The wall of Eastern side considers one of the important prominence architect sign of Baghdad city through Abbasid era , it is surrounded by many shops, houses , the work had started in the period of caliph( Al-Mustathher Billah )
The research aims to measure the level of critical thinking skills among students of A’Sharqiah University in the Sultanate of Oman, as well as identify the level of their availability based on the variables: gender, academic level, school year, cumulative average, and general diploma / high school ratio. The researchers used the descriptive approach. To achieve the objectives of the study, they used The California Test for Critical Thinking Skills Picture (A) after evaluation (Farraj, 2006). It was applied to a sample of (487) students from A’sharqiah University. The results of the study found that the critical thinking skills of A’sharqiah University students are below the educationally acceptabl
... Show MoreAbstract
The Umayyad poets tried to invest all artistic tools in order to achieve a measure of creativity in their texts. The phenomenon of visual composition is breaking the familiar writing system, with the aim of increasing the number of possible connotations. The visual in the Umayyad poetry tries to replace it through expression with the visual image, and its manifestations were manifested by the multiplication of punctuation marks in the body of the poetic text and the tearing of the single poetic line by cutting it into several sentences or repetition.
Keywords: visual formation, poetic writing, Umayyad poetry, recipien
Books of plans are a type of writing in Islamic history , its a type of work whose authors have strived to serve as a comprehensive historical encyclopedia, and they focused most of their attention on highlighting the various aspects of the history of Egypt. , Especially. urban side. And political, military, scientific, social , economic events.
they authors in this Type were not satisfied with that only, but they mentioned the stages of the development of architecture and what followed until their time
Books of plans are a type of writing in Islamic history , its a type of work whose authors have strived to serve as a comprehensive historical encyclopedia, and they focused most of their attention on highlighting the various aspects of the history of Egypt
Alienation, and Westernization and away, whether forcibly sense exile or voluntary in the sense of migration, it will generate nostalgia, and a sense of overwhelming homesickness spatial or alienation spiritual (emotional) and perhaps alienation resulting from exile or forced deportation by the authority
The mihrab is an architectural element created by the Muslims for the necessities of which the direction of Qibla is set in the mosques, and the front stands in it during the prayer so as to provide a complete description of the Muslims inside the chapel. The mihrab has a third benefit in amplifying the voice during the time of prayer, Peace be upon him) and the Mosque of Damascus, the Mosque of Kairouan, and the Mosque of Amr Balfstat?.
Irak’ın osmanlıcada yazılan sayısız elyazmalar çeşitli illerinde bulunur. Bunlardan Irak’ın başkenti olan Bağdat’tır. Irak Ulusal Müzesi Bağdad’ın uygarlık yerlerindendir. Elyazması Evi müzenin en önemli bölümleri sayılır. Orada osmanlıcada yazılan çok değerli elyazmalar bulunur. Bu elyazmalarından birisini ( fotokopi ) elde edip üzerinde çalışılmaktadır. Eser Antoloji şeklinde yazılmış. Bu eserden Sadullah Pâşâ’nın On Dokuzuncu Asır Manzumesini seçip ele alınmaktadır.
İki sayıfa ve 25 sat
... Show MoreThis study deals with the region of the Babylon governorate in Iraq during the Proto-Literate and Early Dynastic periods. It is the region of the well- known ancient capital Babylon. The earlier period includes Late Uruk, Jamdat nasr, and the first epoch of the Early Dynastic period. The latter includes the second and third epochs of the Early Dynastic period. The both periods had lasted more than one thousand years (3500-2334 BC
The shortcomings of the Muslim regime were however, became more obvious in later periods. Under the first Abbasids, the Muslims bourgeoisies were still a new class, rising in the social hierarchy of the caliph empire. It became even powerful class and a factor to reckon with