This research aims to highlight the prophetic approach in civilized coexistence, and to show what society was like in the time of the Prophet, and specifically after the sakha and the writing of the newspaper (prophetic document) which established the rules of civilized coexistence, and there is no doubt that God almighty created all nations and different peoples according to Human nature, this difference has been recognized by the duty of coexistence and acquaintance without abolishing each other, coexistence and recognition of the other and respect for its particularities result in a state of dialogue between cultures and civilizations and paves the way for their meeting instead of clashing, as well as contributing coexistence to make a common life based on a measure of the balance that all humanity is targeting
المنهج الخفي …. نشأته ، ومفهومه ، فلسفته ، مكوناته ، تطبيقاته ، مخاطره.
الحمد الله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد – صلى الله عليه وسلم- وعلى اله وصحبه ومن تبعه وسار على هديه إلى يوم الدين .
أما بعد ؛
فمما لا خلاف فيه بين التربويين أن الطلبة يتعلمون قدراً كبيراً من المعارف والحقائق والمعلومات والتعاميم داخل المدرسة من مصادر غير المنهج المقصود او المخطط له.
... Show Moreالكندي هو ابو يوسف يعقوب بن اسحاق بن الصباح . كما هو عند ابن جلجل (1) بن عمران بن اسماعيل بن محمد بن الأشعث بن قيس الكندي . كما يضيف ابن النديم(2) كان أبوه اسحق بن الصباح أميرا ً على الكوفة للمهدي والرشيد . على ما يقرره ابن نباته المصري(3) ، كان جده الأشعت بن قيس من أصحاب النبي الكريم وكان قبل ذلك ملكا ً على جميع(كندة)
With a great diversity in the curriculum contemporary monetary and visions, and development that hit the graphic design field, it has become imperative for the workers in the contemporary design research and investigation in accordance with the intellectual treatises and methods of modern criticism, because the work design requires the designer and recipient both know the mechanics of tibographic text analysis in a heavy world of texts and images varied vocabulary and graphics, and designer on before anyone else manages the process of analysis to know what you offer others of shipments visual often of oriented intended from behind, what is meant, in the midst of this world, the curriculum Alsemiae directly overlap with such diverse offer
... Show MoreDialogue is one of the basic data of human existence where we find religious, civilizational, educational, and cultural dialogue, and all of these types require interaction with the other that is intellectually, socially, or religiously different. It is the only way through which contact is made between individuals, groups, peoples, and states, and through dialogue, societies get advanced. Dialogue is extremely important in clarifying the true image that resides in the thought of the other side, especially that purposeful scientific dialogue in which the interlocutors are free from fanaticism and extremism. The current study aims to identify the importance of dialogue, conditions for constructive dialogue, types of dialogue, The importan
... Show MoreThe Islamic civilizational project has become anurgent necessity when Muslims and Arabs faced in recent years, with serious of challenges and the dangers that surrounded them; Globalization is one of these challenges.
Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and on his family and companions
The prophets (peace be upon them) urged all thevalues and one of these is the value of work which is of a great importance, that all nations have gathered against us as the eaters gather at a bowl. One of the reasons of our weakness and the strength of our enemy is that we have neglected the value of work. And rather a large number of ignorant and uneducatedpeople started to believe that the means of living, triumph, gaining power, and establishing a civilization are given by Allah with neithergainingnoreffort from us. While we find in the past that Allah the Almighty narrated to us the story of Mary (Peace be upon her) and
يهدف هذا البحث إلى بيان أن الأديان في مقاصدها وأصولها وفروعها تلتقي على التسامح المؤدي إلى التعايش السلمي بين مجموعة مختلفة في الدين أو اللون أو القومية أو الفكر من خلال إعطاء حرية التعبير والفكر والتمذهب والعقيدة لكل إنسان وإن كان مخالفا معنا؛ حيث تفيذ نصوصها الأحقاد والكراهية، وتدعو إلى التأخي بين البشر محققة بذلك التعايش السلمي المنشود، بل وتحض الإنسان على حماية أخيه الإنسان وصيانة حياته وممتلكاته أيا ك
... Show MoreLinguistic research according to modern curricula:
It is one of the important matters that occupy the ideas of those concerned with linguistic studies, whether Arabic or otherwise. Recent years have witnessed the advancement of this methodological approach, and books and studies in Arabic have been written on important, multifaceted issues, of grammatical and linguistic origins, and their balance with new developments and ideas attracted mostly from Western studies.
The comparative approach - as they call it - is one of the modern approaches that is based on balancing a language with other sisters belonging to its family, to reach similarities and differences between them, and to know the c
These researches have shown the magnitude of the influence that culture exerts on all human extensions and spaces. Rather, the conviction of many thinkers, researchers and specialists in the comprehensiveness of this influence is such that it is used as a starting point and perspective to explain the various aspects, manifestations, problems and practices. According to these perceptions, a man carries a cultural mind that is slowly formed throughout the young years of a man’s life and is completed upon reaching the age of maturity. Therefore, it has become evident in the behavioral, social and human sciences to acknowledge the multiplicity of human thought patterns as a natural result of the different cultures of peoples and societies.
... Show MoreThe study of the language through the prophetic curriculum in general and the semantics in particular through the books of Professor Abdul Salam Yassin, may God have mercy on him and the most distinctive linguistic phenomena, and then study semantics and the most prominent methods that reveal the emotions dominated by this study to indicate the semantics of religious terms In this research we try to dive into the sea of significance to know the relationship between the words and their connotations, and to monitor aspects of semantic development, although we have left non-essential words in order to avoid lengthening. N or three and sometimes Aguetsarna on one example we thought it was enough to clarify the meaning.