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الدور المفاهيمي للمحاسب في تصميم نظام المعلومات المحاسبي
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ان تقدير مسؤولية المحاسب في تصميم نظام المعلومات المحاسبي من منظور تاريخي سبقت استخدام الحاسوب كأداة معلوماتية للاعمال، لما له من رؤيا بالتطورات الرئيسية لنظام المعلومات والتي اهمها تحديد متطلبات مستخدمي المعلومات وتعيين مضمون وشكل مخرجات النظام من التقارير وتحديد مصادر البيانات وانتقاء القواعد المحاسبية الملائمة فضلاً عن الرقابة الضرورية لتكامل وفاعلية النظام.

ان النظم المحاسبية التقليدية غالباً ما كانت اجراءات المعالجة فيها يدوية ويمثل الورق وسيلة للترحيل وخزن البيانات، لكن ومع وصول الحاسوب تم إحلال برامج الكمبيوتر بدل الاجراءات اليدوية وتم خزن بيانات السجلات بالوسائل الممغنطة (قرص مدمج، ديسك).

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the government accounting system in preparing performance reports for government units
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The purpose of this study is to assess the performance of government units (Iraqi hospitals) by trying to determine the possibility of the current governmental accounting system to provide information on the performance reports of government units. In order to improve the efficiency of hospital resources management, the services provided by the hospital should be subject to performance measurement and evaluation The importance of the health sector in the provision of services, in order to raise the efficiency of the performance of services provided by government units has reached the researcher a set of conclusions, the most important

  1. The financial reports produced by the accounting s

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
التعليم المحاسبي الجامعي في العراق: دراسة تحليلية في ضؤ التغير الراديكالي
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring the performance of government units according to the government accounting system
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This study aims at clarifying the current performance appraisal system in government units and the extent to which they contribute to the development of the performance of these units by evaluating and measuring the performance of these units on an ongoing basis to subject their services to an assessment and measurement process in order to improve the efficiency of these units to reach their objectives efficiently and effectively. (Iraqi hospitals) by trying to determine the possibility of the government accounting system in the process of evaluating performance, through the comparison of financial performance for successive years and different hospitals using the financial and non-financial model of the evaluati

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Aesthetic Presence Hypothesis of the Role Character in the Actor's Theatrical Performance: يــاسين إسماعيل خلـف
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The current study monitors the mechanisms of formation of the actor's performance expressive system (voice and motion) and the levels of their construction consistent with the aesthetic premise of the theatrical performance through incorporating what is natural, materialistic (physiological) and artistic and philosophical virtual (aesthetic ), through which the creative actor seeks not to repeat the image and substance of a thing according to its natural life image, in favor of new aesthetic reproduction governed by a group of significant relationships formed according to (artistic and philosophical) characteristics and features that distinguish the artistic accomplishment from its reality(its natural and functional reference). According

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Testing the Moderating Role of Financial Resources in the Relationship between Diversification Strategy & Firm Value
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It has aimed by this research at presenting new interpretations to diversification phenomenon and its possible effects on firm value. These interpretations are culminated by the disclosure of the distinct role of resource-based view in the study of relationship between diversification strategy and firm value. The study has conducted on a sample consisted of the largest American companies listed in Fortune 500 along with seven years period
(2005-2011). This first local attempt, which has based on panel dat--a analysis for interpreting an expected variance of firm value due to diversification strategy, may helps with a clear vision to solve the contradiction and confusion surrounded the true linkages between t

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Problematic intervention in the new international order and its impact on international relations - the U.S. role a model
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Intervention in International Relations from the concepts that are still highly
controversial among those he considers a breach of international law and the UN Charter and
in violation of the rule , and those who felt that the need provided, however, that this is linked
motives humanity recognized by the international community , because the international
variables proved the inadequacy of the principle of non-interference and the principle of
sovereignty as the traditional variables international , and therefore most of the international
practice came a bus with many of the behaviors that reflect a decline in its entirety to these
principles , and became adapt these principles with international reality is too compl

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
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Picasso ceramics represented illuminated sign in ceramic art and excelled in accord ceramic art dimension aesthetically, and put it in a new prospects, despite the simplicity of the forms turn into a magical images and multiple interpretations.
So the search deliberately to choose purposive (37) samples divided into four groups, as follows: -
A flat shapes / palets or saucers / the vases /modified vases .
benefiting from indicators were spawned from literature ,to analyzing samples within the totals for the identification systems act forming art work`s:-
(1)Picasso's ceramic work product of a deliberate process represented a capacity of technical experience, and formal
(2)The system configuration in the ceramic art works c

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
Luxury in jewelry design
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The current research dealt with the presence of ornaments and jewelry since ancient times، which express the social، religious or emotional status of the person who adorns them، in addition to being distinguished by a distinct aesthetic and luxury، that is، in a sense closely related to the social and economic status of people، and we note that jewelry is considered a symbol of luxury and luxury، and hence The need to study luxury appeared in the design of ornaments and jewelry because it refers to the adornment elements that are made of metals and precious stones، which actually indicate signs of status or position that distinguish social classes from each other. The problem was identified by the following question: Determine th

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 28 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The function and Formation of NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANZIAITON as (NATO) Post Cold War Period
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The problem of this study lies in that NATO was formed in the first place to protect Europe from Warsaw Pact. The geographical and military strategy have been changed with the change of its mission and expanding its operation scope with the leadership of the USA in the international scens. The latter has made this organization as the military arm to tighten its control over strategic regions.

            The research supposes that NATO state members confront security concerns and political and military issues that push to expand the organization. The importance of this study lies in knowing the new roles of NATO imposed by the United States. Therefore, the continuity and affi

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of voluntary accounting disclosure in enhancing information confidence in
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The study aimed to identify the impact of the role of voluntary accounting disclosure in enhancing confidence in the informational content of financial reports. Correlation - Spearman to measure the degree of correlation, as well as the method of simple linear regression analysis, and the study reached several results, including: The level of enhancing the information content in the annual financial reports of the Palestinian banks listed on the Palestine Exchange under study reached the overall average (total) (94.1%), and also Voluntary Accounting Disclosure in Enhancing Confidence in the Informational Content of the List of Change in Ownership Equity of Listed

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