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The effect of insider trading in accounting information on the investors decisions: An Applied Study In a sample of corporation listed in Iraq Securities Exchange
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This research aims to discuss an important issue because of its role in increasing the efficiency of financial markets and boost investor confidence by a insider trading, which arises as a result of leaking secret information to some investors and reliable in the process of trading shares in the Iraq Stock Exchange And thus obtain abnormal profits at the expense of other investors. Research was based on the assumption that " Where shortcomings in local regulations relating to disclosure and insider trading in accounting information leads to the activate the phenomenon of insider trading in accounting information in the Iraq Stock Exchange and including a negative impact on investors' decisions ". and Because of the difficulty the discovery of insider trading activities has been used to measure the change in the volume of trading shares of certain companies before and after the announcement of the meeting and find out the direction of change (increase or decrease). This was done on the three companies. Among the most important findings of this research, is the lack of local laws and regulations from the processors to the phenomenon of insider trading which led to the activate this phenomenon in the Iraq Stock Exchange. The conclusions of the research need to benefit from the experiences of other countries in the formulation of laws on insider trading in accounting information has been

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of some environmental factors ondevelopment
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That less duration takes larva mature into a virgin under field conditions is one day during Alguetrh from April to October and last longer to more than a day during Alguetrh from November to February and up to nine days in January when low minimum temperature to zero degreespercentage that these larvae can not be a high percentage in the field ranging from 90-100% reduced Hessian Alnsphaly 85% during the months of July and Cape

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fundamental graduation of man-made provisions in the jurisprudence of the companion Abdullah bin Amr, may God be pleased with them
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

The fundamentals of jurisprudence have a great role in facilitating the ways to know the Shari’a rulings for everything that takes place between people in terms of relationships, and the actions that are issued by them, because without it, the sources from which the rulings were taken are not known, and the methods used by the imams of ijtihad in taking these rulings from those sources are not understood. The foundations on which they followed in the interpretation of texts and its rules, and Muslim scholars in different eras celebrated this science and gave it great care: with what they wrote in it from the works of different directions, but of course the complexity printed many

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Patterns of the Strategic Environment and its Role in Determining Strategies for Dealing with Conflict and Peace Situations
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The decision maker needs to understand the strategic environment to be addressed through different means and methods. It is obvious that there is a difference between the three strategic environments (conflict environment, peace environment, post- peace environment) in terms of inputs and strategies to deal with each one of them. There is an urgent need to understand each pattern separately, analyze its inputs, and identify the factors and variables that affect the continuity of this situation (conflict, peace, post-peace). It is not appropriate to identify treatment without diagnosis of the condition, so it is very important to understand the type of strategic environment to be dealt with it.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Leadership skills in boos department in collages of Baghdad University from staff point of view
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                           This research   included recent skills of transformed ieadership ,its five aspect and they are(transformed,speech of boos,chorus co-0perative work,behavior adjustment of values,common view point,understanding,and apologizing)Thescale is being made for these five aspects and it  done on sample of Baghdad university staff and the sample consist of(424)teacher of both genders.The study found out existence of  transformedskills of leadership    for  girls  .             &

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Figurative Structuring Systems in the Optical Art: ندى عايد يوسف
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Through the history of art movements, abstraction has been rotating between appearance and disappearance, mounting and stillness while its performances differed between reduction and simplification on the one hand and between the use of chromatographic and linear abstraction on the other. As a result, to what is mentioned, abstraction has appeared in many different artistic forms underlying the systematicity of the plastic art history.However, according to a contemporary point of view that comes up with the scientific revolution, the art of optical deceiving (illusion) appeared to find a hybrid art form that locates between the geometricity of abstraction and the scientific, visual and psychological foundations that are linked with the i

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Class consciousness in the contemporary Marxist political thought (selected models)
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Class consciousness represents its highest stage in the contemporary Marxist thought of Rosa Luxemburg and Antonio Gramsci, not just a reflection of reality, but rather a dialectical form through the reflection of consciousness on reality and its reproduction. The superiority over the infrastructure (historical materialism) promised the revolutionary class consciousness to be achieved spontaneously, and the seeds of a breakthrough are mass strikes, denying the role of the party to organize this awareness, limiting its role to the interconnection between classes, emphasizing the role of socialist democracy as a conscious vanguard for organizing spontaneity, struggle, and developing awareness during the revolutionary process and the leader

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Women and Ideology in the Feature Film: بان جبار خلف
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The topic of research (women and ideology in the feature film) is a series of researches addressed by the researcher on the subject of women in the feature film through studying the ideology as a thought and political system not only limited to the world of men, but women had a significant contribution in this area.  The research identified the problem and its need as well as the objectives of the research and clarified its limits and importance. The research also identified the theoretical framework, which included the following axes: personality and ideology, film and ideology, then women and ideology in the film.

After the completion of the theoretical framework, the research concluded a set of indicators of the theoretic

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Volunteer Work in the Community Culture (Concepts - Forms - Controls - Goals)
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Perhaps one of the most pillars in building communities, and to achieve consistency between its members, is the volunteer work, he is a humanitarian exercise been closely associated with all the meanings of goodness and righteousness since ancient times, but it differs in size and shape and motivations and trends from one community to another, and from time to time; while at least in the stages of calm and stability, it increases in disasters and calamities and wars times, and perhaps (the popular crowd) is the best proof of that, they answered a call reference, and volunteered to defend their land and their holy places. In terms of form it may be donating money or effort or profession or otherwise, either in terms of the trend may be di

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Audiences Atitudes tworads environmental issues in the public broadcasting service
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The category of those who agree with the phrase: The Environment and Life Program warns me of the environmental damages resulting from the issue of using black oil in electrical generators in residential neighborhoods came first, with a high rate of 81.4%. With the environment, the public always turns to the public broadcasting service and its programs to provide knowledge so that it can avoid it. Thus, the respondents' attitude towards this issue was positive.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Expressive Discourse in the Rural Singing Form: وليد حسن الجـــــــابري
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The expressive discourse, in the form of the rural singing, is considered one of the interactive framework and the metaphorical dialogues in creating the aesthetic climate that connects the circles of its basic elements, singing, playing music, expression, costumes, sham movements and so forth.  

     The rhetorical language in this field includes all those parts and turns them into an integrated idea within the culture of the musical science, specifically the heart of the rural singing. This research dealt with a number of topics of relevance in the expressive discourse for the form of the rural singing. The first chapter consists of the methodological framework of the research, represented by the r

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