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The factors effecting the discovery of insurance fraud from the perspective of the National Insurance Company's employees

This research aims to identify the factors effecting the investigation of insurance fraud from the perspective of the National Insurance Company employees, by analyzing the study variables and make recommendations on how to enhance the company and employees performance, and to achieve the objectives of the study and test hypotheses a questionnaire was designed after referring to the international standards  and the 1969 Iraqi punishment law, and it was answered by 20 employees that were approved for the purposes of  this research and analysis.

      The study found that lack of employee training was a strong factor, while the supervisory staff and operational procedures was a weak one.

Given the scarcity of available data on the reality of fraud in the local insurance companies a personal interviews used to obtain information relevant to the research, the study found that during the period 2000 - 2010 several fraud cases was discovered in the National Insurance Company using variety of methods depending on circumstances and insurance type.

     The study concluded with some recommendations to the insurance company and employees to enhance performance.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Quantum Gates to Implement the Reversible Logic Circuits

  Quantum gates which are represented by unitary matrices have potentials to implement the reversible logic circuits. M and M+ gates are two well-known quantum gates which are used to synthesize the reversible logic circuits. In this work, we have used behavioral description of these gates, instead of unitary matrix description, to synthesize reversible logic circuits. By this method, M and M+ gates are shown in the truth table form.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 02 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of College Of Education For Women
Politeness Theories in Synge's Riders to the Sea

This research tackles the play of Synge "Rider to the Sea" to find out whether the theories of Leech (1983) and Brown and Levinson (1987) can be applied or not to this study. The model of Leech (1983) consists of seven principles and for Brown and Levinson (1987),it consists of two principles of politeness where one of them is positive and the other is negative politeness. It is hypothesed that: 1. There is a relation between the two theories. 2. Synge deals with these theories in such a way to depict his characters. 3. It is also hypothesed that every character deals with these principles in such a way to show the events of the play. The study concludes that there is a relation between the two theories in depicting the characters then it s

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Psychological reasons for suicide in the Holy Quran

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the prophet as a mercy to the worlds and on his family and companions. The phenomenon of suicide is one of the most expanding social phenomena in the world, where many groups of society of different ages try to put an end to their lives, especially young men and girls. The numbers always remain on the rise, and there is no doubt that the one who does this matter, that he has reasons that made him resort to suicide, and despite that, whatever those reasons. However, this is not a justification for the assault on the soul that God has forbidden to infringe on or lead them to perdition, or to what harms them. Modern psychology has tried to explain this phenomenon and try to

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Correlation between SMBH and SFR for Quasars

     A Spectroscopic study has been focused in this article to study one of the main types of active galaxies which are quasars, and to be more precise this research focuses on studying the correlation between the main engine of Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSO), the central black hole mass (SMBH) and other physical properties (e.g. the star formation rate (SFR)). Twelve objects have been randomly selected for “The Half Million Quasars (HMQ) Catalogue” published in 2015 and the data collected from Salon Digital Sky survey (SDSS) Dr. 16. The redshift range of these galaxies were between (0.05 – 0.17). The results show a clear linear proportionality between the SMBH and the SFR, as well as direct proportional between the luminosity at

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Construction the linear codes in PG (1, 31)

     The goal of this paper is to construct the linear code, and its dual which corresponding to classification of  projective line PG(1,31), we will present Some important results of coding theory, the generator matrix of every linear code in PG(1,31) is found,  A parity check  matrix is  also found . The mathematical programming language GAP was a main computing tool .

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Discrete Mathematical Sciences And Cryptography
A4-graph for the twisted group 3D4 (3)

Assume that G is a finite group and X = tG where t is non-identity element with t3 = 1. The simple graph with node set being X such that a, b ∈ X, are adjacent if ab-1 is an involution element, is called the A4-graph, and designated by A4(G, X). In this article, the construction of A4(G, X) is analyzed for G is the twisted group of Lie type 3D4(3).

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Proposed Speech Analyses Method Using the Multiwavelet Transform

  Speech is the first invented way of communication that human used age before the invention of writing. In this paper, proposed method for speech analyses to extract features by using multiwavelet Transform (Repeated Row Preprocessing).The proposed system depends on the Euclidian differences of the coefficients of the multiwavelet Transform to determine the beast features of speech recognition. Each sample value in the reference file is computed by taking the average value of four samples for the same data (four speakers for the same phoneme). The result of the input data to every frame value in the reference file using the Euclidian distance to determine the frame with the minimum distance is said to be the "Best Match". Simulatio

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Determination the Wheat Weight and Volume: Mathematical Approach
Abstract<p>Grain size and shape are important yield indicators. A hint for reexamining the visual markers of grain weight can be found in the wheat grain width. A digital vernier caliper is used to measure length, width, and thickness. The data consisted of 1296 wheat grains, with measurements for each grain. In this data set, the average weight (We) of the twenty-four grains was measured and recorded. To determine measure of the length (L), width (W), thickness (T), weight (We), and volume(V). These features were manipulated to develop two mathematical models that were passed on to the multiple regression models. The results of the weight model demonstrated that the length and width of the grai</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 29 2023
Journal Name
Cumhuriyet Dental Journal
Root Resorption in the Permanent Teeth. A Review

The loss of dental hard tissue as a result of odontoclastic activity is known as root resorption. It is unwanted and pathological in permanent teeth. Root resorption may happen within the root canal called internal root resorption or on the outer surface of the root called external root resorption. Regardless of where it occurs, root resorption is irreparable, can cause pain for the patient, necessitates treatment, and in some circumstances, resulting in the early loss of the affected tooth. It might be challenging to precisely diagnose and treat root resorption. There is limited information within literatures on root resorption therefore this review aims to understand the radiological and clinical characteristics of r

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Detect The Infected Medical Image Using Logic Gates

   This paper determined the difference between the first image of the natural and the second infected image by using logic gates. The proposed algorithm was applied in the first time with binary image, the second time in the gray image, and in the third time in the color image. At start of proposed algorithm the process  images by applying convolution to extended images with zero to obtain more vision and features then enhancements images by Edge detection filter (laplacion operator) and smoothing images by using mean filter ,In order to determine the change between the original image and the injury the logic gates applied specially X-OR gates . Applying the technique for tooth decay through this comparison can locate inj

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