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تحليل العلاقة بين تحسين الأداء المالي للمصارف و جذب الودائع: بحث تطبيقي في عينة من المصارف العراقية الخاصة

The banking performance and deposits attraction are considered to be of great importance in banks management, also the banking  performance is one of the indications that measure the ability of satisfying and full fill the banks  goals and the range of approach and move away from those goals, Also there are some important factors that affects on deposits, such as financial performance ,The aim of the research is to measure and analyses the banking performance and showing its effective impact and its relation in attracting deposits.

For the satisfaction of the research goals a smple was selected from the Iraqi banks which represented in five private banks were their data been analyzed between the periods 2009 to 2013 ,the aim was to find the effect and the relation between  the independent variable which is financial performance for banks and dependent variable which represented by banks deposits.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hypothyroidism and AMH in Iraqi Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

This study was conducted to investigate thyroid function and Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) in (Chronic kidney disease) CKD patients by evaluating their levels in CKD patients, 50 patients were diagnosed to have CKD stage-5, their ages ranged between 20-50 years (25 males and 25 females) who attended the Nephrology and Transplant Center in Medical City of Baghdad- Iraq, they were recruited from April 2018 to July 2018 and were enrolled into the study. The control group consisted of 20 healthy individuals, their ages ranged between 20-48 years (10 males and 10 females). The study showed non-significant (p>0.05) increase in AMH level in CKD patients compared to the control group. On the other hand, TSH was recorded a highly significant (

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Influence of the Magnetic Abrasive Finishing System for Cylindrical Surfaces on the Surface Roughness and MRR


Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is one of the advanced finishing processes, which produces a high level of surface quality and is primarily controlled by a magnetic field. This paper study the effect of the magnetic abrasive finishing system on the material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness (Ra) in terms of magnetic abrasive finishing system for eight of input parameters, and three levels according to Taguchi array (L27) and using the regression model to analysis the output (results). These parameters are the (Poles geometry angle, Gap between the two magnetic poles, Grain size powder, Doze of the ferromagnetic abrasive powder, DC current, Workpiece velocity, Magnetic poles velocity, and Finishi

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Solving Resource Allocation Model by Using Dynamic Optimization Technique for Al-Raji Group Companies for Soft Drinks and Juices

In this paper, the problem of resource allocation at Al-Raji Company for soft drinks and juices was studied. The company produces several types of tasks to produce juices and soft drinks, which need machines to accomplish these tasks, as it has 6 machines that want to allocate to 4 different tasks to accomplish these tasks. The machines assigned to each task are subject to failure, as these machines are repaired to participate again in the production process. From past records of the company, the probability of failure machines at each task was calculated depending on company data information. Also, the time required for each machine to complete each task was recorded. The aim of this paper is to determine the minimum expected ti

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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Rheological and Thermal Properties of Lubricating Oil Enhanced by the Effect of CuO and TiO2 Nano-Additives

The specifications of lubricating oil are fundamentally the final product of materials that have been added for producing the desired properties. In this research, spherical nanoparticles copper oxide (CuO) and titanium oxides (TiO2) are added to SAE 15W40 engine oil to study the thermal conductivity, stability, viscosity of nano-lubricants, which are prepared at different concentrations of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1% by weight, and also their pour point, and flash point as five quality parameters. The obtained results show that CuO nanoparticles in all cases, give the best functionality and effect on engine oil with respect to TiO2. With 0.1 wt. % concentration, the thermal conductivity of CuO/oil and TiO2/

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Investigation of the association of AGTR1 A1166C rs5186 and FTO rs9939609 polymorphisms with the obesity in children and adolescents

Obesity is a risk factor for a number of chronic conditions. Obesity is clinically defined using the body mass index (BMI) as weight in kg divided by (height)2 in m2 correlated with obesity. Currently, genetic markers of obesity are being studied. This study focused on the association between the angiotensin II receptor AGTR1 gene (A1166C) and fat mass and obesity-associated protein also known as alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase (FTO) (rs9939609) in obese children and adolescents patients in Rostov region, Russia.  Five-hundreds of Russian nationality child and adolescent were recruited for the obesity-control studies. The relationship between the A1166C polymorphism of the AGTR1 gene in

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Extraction of Bovine Serum Albumin by Aqueous Two-Phase System Using PEG4000/Sodium Citrate and PEG8000/Sodium Phosphate

Aqueous Two Phase System (ATPS) or liquid-liquid extraction is used in biotechnology to recover valuable compounds from raw sources. In Aqueous Two-Phase Systems, many factors influence the Partition coefficient, K, (which is the ratio of protein concentration in the top phase to that in the bottom phase) and the Recovery percentage (Rec%). In this research, two systems of ATPS were used: first, polyethylene glycol (PEG) 4000/Sodium citrate (SC), and the second, PEG8000/ Sodium phosphate (SPH), for the extraction of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). The behavior of Rec% and K of pure (BSA) in ATPS has been investigated throughout the study by the effects of five parameters: temperature, concentration of polyethylene glycol (P

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Synthesis and Characterization of Grafted Chitosan Blending with Polyvinyl alcohol / Nanocomposite and Study Biological Activity

The study of biopolymers and their derivative materials had received a considerable degree of attention from researchers in the preparation of novel material. Biopolymers and their derivatives have a wide range of applications as a result of their bio-compatibility, bio-degradability and non-toxicity. In this paper, chitosan reacted with different aldehydes(2,4 –dichloro- benzaldehyde or 2-methyl benzaldehyde), different ketones (4-bromoacetophenone or 3-aminoacetophenone) to produce chitosan schiff base (1-4) . Chitosan schiff base (1-4) reacted with glutaric acid or adipic acid in acidic media in distilled water according to the steps of Fischer and Speier to produce compounds (5-12)

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Analytic Solution for Riccati Matrix Delay Differential Equation using Coupled Homotopy-Adomian Approach

An efficient modification and a novel technique combining the homotopy concept with  Adomian decomposition method (ADM) to obtain an accurate analytical solution for Riccati matrix delay differential equation (RMDDE) is introduced  in this paper  . Both methods are very efficient and effective. The whole integral part of ADM is used instead of the integral part of homotopy technique. The major feature in current technique gives us a large convergence region of iterative approximate solutions .The results acquired by this technique give better approximations for a larger region as well as previously. Finally, the results conducted via suggesting an efficient and easy technique, and may be addressed to other non-linear problems.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The effects of recently political transformations in changing democratic doing values in Iraq (( Theoretical – analytical vision between the reality and challenges ))

Iraq has confronted a huge political transformations after 2003 which resembled and presented rapid changes from totalitarian regime into democracy's system , this phenomenon has become a feature embodied in a new political system, specifically is being a price for previous deprivation and despotism .So that, the nature of political work has been changed as a result of practicing new democratic values ,but the real challenges appeared by depending on the conformity and political compromise in dealing with all of crises and problems in the political life .
The future of political work in this nascent democracy could be prepared according to fulfillment an active doings values stretched on national unity and forgiveness from one side ,t

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Common Origin of Languages: A Comparative Study between the Holy Quran and the Heavenly Religions

This research is a new reading of some of the words in the Holy Quran, which is very old. It is a human reading in which religions are intertwined by recognizing the relationship between man and his fellow man in the unity of existence and the unity of the source of religions and the unity of language. The importance of this research in comparing some of the Arabic words has been contained among books believed by followers that it is from the one God Sunday.

When words are spoken in one way in the form of one creature, from the beginning of creation to the present day, this indicates the single origin of the languages..

The research tools were books of heavenly religions, the Quran, dictionaries and interpretations.

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