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المعالجة المحاسبية لعقود الإجارة المنتهية بالتمليك لدى المؤجر وفق معيار المحاسبة الإسلامي رقم (8)المعدل: دراسة تطبيقية في عينة من المؤسسات المالية الإسلامية العاملة في الأردن
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 لقد توسعت وتطورت انشطة منشآت الاعمال بشكل كبير، وقد تمكنت المحاسبة من التعامل مع هذا التطور من خلال ايجاد المعالجات المحاسبية التي تتوافق مع خصوصية هذه المنشآت وطبيعة انشطتها، وقد ادى مجلس معايير المحاسبة الدولية دوراً مهماً في تحقيق توافق المعالجات المحاسبية في غالبية دول العالم مع المنطق الذي يحمله الفكر المحاسبي.

       في الربع الاخير من القرن الماضي ظهرت منشآت ذات خصوصية معينة يسعى مالكيها الى جعل انشطتها متوافقة مع الشريعة الاسلامية الغراء سعياُ منها الى كسب رضا الله ثم خدمة المجتمعات التي تعمل فيها، ان الشعار المعلن لهذه المنشآت ونظامها الداخلي يؤكد رفضها لكافة الانشطة التي لا تتوافق مع الشريعة الاسلامية او تعديلها بالشكل الذي يحقق التوافق المنشود فضلاً عن احياء الانشطة التي كانت تمارس في زمن الدولة الاسلامية وتطويرها بما يحقق مسايرة العالم المعاصر.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Directorial Vision and its Relation to Scenographic Proposal in the Iraqi Theater Show- The Play of Darkness -A Model: رامي سامح زكي
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The increase of the scenographic designer role on account of the character of the director in the Iraqi theater constituted a clear phenomenon that has been manifested in many shows, which necessitated a stance on the nature of this relation and delimiting the work space for each one of them inside the theater show. The research focuses on determining the work relation between the directorial vision and the scenographic proposal in the Iraq theater show. The research is divided into four chapters, the first one addressed the methodological framework, where the research problem was stated in the following question (has the scenographic designer been able through his scenographic proposal to remove the director from his position being the

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Cluster Analysis In Determining The Variables Affecting The Evaluation The Growth Of Children At Different Levels
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In light of the increasing interest in Child-rearing in nurseries and kindergartens and the most important experiences gained by the child at this stage that form the basis for the subsequent stages of her/his physical mental and social growth.

The significance of the research concentrates the need to asses the affecting variables on the child growth to create opportunities for her/him to have intact rearing.

The research also aims to classify these variables at each age level and highlight its moral role.

The problem of the research is the lack of clarity of different variables impact of the child growth in different age levels in nurseries and kindergart

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal For Sport Sciences
The Effectiveness of UsingflippedclassroombyQuick Response Codes In Learning Someofskills In Artistic Gymnastics for men
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The study aimed to prepare quick response codes to learn some of the technical skills of the second graders in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences. The experimental method was used in the design of the experimental and control experimental and control groups. The research sample was represented by second-graders in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences / University of Baghdad, and by lot, the second division (a) was chosen to represent the experimental group that applied the inverse method using the QR code, and the second division (g) to represent the control group and applied the traditional method. (10) Students per group. After the tribal tests, his main experiment was carried out for 10 weeks with one

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of the Stability of Some Commodity Activities in Iraq on the Estimation of the Statistical Data Models for the Period (1988-2000)
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There is an assumption implicit but fundamental theory behind the decline by the time series used in the estimate, namely that the time series has a sleep feature Stationary or the language of Engle Gernger chains are integrated level zero, which indicated by I (0). It is well known, for example, tables of t-statistic is designed primarily to deal with the results of the regression that uses static strings. This assumption has been previously treated as an axiom the mid-seventies, where researchers are conducting studies of applied without taking into account the properties of time series used prior to the assessment, was to accept the results of these tests Bmanueh and delivery capabilities based on the applicability of the theo

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
السياسة الروسية في الشرق الاوسط الكبير او (فن اقامة علاقات الصداقة مع كل دول العالم )
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السياسة الروسية في الشرق الاوسط الكبير او (فن اقامة علاقات الصداقة مع كل دول العالم)

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Priorities for the reconstruction of religious buildings in the old city of Mosul using Expert Choice program
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This paper attempts to shed light on the most influential factors in the importance of religious buildings were destroyed because of the recent war due to the control of terrorist gangs of ISIS over the city of Mosul, and to prioritize their reconstruction and their role in reviving the historical center of Mosul.

The research’s problem emerged in the lack of knowledge about the identifying the most influential factors in the importance of religious buildings and utilizing them to prioritize their reconstruction. This study aims to analyze the factors influencing the importance of religious buildings using the Expert Choice software through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to reach an analysis of their weights and propose p

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Formal Formation and its Semantic Projections in the Design Interior Spaces of the Daily newspapers Buildings: آراء عبد الكريم حسين
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The research deals with the topic of (formal formation and its semantic projections in the design interior spaces of daily newspapers buildings) including the research problem summarized by the following question: (does the formal formation do a semantic role in the design of the interior spaces?). The research objective has been evident in discovering strong and weak points in the formal formations and their semantic projections in the design of the interior spaces for the daily newspapers buildings, reaching at the best design foundations, and shedding light on the cognitive and scientific importance of the research, and the objective, temporal and spatial limits in addition to identifying the terms. The theoretical framework includes

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Diversity of Morphological and Syntactic Aspects in the Holy Quran with Reference to the Verse "Have we not made the earth a receptacle"
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Diversity of the aspects of analyzing a specific linguistic issue is considered to be a
familiar phenomenon in learning Arabic in which – at different levels- various linguistic
aspects and phases – sometimes – are involved in a linguistic issue . In this paper , the
problematic issues during linguistic analysis are taken into an account. The Holy Quran
interpretation books include many Quranic expressions which have a lot of meaning described
by different interpreters , from them this paper has selected only one expression ( = كفاتا
receptacle ) from the verse "Have we not made the earth a receptacle " ( Al- Mursalat verse 25
) , this paper believes that this expression is sufficient display the interpret

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Calculate the sum of squares for parts (vehicles) SSE in 2n global trials with total integration In a suggested manne
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In order to serve the field of knowledge in the field of design and analysis of experiments by adopting formulas and methods that are easy and simple in arithmetic work, especially in experiments that require many calculations for squares, including tests of type
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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Pluralism in Tuning the Contemporary Arab Oud Strings - Egyptian and Iraqi Schools Model: فراس ياسين جاسم
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The Egyptian and Iraqi schools are one of the most important musical schools in the style of playing the oud. The influence of the style of these schools extended in the contemporary Arab world, and there were important names that emerged characterized with their style of playing. Thus, the ways of tuning the strings of oud varied between the two schools because of the difference in the ways of playing and the difference in the style of expression. The aim of the research was to identify the pluralism of the variable tunings of the strings of the contemporary Arab oud of the Egyptian and Iraqi schools, along the historical period extending from the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries to the present time. The oud has been classified i

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