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الدور المفاهيمي للمحاسب في تصميم نظام المعلومات المحاسبي
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ان تقدير مسؤولية المحاسب في تصميم نظام المعلومات المحاسبي من منظور تاريخي سبقت استخدام الحاسوب كأداة معلوماتية للاعمال، لما له من رؤيا بالتطورات الرئيسية لنظام المعلومات والتي اهمها تحديد متطلبات مستخدمي المعلومات وتعيين مضمون وشكل مخرجات النظام من التقارير وتحديد مصادر البيانات وانتقاء القواعد المحاسبية الملائمة فضلاً عن الرقابة الضرورية لتكامل وفاعلية النظام.

ان النظم المحاسبية التقليدية غالباً ما كانت اجراءات المعالجة فيها يدوية ويمثل الورق وسيلة للترحيل وخزن البيانات، لكن ومع وصول الحاسوب تم إحلال برامج الكمبيوتر بدل الاجراءات اليدوية وتم خزن بيانات السجلات بالوسائل الممغنطة (قرص مدمج، ديسك).

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
User-Oriented Preference Toward a Recommender System
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            Nowadays, it is convenient for us to use a search engine to get our needed information. But sometimes it will misunderstand the information because of the different media reports. The Recommender System (RS) is popular to use for every business since it can provide information for users that will attract more revenues for companies. But also, sometimes the system will recommend unneeded information for users. Because of this, this paper provided an architecture of a recommender system that could base on user-oriented preference. This system is called UOP-RS. To make the UOP-RS significantly, this paper focused on movie theatre information and collect the movie database from the IMDb website that provides informatio

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The importance of measuring and accounting disclosure of intellectual capital To maximize the value of the company
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Most of the big companies and especially the intillictual ones become a ware of an important fact, and That is, The intillictual capital in new global economy, is a new source for Them & This Valuable source exceed in importance. The other company's sources.

The Traditional disclouser systemes are unable to supply the decisions makers with the Fundimental information require to handel the on going operations which are based on Knowledge and intangible source. But the measuring of this source and the disclose for it in the financial Statements will lead to gain features Statements which will benefit all the parties and lead to make the value of the company great.

And as a resul

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact Cloud Computing On The Development of Accounting Education: Evidence From Sultanate of Oman
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Cloud computing is the new technological trend for future generations. It represents a new way to use IT resources more efficiently. Cloud computing is one of the most technological models for developing and exploiting infrastructure resources in the world. Under the cloud, the user no longer needs to look for major financing to purchase infrastructure equipment as companies, especially small and medium-sized ones, can get the equipment as a service, rather than buying it as a product. The idea of ​​cloud computing dates back to the sixties of the last century, but this idea did not come into actual application until the beginning of the third millennium, at the hands of technology companies such as Apple, Hp, IBM, which had

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measurement and accounting disclosure of intellectual capital using accounting models in the Iraqi insurance company
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The research aims to shed light on the possibility of measuring the intellectual capital in the Iraqi insurance company using accounting models, as well as disclosing it in the financial statements of the company, where human capital was measured using the present value factor model for discounted future revenues and the intellectual value-added factor model for measuring structural capital It was also disclosed in the financial statements based on the theory of stakeholders. The research problem lies in the fact that the Iraqi insurance company does not carry out the process of measuring and disclosing the intellectual capital while it is considered an important source for the company’s progress in the labor market recently. T

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effect of accounting disclosure in the size of the risks or return for portfolio insurance: An applied research at the national insurance company
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This research aims to numerous risks to the portfolio of the insurance company that arise from practicing the activity in general, and the risks arising from insurance contracts in particular, and what is the role of the company in the disclosure to help users (such as owners) to understand and concentration of risks in the financial reporting and identifying movable risks size to reinsurers that may affect the solvency of the portfolio and makes them at a given moment required to fulfill the obligations towards policyholders outweigh the financial capacity, which leads to stumble or bankruptcy.

So I sought this research is to identify the extent of the obligation to disclose the accounting for this risk and the extent of their i

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
التحول نحو أساس الإستحقاق المحاسبي لتعزيز المساءلة وإدارة الموجودات الثابتة للقطاع العام في العراق
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The research aims to present and discuss the accounting bases adopted in accounting for fixed assets in the public sector with an emphasis on its importance in the area of ​​accountability and fixed assets management , based on a realistic problem associated with the use of cash basis accounting in the public sector in Iraq, which are difficult  to provide accounting information useful for many users , including the same units and regulatory departments for the purposes of accountability and management of those assets. Search tool has been the organization questionnaire, its results show the importance of financial reporting for provide accounting information about fixed assets relate to the units of the public sector in Iraq fo

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Modrating Role of Dynamic Knowledge capabilies in Addressing Organizational Failures to Achieve Business Competitiveness: Applied Research in Dairy Industries
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Purpose/ to build clear perceptions about the level of the effects of organizational failures on the competitiveness of dairy factories and the role of dynamic knowledge capabilities in minimizing these impacts

Mythology/ Design approach Use deduction approach, the research was conducted in four dairy factories in Baghdad (Abu Ghraib, Agriculture, Halal and Ayon Al-Rafidain). It was applied to a sample of (155) individuals representing a sample of the research community from factory owners, managers, Engineers, technicians and experienced workers in the dairy industry. The questionnaire was used as a main tool for collecting data, information and statistical tools in the extraction, testing and analysis o

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
نظام النقد والتمويـل في البنك المركزي العراقـي: دراسة حالة
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This research attempts to study Monetary system status and financing in the CIB through 4 sections, starting with the methodology and ending with conclusions and recommendations.

             These two topics of Monetary and financing, that falls within the mandate of the CBI, are researched / studied relying on the resources and relevant literature. This research is a simple contribution, but meantime it is an honest attempt to elevate the effective role of the CBI which is considered one of the most pioneering central banks in the region.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقويم نظام الرقابة الداخلية في الشركة العامة لصناعة البطاريات
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The research aims to study and analyze the reality of the internal control system in the company surveyed .       To find out how effective and efficient internal control system , problem – centered research that addressed the performance of the internal control system .

          The research Description applied and the interview Alchksahvi analysis and interpretation of results .         The researchers recommended the need for attention to the training courses and the need for segregation of duties and functions in the main and subsidiary records , taking in to account periodic reconciliations between the lists and financ

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
System of governance and administration in the state of the Ottoman Algeria (1518-1830)
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Algeria is one of the states that are important to the Ottoman state, because of its geographic location is important to the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the economic resources of the nature of its soil geography and climate,diverse, making it the focus of attention of the Ottomans, along with the van, which has increased the interest of the Ottomans in Algeriais the fall Andalusat the hands of the Spaniardsin1492, and force the Muslims to get out of them, and did not Only Europeans do it, butrushed to the prosecution of Muslims tothe coast of North Africa and seizing control of manyofits ports and cities, prompting the Ottoman state to go forth and back to the barn Muslims,Especially after hehad appealed to the Arabs of the Ottoman sta

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