO: A Dynamic Event Order Strategy for t-way Sequence Covering Array Test Data Generation
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Sequence covering array (SCA) generation is an active research area in recent years. Unlike the sequence-less covering arrays (CA), the order of sequence varies in the test case generation process. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the SCA strategies, earlier works reported that finding a minimal size of a test suite is considered as an NP-Hard problem. In addition, most of the existing strategies for SCA generation have a high order of complexity due to the generation of all combinatorial interactions by adopting one-test-at-a-time fashion. Reducing the complexity by adopting one-parameter- at-a-time for SCA generation is a challenging process. In addition, this reduction facilitates the supporting for a higher strength of cove

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 06 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
طرق الطعن وأحكام التقادم في قانون رعاية الأحداث العراقي رقم76لسنة1983
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The criminal case of Juvenile has privacy at all stages, hence, the amended juvenile care Act no.76 of 1983 granted juvenile the right to appeal the verdicts issued by the juvenile courts. This is normal that those verdicts be included objectivity or procedural mistakes and in order to correct these mistakes, the law has granted the juvenile this right.

     Also, the mentioned act became a general principle unlike the amended law of criminal trails No-23 of 1971, which has been taken as an exception to increase the juvenile protection.

    The international conventions that compare with our study stated explicitly on the juvenile right to appeal verdicts but it did not stated explicitly

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
وجهي قرينة الدستورية ومبررات التقيد بها
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           The constitutional presumption is one of the controls on the constitutionality of laws. It has two aspects. First, the constitutional judiciary examines the interpretation that makes the legislation conform to the constitution. The second is to avoid ruling the constitutionality of legislation only in cases where the violation of the constitution is clear and categorical. And that the creation of the constitutional justice of this officer and adherence to it was not intended to favor or bias the legislator because this would undermine the independence of the constitutional judiciary, but there are justifications that prompted the constitutional judiciary to invent this officer

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spatial analysis of mortality older population in the city of Baghdad , for the period (1997 - 2013)
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The current study is concerned with the analysis of spatial and temporal to death the elderly population in the city of Baghdad and at the level of administrative units Minor (districts and the areas) depending on the general population census of the province of Baghdad, data for 1997 and data from the Ministry of Health Department of Health and Vital Statistics for 2013.
The study showed differing age and quality of mortality rates at the level of administrative units of the study area, and notes the high mortality rates of elderly people of all age groups in 2013 compared to 1997, and this is due to security conditions after the USA occupation, and the accompanying conditions have affected the increase in mortality rates.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
تقييم الأحوال الاقتصادية للمعيشة في مدينة الموصل: السكان والمساكن للمدة 2004-2007
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Economic Conditions of Living in the City of Mosul: Income and Labor Market during the Period 2004-2007
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This study cares for the economic living conditions in Mosul City. Its importance lies in the critical period that has been covered
(2002-2007), which was dominated by far–reaching events at political economic and social levels.
Among the main results that have been revealed are the following: the rate of economic growth in the City has been the lowest among major urban centers in Iraq. Besides, real income per capita in the City has stayed stagnant during the period of the study. However, the inequality in distribution of income has decreased. The main bulk of the city's population rely on their income from wages and salari

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2006
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
السياسية الخارجية
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السياسة الخارجية

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 10 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Virtual currency (Bitcoin), legal adaptation and the ruling on dealing with it
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In a world that is accelerating day after day in the context of technical globalization, this speed appeared in the issue of electronic currency trading, which is linked to banks all over the world, then the virtual bitcoin coin appeared, and its place is the Internet, and contains an encryption system that is not related to the center or the bank. This coin spread widely and was invested by major companies.

In legislative terms, this currency was not granted its right or proper organization, while jurisprudence was dealt with in a simple way, as this coin needs further studies. This research explains the challenges arising from the concept of this currency to determine the legal nature that enters under it, in addition to discus

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