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تأثير قانون الاستثمار الجديد في سوق العراق للاوراق المالية: دراسة تحليلية
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اصبحت الاسواق المالية في الوقت الحاضر من المتطلبات الأساسية لتحقيق التطور الاقتصادي والمالي وتبرز اهمية السوق المالي في خدمة الاقتصاد الوطني العراق حيث ان سوق العراق للأوراق المالية (بالإنجليزية: ISX‏) هو سوق للأوراق مالية في بغداد وتأسست السوق في حزيران 2004. وتعمل تحت إشراف هيئة الأوراق المالية العراقية. و هي هيئة مستقلة تم تأسيسها على غرار الهيئة الأمريكية للاوراق المالية والبورصات. و قبل  عام 2003، وكان يطلق على السوق الحالية اسم بورصة بغداد والتي تديرها وزارة المالية العراقية. اما الآن فهي هيئة ذاتية التنظيم مثل بورصة نيويورك. اعتبارا من عام 2005 أصبحت سوق العراق للاوراق المالية هي البورصة الوحيدة في العراق. عندما افتتحت في عام 2004, كانت هناك 15 شركة فقط مدرجة في السوق، اما الآن فتم ادراج أكثر من 100 شركة.

وبناء عليه ففي الوقت الذي تقلص فيه دور القطاع العام  و اعطاء دور اكبر للمبادرات الفردية وولوج القطاع الخاص في النشاط الاقتصادي واعادة الاعمار تطلب تكوين شركات تحتاج الى راس مال او زيادة راس المال  للشركات القائمة ونتيجة لذلك تبلورت سياسة الدولة الاقتصادية من خلال احكام التشريع العراقي(الدستور) والذي اخذ بنظام اقتصاد السوق حيث نصت المادة 25 من الدستور بان الدولة تكفل اصلاح الاقتصاد العراقي ووفق اسس اقتصادية حديثة بما يضمن استثمار كامل موارده وتنويع مصادره وتشجيع القطاع الخاص وتطبيقاً لهذه المادة الدستورية صدر قانون 13 لسنة 2006 لمعالجة مشكلات الاقتصاد العراقي الذي يعاني من ضعف التراكم الرسمالي كون الاقتصاد العراقي احادي الجانب يعتمد على موارد النفط في التمويل وكبر حجم البطالة وهشاشة القطاع الخاص وبسبب أهمية ما سبق توضح هذه الدراسة الواقع الحالي لسوق العراق للاوراق المالية في ظل تطبيق قانون الاستثمار العراقي حيث تناول الباحث في المبحث الاول منهجية البحث والمبحث الثاني الاطار النظري للدراسة اما المبحث الثالث واقع و افاق سوق الاوراق المالية من خلال تحليل بعض المؤشرات المالية بعد تطبيق قانون الاستثمار العراقي اما المبحث الاخير فتم تناول الاستنتاجات والتوصيات التي  أكدت على أهمية قانون الاستثمار العراقي وضرورة توفير الادوات والمناخ الاستثماري الملائم لتطبيقه.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Counter Psychological Warfare in the partisan press during the operations of Mosul liberation: An analytical study in the “Tareek Al Shaab” Newspaper
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The research aims to monitor the methods of Counter psychological warfare in the Iraqi press during the operations to liberate Mosul from the control of the terrorist organization ISIS.The research used the survey method, and “Tareek Al Shaab” Newspaper as a research sample, chosen according to the systematic random sample.
The research reached the following results:
1- The Communicator’s relied on the contents of the counter-psychological warfare and its methods in the battle of “Qadimun Ya Naynawa” used in the newspaper. The methods used were labels assigning such as : inevitable victory, prodding and morale, consensus, breaking of opposition morale, stereotyping, demonization of the opponent

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Capability of The Iraqi Banking Sector of Commitment to Implementing the Act: (FATCA)Through The Specialized Computerized Program
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The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) basically targets US citizens’ accounts hold at foreign banks and financial institutions blush, seems and non-financial sector by the Act:( retirement plan companies, investment funds, hedge funds and family investment companies.)

The non Compliance of Foreign of financial institutions act will lead to financial looses and harm regarding reputation, especially for the countries that rely on foreign relations in their financial and banking activities, in addition to deducting 30 % of their total incomes and sales coming from the USA. These institutions can avoid it by entering into agreement with the Internal Revenue Service's to be foreign financial institutions complied with the a

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
The Deliberative Action in the Labor Market of Iraqi Art The Concepts and the Application: شيماء وهيب خضير
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The analysis of the orientations of Iraqi art commodification contributed to the discovery of deliberation, which was founded in the deliberative discourse in the trends towards commodification in the Iraqi art, since the important transformations in social structures and relations produced a dictionary with new vocabulary and tools that replaced the traditions and norms that have been in circulation for a century. Deliberation and commodification have become more prevalent in the mechanics and trends of the art where the pace of change is becoming increasingly frantic towards the market. The general market for art constitutes one of the most effective phenomena within contemporary art, that there has been a proliferation of sales auctio

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analyzing the relationship between stock market volatility and economic activity in the USA
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This study examines the dynamic relationship between stock market and economic activity in the United States to verify the possibility of using financial indicators to monitor the turning points in the expected path of future economic activity. Has been used methodology (Johansen - Juselius) for the Co-integration and causal (Granger) to test the relationship between the (S & P 500 , DJ) index  and gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States for the period
(1960-2009). The results of the analysis revealed the existence of a causal relationship duplex (two-way) between the variables mentioned. which means the possibility of the use stock market indicators to pre

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The problem of research on the study of political debate programs in the Iraqi satellite channels, in the "People decide" program by Afaq channel and " electoral competition " by Fallujah channel), and its importance for the community and researchers in the scientific field, as new programs to enter the Iraqi media after we have been the world media a lot in this area at the academic and practical levels (The field), and seeks to find out what the technical construction of the programs of political debates in Iraqi satellite channels and methods of construction and methods of employment used by the technical elements in the presentation of the programs and The study adopted the surve

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Requirements of Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage under Framework of Constructing Green Strategy for Business Organizations ( perceptual analytical study)
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The aim of this research is to know how business organizations achieve competitive advantage ,and make it sustainable through constructing a green strategy ( friend to environment) which is reflected on sustaining their competitive advantages .The problem of this study is presented through trying to answer many thoughtful questions, the most important of them are: 

1-Can business organizations today make green strategies supporting their competitive advantage?

2-Is there a framework or mechanism could be depended on by business organizations to manage strategic risks of losing their competit

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Analytical Study of Bending Stresses and Deflections in Curved Beam Made of Laminated Composite Material
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Theoretical and experimental methodologies were assessed to test curved beam made of layered   composite material. The maximum stress and maximum deflection were computed for each layer and the effect of radius of curvature and curve shape on them. Because of the increase of the use of composite materials in aircraft structures and the renewed interest in these types of problems, the presented theoretical assessment was made using three different approaches: curved beam theory and an approximate 2D strength of material equations and finite element method (FEM) analysis by ANSYS 14.5 program for twelve cases of multi-layered cylindrical shell panel differs in fibe

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Interactivity of iraqi daily newspapers sites an analytical study of the websites of al-mada, tareqal-shaab newspapers
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A study of interactivity in the Iraqi newspaper sites_ An analytical study of the website of Al-Mada, Al-Zaman, Al-Sabah and Tariq Al-Shaab newspaper sought to determine the amount of interactivity in the sites of Iraqi newspapers that have been published since 2003, which consists of (15) newspapers according to the statistics of the Iraqi Books and Documents House.

and the researcher conducted an analytical survey on these sites, and the percentage of interactivity in general was weak, not more than (47.1%), and this weakness in interactivity contributed greatly to the decline in surfers of the websites of those electronic newspapers.

The highest aggregate rate of the research sample was in the simple interactive tools

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Procédures pour infliger des sanctions disciplinaires au travailleur selon la loi irakienne du travail n ° (37) de 2015 (une étude comparative avec les lois du travail en Algérie, aux Émirats arabes unis et en France
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The procedures for imposing disciplinary sanction against the worker represent the steps that must be followed to verify the violation attributed to the worker in preparation for taking the decision to impose disciplinary sanction on him in terms of the procedures for carrying it out, i.e. from the moment of the disciplinary violation until the judgment thereof, as well as the rights, obligations and legal ties resulting from these procedures, These procedures are governed by multiple and dispersed rules, and they aim in their entirety to control the discipline process and determine its course by adhering to the restrictions stated in the law that regulate the process of imposing them, and perhaps one of the most important of these proce

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 12 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of government investment spending on tax revenue in Iraq from( 2008 – 2020) : Applied research in The General Authority for Taxes.
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The expenditures of the general budget, in its operational and investment divisions, are a basic factor in the economic and social growth of any country, and its impact on various economic activities such as income, employees , and the standard of living of members of society. This was based on a basic premise: Does increasing or decreasing investment expenditures have an effect on increasing or decreasing the tax proceeds, What is the level of relationship between them? and to achieve the goal of the research, an inductive and analytical method was chosen to measure the impact of the investment budget expenditures on the tax outcome quantitatively using the financial data obtained from The General Authority for Taxes, Ministry of Financ

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