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Evaluation of internal control System in non-governmental organizations: Applied Research in the Iraqi National Olympic Committee
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After 2003 Iraq witnessed a rapid development in the number and kind of non-governmental organizations in addition to the increase in their sources.A lot of obstacles and constraints hinder the development of the said organizations and one of the most important and prominent obstacles is their administrative and accounting structure that affect directly on the existence, continuity and survival of these organizations.This research discussed the concept the non-governmental organizations and reaching the assessment of internal control System in these organizations. Therefore, the researcher has assessed the internal control System applied National Olympic Committee of Iraq. The study showed vulnerabilities in the internal control the said Committee, subject of this research, where these points has been mentioned in the chapter of Conclusions and then the recommendations and suggestions were offered for the purpose of save the funds and properties of the organizations and make sure of the best use of the resources in line with their purposes.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculation of the Concentrations of Depleted Uranium in The Diyala River Sediment Samples Using The Nuclear Track Detector CR-39
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   In this study,  depleted uranium concentrations were calculated  in  sediments  Diyala River samples , where 14 samples of sediment along the Diyala River were collected , starting from the Rustumiya area and ending with the Tuwaitha area after its confluence with the River Tigris , using the solid - state nuclear track detectors technique (SSNTDs).        We found that the highest concentration of depleted uranium was in the sample (A-13), and was taken from the Tuwaitha area with the specific activity of the amount (78.1 ± 8.5 Bq/kg ) and the lowest concentration of the depleted uranium was in the sample  (A-7), and was taken from the Azwaip area with  the

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 05 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education
The effect of single superset exercises on the maximum strength of the limb muscles in bodybuilding for players (Classic Physique).
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HR Ghanim, GA Abdulhassan, International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, 2022

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
The Psychological Pollution And Its Role In The Effectiveness Of The Administrative Performance Of International Stadiums Staff (Baghdad, Arbil, Basrah)
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MT Abed, ALSG Irhayyim, TH Rija, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 2020 - Cited by 1

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 25 2023
Journal Name
Enterprenuership Journal For Finance And Bussiness
Argumentative Accounting conservatism and the performance of institutions listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange in light of the Coronavirus pandemic
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This study aims to test whether the institutions listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange have a significant correlation between the level of conservative accounting practice with the level of market share returns during the Coronavirus pandemic period as one of the policies to confront the economic repercussions of the Coronavirus pandemic. Furthermore, the sample included institutions listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange during the 2019 and 2020 years, i.e., the period before the Coronavirus pandemic and during the Coronavirus pandemic for the purpose of comparison. The market value to book value model was used, and the study found that conservative institutions had achieved the highest level of market share prices compared to non-conservat

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 03 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
i, The Impact of Adoption of IFRS 9 on the Value Relevance Accounting Information for the Companies Listed in ISX
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This research aims to know the effect of adopting IFRS 9 on the relevance of the value of the accounting information of the companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange. Researchers relied on analyzing the financial statements of 10 listed companies for years 2016 – 2019. Researchers used the Ohlson price model to test the relationship between accounting information and value relevance. The research indicated that there is a significant relationship between the adoption of IFRS 9 and the relevance of the value of the earnings and the book value, but the earnings information is more relevance than the book value information, it is due to the interest of investors in the income statement in making investment decisions.

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Publication Date
Sun May 15 2022
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Comparison between the presence and absence of mixing in the anaerobic biological treatment of liquid waste for the cheese industry
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Many nations are seeing an increase in water pollution from dairy and cheese production due to the high organic and fat content in their waste products and the high temperature of their waste products, which elevates the water temperature and causes loss to ecosystem components. Reusing industrial wastewater that has been treated to guarantee no harm has been done to the environment is being hampered by a lack of water. This study compares the presence and absence of mixing in the anaerobic biological treatment of liquid waste for the cheese industry. To decrease heat exchange with the external environment, cube-shaped anaerobic reactors with dimensions of (30 x 30 x 30) cm and thick glass (10 mm) were utilized in this investigation

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Utilizing the Gravity Method to Detect the Potential Effect of the Salt Dome in the Nahr Omar Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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Geophysics is one of the branches of Earth sciences and deals with studying the Earth's interior by studying the variation of physical properties within rock layers. Applied geophysics depends on procedures that involve the measurements of potential fields, such as the gravitational method. One of the significant oil fields in southern Iraq is represented by the Nahr Omar structure. A power spectrum analysis (SPA) technique was used to collect gravity data within the chosen oil field area in order to confirm the salt dome in the subsurface layers. The analysis of SPA resulted from six surfaces representing the gravity variation values of the depths (m)14300, 3780, 3290, 2170, 810, and 93.5. Gravity surfaces have been converted to de

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2015
Journal Name
Almustansyria Journal Of Arts
Presupposition in Poe’s Short story “The Black Cat
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The notion of presupposition has been tackled by many linguists. They have found that the term ―presupposition” is being used in two different senses in the literature: semantic and pragmatic. As for semantic sense, Geurts (1999) has isolated some constrictions as sources of presupposition by making lists of presupposition triggers. Concerning the pragmatic sense Kennan (1971:89) uses the term pragmatic presupposition to refer to a class of pragmatic inferences which are, in fact, the relation between a speaker and the appropriateness of a sentence in the context. In spite of the fact that there are many researches that have been done in the field of presupposition but few of them in the field of short stories up to the researcher's kno

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The sustainable urban development in Al_Kharkh historic center
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The problems of urban historic centers are considered some of the subjects which are widely dealt with in urban studies since the middle of the 20th century. literature of urban development have raised it , beside the fact that large number of urban development projects of the historical centers in many cities of the world ,and emerged from the application of these new problems projects added their original urban problems , because these projects have dealt with the physical structures with the neglect of the social and economic sides, which are the base in sustainable development nResearch problem was elaborated as : The unclearly of knowledge of the potentials of the sustainable development in solving the urban problems of historic cen

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science
Utilizing the ATM technology in e-distance learning
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<p>There is an Increasing demand for the education in the field of E-learning specially the higher education, and to keep contiuity between the user and the course director in any place and time. This research presents a proposed and simulation multimedia network design for distance learning utilizing ATM technique. The propsed framework determines the principle of ATM technology and shows how multimedia can be integrated within E- learning conteext. The first part of this research presents a theoretical design for the Electricity Department, university of technology. The purpose is to illustrate the usage of the ATM and Multimedia in distance learning process. In addition, this research composes two entities: Software entity

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