تضطلع المصارف على اختلاف انواعها بعمليات كثيرة متطورة, نظمها قانون التجارة رقم (30) لسنة 1984 في الفصل الثاني من الباب الرابع . و العمليات المصرفية على تنوعها تؤثر في الحياة الاقتصادية للبلد بشكل مباشر وان نجاح المصارف او اخفاقها في ممارسة هذه العمليات ينعكس هو الاخر على النشاط الاقتصادي في بقية القطاعات، مما يقتضي اخضاع المصارف الى رقابة واشراف البنوك المركزية لضبط اعمالها وتوجيهها وجهة سليمة تخدم مصالح جميع الاطراف ذات الصلة بتلك الاعمال وتجنيبها المخاطر الناجمة عن السياسات والاجراءات والعمليات غير الامنة وغير السليمة ، سواء اكانت تلك الاطراف ادارة المصرف ام حملة اسهمه، ام عملائه من المودعين والمستفيدين من تسهيلاته الائتمانية ام السلطة النقدية المتمثلة بالبنوك المركزية التي تحرص على اداء وظائفها الرقابية والاشرافية بنجاح كامل وصولا لتحقيق الاهداف المرسومة لها .
The primary issue addressed in this research revolves around identifying the interactive elements provided by the Twitter platform and understanding their utilization by digital newspapers with official accounts. These newspapers broadcast content in line with their policies. This study is classified within descriptive research that employed a survey method and content analysis tool. The methodology relies on the "how was it said?" approach to categorize the analysis. The research yielded the following results:
Twitter utilized numerous interactive elements for disseminating tweets, which include "text, branching links, hashtags, digital images, digital videos, digital audio, and digital polls." However, thes
התמצית השניות היא התורה שנזכרת כי המוצאים בלשון הערבית וכך בלשונות השמיות אינם הבטויים בעלי האותיות השלושיות , אלא בעלי שתי אותיות . לפי כך אפשר להשיב השורשים השלושיים לשורשים השניים . וכל אות שנאספה בשורש שׁניוני, יהיה לפי חוק ההתפתחות הלשונית , הוספות תחילית , תוכית , סופית , עם השארת החיבור המשמעתית בין השׁניוני והשׁלשׁי כמו היא ממושכת בין השׁלשׁי והרביעי ומה שרבה ההוספות . השרשים השניים מוצאים הם: אות וה
... Show MoreThe purpose of this research is to identify the E-signing and its concept.
Due to the increasing role and importance of the E-trade in may countries, as it provide many advantages over the traditional trade. We have to deal with may E-trade aspects and tools in which the E-signing is the most important. In this research we will deal: first with the article approach- E-signing definition, Digital signing, its mechanism, requirements, types and features. Second: the practical approach: It has been implemented according to a questionnaire contain many questions some of them are comma, other an specialized in research hypothesis and some concern the obstacles faced the application of E-signing. The questionnaires been distillated to
... Show MoreThe stok marker is a welcoming space for expense work as a broker who practices securities trading for the benefit of its clients, and since the broker as a legal person is a bank , so this research was necessary to review the banking governance rules that apply to the brocker, both at the level of appointment and selection, and what are the conditions that They must be present in the personality of the mediator and his assistants, or the application of the rules of banking governance either directly or indirectly.
The banking system considered as one of the most important intermediate circle between creditor and debtors it is mean the most important funding rings in economic activity, whether finance takes the a consumer or investment form and therefore it is the main base to stimulate economic activity both on the demand side, both consumption and investment and therefore of the main motivating factors for economic growth.
The banking system depends in achieve its goals on the grants and loan recovery, or what is known credit process and according to what the importance referred to the role of the banking system, it is important to ensure the safety and efficiency of the mechanisms of banking device and safety is
... Show MoreThis research aims at recognizing the concept of Innovation in offering the banking services as well as the concept and dimensions of competitive advantage . And to identify and analyze the relationship ( correlation and impact ) between the concept of Innovation in offering the banking services and the dimensions of the competitive advantage under discussion . The research includes all Iraqi private banks in Baghdad city only of the (20) banks . The researcher adopted , in this study , a random sample of the distribution of the questionnaire to members of the research sample are managers , customers and employees in these banks , and were distributed ( 115 ) form questionnaire , ( 97 ) form w
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