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Electronic Payment System and its impact on the efficiency of the performance of banking: An applied research on a sample of banking sector in Iraq
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The electronic payment systems are considered the most important infrastructure for the work of banks, particularly after a steady and remarkable development in information and communication technology, Which created the reality of the work of the infrastructure for these systems and these systems also become one of the most important components of infrastructure for the work of banks, cause it is one of the most important channels through which the transfer of cash, financial instruments between financial institutions in general and banking in particular.

     In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the most important to identify the concept of electronic payment systems, and its divisions, and the statement of the concept of banking performance, and get to know his standards, and to identify the elements of efficiency in the banking service, the research has included the relationship between the electronic payment systems as an independent variable, and the efficiency of the banking performance as the dependent variable.                                                                              

     The research sample has included of payments department in the Central Bank of Iraq, and the department of payments in each of Al- Rafidain Bank and AL- Rasheed Bank, additionally to the Trade Bank of Iraq, and Ashur International Bank for Investment, and Iraqi Middle East Investment Bank, Bank of Baghdad, and National Bank of Iraq, Commercial Bank of Iraq and Bank of the Audi branch of Iraq, a sample of (72) employees was chosen and supplied with questionnaires.

     The researchers has reached several conclusions such as:

  1. The electronic payment systems contribute to reducing the time and costs required for transfers of money and financial instruments, also it is contributed to innovation new methods in completing the banking business, and reduce the risks of currency trading traditional form.
  2. These systems have contributed to pay price for goods and services in a smooth and safe methods better than before, which reflected positively on the efficiency of the banking performance.
  3. The results of the statistical analysis of the answers to the research sample have been confirmed on the existence of a correlation as a direct correlation and significant morale among the electronic payment systems, with banking performance efficiency, The results of the statistical analysis of for the answers to the research sample confirmed the presence of significant effect relationship for the electronic payment systems, on at the efficiency of the banking performance, as the beta coefficient signals are positive which means there is a positive effect.

     The researchers has recommended a number of recommendations including:

  1. The need for the Central Bank of Iraq worthwhile electronic payment systems through the modernization of these systems and development, and work on the activation of non-active systems, as these systems become of the most important channels for the transfer of money, and financial instruments between financial and banking institutions.
  2. Banks need to rely on payment systems in the transfer of operations, clearing and settlement, because the services provided to customers is characterized by these systems, precision and speed, these systems also contribute to customer satisfaction, and increase awareness of the financial and banking.

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Numerical Solution for Classical Optimal Control Problem Governing by Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation via Galerkin Finite Element-Implicit method with Gradient Projection Method
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     This paper deals with the numerical solution of the discrete classical optimal control problem (DCOCP) governing by linear hyperbolic boundary value problem (LHBVP). The method which is used here consists of: the GFEIM " the Galerkin finite element method in space variable with the implicit finite difference method in time variable" to find the solution of the discrete state equation (DSE) and the solution of its corresponding discrete adjoint equation, where a discrete classical control (DCC) is given.  The gradient projection method with either the Armijo method (GPARM) or with the optimal method (GPOSM) is used to solve the minimization problem which is obtained from the necessary conditi

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Quality Assurance for Iraqi Bottled Water Specifications
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In this research the specifications of Iraqi drinking bottled water brands are investigated throughout the comparison between local brands, Saudi Arabia and the World Health Organization (WHO) for bottled water standard specifications. These specifications were also compared to that of Iraqi Tap Water standards. To reveal variations in the specifications for Iraqi bottled water,  and above mentioned standards some quality control tools are conducted for more than 33% of different bottled water brands (of different origins such as spring, purified,..etc) in Iraq by investigating the  selected quality parameters registered on their marketing labels. Results employing Minitab software (ver. 16) to generate X bar,

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 10 2018
Journal Name
Aro-the Scientific Journal Of Koya University
Membrane Computing for Real Medical Image Segmentation
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In this paper, membrane-based computing image segmentation, both region-based and edge-based, is proposed for medical images that involve two types of neighborhood relations between pixels. These neighborhood relations—namely, 4-adjacency and 8-adjacency of a membrane computing approach—construct a family of tissue-like P systems for segmenting actual 2D medical images in a constant number of steps; the two types of adjacency were compared using different hardware platforms. The process involves the generation of membrane-based segmentation rules for 2D medical images. The rules are written in the P-Lingua format and appended to the input image for visualization. The findings show that the neighborhood relations between pixels o

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تخطيط وجدولة تنفيذ مشاريع الخدمات البلدية بأستخدام نظام المعلومات الجغرافية(GIS ) بحث تطبيقي في مدينة الهندية ـ محافظة كربلاء المقدسة
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     The research has handled an important service sector in Iraq which is the municipals sector since it is connected directly and closely with the services presented to the citizens, and because the process of accomplishing the projects needs planning and scheduling for implementing these projects according to the available financial allocating and it was no choice but finding modern methods that help succeeding the processes of planning through making use of  Geographic Information system (GIS) in providing the necessary information in scheduling the projects since it is considered  as one of the tools that conveys the occurred in collecting the huge amount of  the locative d

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Different Methods for Estimating Location Parameter & Scale Parameter for Extreme Value Distribution
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      In this study, different methods were used for estimating location parameter  and scale parameter for extreme value distribution, such as maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) , method of moment  estimation (ME),and approximation  estimators based on percentiles which is called white method in estimation, as the extreme value distribution is one of exponential distributions. Least squares estimation (OLS) was used, weighted least squares estimation (WLS), ridge regression estimation (Rig), and adjusted ridge regression estimation (ARig) were used. Two parameters for expected value to the percentile  as estimation for distribution f

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Several Nonlinear Estimators for Regression Function
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The aim of this paper is to estimate a nonlinear regression function of the Export of the crude oil Saudi (in Million Barrels) as a function of the number of discovered fields.

 Through studying the behavior of the data we show that its behavior was not followed a linear pattern or can put it in a known form so far there was no possibility to see a general trend resulting from such exports.

We use different nonlinear estimators to estimate a regression function, Local linear estimator, Semi-parametric as well as an artificial neural network estimator (ANN).

The results proved that the (ANN) estimator is the best nonlinear estimator am

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أثـر الأدوات الداخلية لحوكمة الشركة على رأس المال الـعـامـل وانعكاسهما علـى القيـمـة الاقتصـادية المضـافـة: دراســة تطبيقيـة علـى عينــة مـــن الشـركــات الصنــاعــيــة المـدرجــة في بورصــة عـمّــان لــلأوراق المـالـيـة
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Objective of this research focused on testing the impact of internal corporate governance instruments in the management of working capital and the reflection of each of them on the Firm performance. For this purpose, four main hypotheses was formulated, the first, pointed out its results to a significant effect for each of corporate major shareholders ownership and Board of Directors size on the net working capital and their association with a positive relation.  The second, explained a significant effect of net working capital on the economic value added, and their link inverse relationship, while the third, explored a significant effect for each of the corporate major shareholders ownershi

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Преподаватель ХХi век
Фонограмматическая когниция в русском и арабском языках: основы флективного когнитивного строя
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В статье рассматривается вопрос о связи флективных изменений с мыслительными процессами на материале русского и арабского языков, анализируются семантические, фонетические, морфологические и синтаксические основы фонограмматической когниции. Цель статьи выявление прямой связи между количественным звуковым изменением согласного состава слова и мыслительными процессами, с помощью которых человеческ

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