تضطلع المصارف على اختلاف انواعها بعمليات كثيرة متطورة, نظمها قانون التجارة رقم (30) لسنة 1984 في الفصل الثاني من الباب الرابع . و العمليات المصرفية على تنوعها تؤثر في الحياة الاقتصادية للبلد بشكل مباشر وان نجاح المصارف او اخفاقها في ممارسة هذه العمليات ينعكس هو الاخر على النشاط الاقتصادي في بقية القطاعات، مما يقتضي اخضاع المصارف الى رقابة واشراف البنوك المركزية لضبط اعمالها وتوجيهها وجهة سليمة تخدم مصالح جميع الاطراف ذات الصلة بتلك الاعمال وتجنيبها المخاطر الناجمة عن السياسات والاجراءات والعمليات غير الامنة وغير السليمة ، سواء اكانت تلك الاطراف ادارة المصرف ام حملة اسهمه، ام عملائه من المودعين والمستفيدين من تسهيلاته الائتمانية ام السلطة النقدية المتمثلة بالبنوك المركزية التي تحرص على اداء وظائفها الرقابية والاشرافية بنجاح كامل وصولا لتحقيق الاهداف المرسومة لها .
The oil sector in Iraq suffered from several difficulties led to the decline and reduction of oil production and the deterioration of refineries and transport pipeline status in addition to the weakness of the technology side and the prevalence of financial and administrative corruption besides the high costs of rehabilitation of the oil sector and also administrative and institutional problems still ongoing.
In spite of Iraq's possession of vast oil wealth allows him to play an important role in the international energy market، he is still under the level. The production of oil doesn'<
... Show Moreعلى الرغم من تحقق ثورة هائلة وطفرة نوعية في مجال تكنلوجيا الاتصالات في دول العالم الا ان بلدنا كان محروما من التمتع بهذه التقنيات الحديثة في ظل النظام السابق, وبعد سقوط النظام ووجود بحبوحة من الحرية، دخلت الكثير من هذه التقنيات الى العراق ومنها الموبايل والانترنيت وغيرها من وسائل الاتصال المتطورة.
ويقول (Smith & Fletcher, 2001) في كتابهما Inside Information
... Show MoreFinancial crisis is one of the topics that have attracted the interest of researchers in recently. The research focused on the issue of the crisis of the Asian Tigers and the mortgage crisis and comparing them in terms of causes and repercussions. It may meet most of the financial crises in many of its causes, factors, roots and results in the advanced and the developing countries. This crisis has its own pattern and its causes and nature and it is characterized by a crisis of cash liquidity and the collapse of many banks and declare bankruptcy and a sharp decline in stock prices and indices of the stock market and so far the common denominators among the causes but does not mean this There are differences between the financial c
... Show MoreGod bestowed upon the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) knowledge and wisdom, in addition to give them virtue as long as it was not given to anyone from the worlds. knowledge have been enriched from them that cause pride.
The Central Bank is the backbone of the banking system as a whole, and in order to maintain the banking system, one of the most important functions that the Central Bank performs is the function of supervising and controlling banks, with several tools and methods, and one of the most important of these tools is its creation of the function of a compliance observer, which obligated commercial banks to appoint a person in A bank that performs this function according to certain conditions and granting it some powers that would build a sound and compliant banking system. The function of the compliance observer is to follow up on the bank’s compliance with the instructions and decisions issued by
... Show MoreThe importance of the study stems from the fact that it deals with a very important subject, namely, the pivotal role played by E-banking in achieving the competitive advantage of the banking institutions operating in Algeria. By adopting the banking institution and adopting the elements of the electronic marketing mix and developing it as required by the environment The banking system of developments will inevitably be able to achieve excellence from its competitors as each of these elements have an important role in achieving competitive advantage, we relied in this study on studies and research that directly affect the problem of the study and we have put Estep In order to activate the contribution of e-banking in achieving competitiv
... Show Moreإن عملية التحول إلى استخدام نظم وتطبيقات الصيرفة الالكترونية هي احد التحديات الإدارية الكبيرة التي تواجهها المصارف العراقية حاليا ، إلا انه لا يمكن تحقيق هذا التحول من دون وضع خطة مبنية على أسس صحيحة ومتطورة توائم بين البيئة التي تعمل داخلها المصارف العراقية (ثقافة المصرف وقدراته وإمكانياته والجهات الساندة) من جهة ، وبين التحديات والمصاعب المرتبطة بالاستخدام المكثف لتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات
... Show Moreدور الإدارة المصرفية الرشيدة في ضمان مخاطر الائتمان المصرفي
Risks are linked to banking activities. In order to overcome these risks, the bank has only the ability to rely on guarantees that are various and varied. These include traditional guarantees such as personal guarantees, commercial and real estate mortgages, insurance operations, specialized to cover the risks of foreign trade operations.
Including the procedures and procedures that the banking institution should abide by in the practice of its credit activities both before and after the grant to detect the risks surrounding them early and address them before they grow, by following the rules of banking governance of forming specialized committees in the bank, Monitoring credit operations and reviewing the credit portfolio to asc
... Show MoreThe aim of the research is try to answer the questions about the importance of the participation of scientists in the scientific researcher Google Scholar for the professor and the university, and the extent of participation of Iraqi universities, and the rank of the University of Qadisiyah, and the number of participants and teachers of this engine, The research came out with several conclusions, the most important of which is that (21%) of university professors are involved in the google engine and most of the participants did not carry their full research through the site