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Orphans and Families of Martyrs of Terrorism Expert System-OFMTES
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The increasing number of orphans and their organizations and institutes in our community makes it increasingly important to design and develop an expert system that supports decisions concerning orphans and their families. This system can be used by any orphans organization to facilitate its work.
The proposed work is designed to manage the Orphans and Families of Martyrs of Terrorism Expert System (OFMTES) by registry all information about all orphans to display mostly orphan deserves bill, data is entered for each orphan, and with each entry a counter is increased according to this input information; the output result represents the score for that orphan. Different orphans have different scores. Coloring is used to know the degree of orphans merit; that is, when background color of that text is red this means that the orphan does not deserve bill, when the color is yellow this means that the orphan deserves bill but in little ratio, when the color is blue this means that the orphan deserves bill but in more ratio from blue, and when the color is green this orphan is mostly deserves bill.
The program was implemented using Microsoft office access 2003 and visual basic programming language, and can be executed using Pentium two or more computer.
Keywords: Expert system, knowledge engineering, decision support system, Knowledge Representation, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
apply Six Sigma in improving the quality of projects added expert system )Applied research(
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Construction projects need methods and techniques to ensure the level of quality and commensurate with the level required and documented in the project contract. The quality of the project is affected by the quality of the inputs and accompanying procedures in the construction of the project.

Al-Rumaitha residential project found that the quality of the concrete for the ceilings in the research sample (the roof of the third floor of buildings A25 and A26) and (roof of the second floor of buildings A27, A28, A29, A30, A31, A32 and A33) and roof of buildings A15 and A16 A19)) is not the required quality level.

The idea of the research came after the need to improve the performance o

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Publication Date
Sun May 22 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Early Childhood Special Education (int-jecs)
The image of Al-Shuhada'a Establishment among the families of martyrs, victims of terrorism, war operations and military mistakes
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This research (The families of martyrs, victims of terrorism, war operations and military mistakes opinion about Al- Shuhada`a Establishment ) came to know and diagnose the mental image the martyrs victims of terrorism carries about the performance of Al- Shuhada`a Establishment and the services it provides to them, and to monitor the contents of that image that they had regarding their privileges and rights that Al- Shuhada`a Establishment supposed to give it to them, according to their law. The research problem was represented by the main question: (What is the image of Al- Shuhada`a Establishment among the families of martyrs, victims of terrorism, war operations and military mistakes), and this research was classified within the d

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The public budget under terrorism
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تعرض بلدنا العراق الى أقسى الهجمات الإرهابية التي أثرت بشكل مباشر وغير مباشر في النواحي المالية و الاقتصادية وبرز هذا التأثير في وسيلة الدولة لإدارتها المالية و هي الموازنة العامة التي تحمل في طياتها توقعات الدولة الانفاقية و قنواتها الايرادية ومن أهم هذه التوقعات هي ما تنتجه  العمليات الإرهابية وما تخلفه من تبعات وخسائر بشرية ومادية ومعنوية، مقدرة بشكل مالي ومبالغ نقدية .

وتصدي  الدولة في هذه ال

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Role of motive in the criminalization of terrorism
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The roll of motive in the legal model of terrorist crimes. It's important to define the roll of motives in modern criminal policy as whole and terrorist crimes in specific Motives are important mental elements regarding the criminals, criminalization, deterrent, and criminal charges.

Modern terrorist crimes are national and international immediate and dangerous threat to individuals lives, properties, and their Holly believes. Terrorists acts aimed to spreading fears, and desperation in hearts of persons and social institutions in order to enforce ideological system. This is explaining legislative attention toward Terrorists motives in the construction of criminal intent. Motives is the core of any Effective criminal justice syst

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of media in the fight against terrorism
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كانت وسائل الاعلام- التقليدية والحديثة – وستبقى وسيلة مهمة لتدفق المعلومات والتعبير عن المشاعر ووصف الاحداث وتشكيل الرأي العام المحلي والدولي عن مختلف القضايا التي تهم الافراد والمجتمعات وفي مقدمتها قضايا العنف بمستوياته كافة ،والتطرف الديني والارهاب بكل مسمياته وستحاول هذه الدراسة ان تقدم اجابات عن اسئلة محددة تمثل الاطار النظري لدراسات مسحية ترصد النظريات التي ترسم الاطر النظرية الت

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The attitude of international cooperation and national legislation from biological terrorism
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ما من شك ان الارهاب يعُد من اكثر الجرائم رعباً في الوقت الراهن، وقد اتخذت الجرائم الارهابية مع الزمن منحى آخر حيث استثمر الارهابيون مستحدثات العلم الحديث وبدءوا باستحداث وسائل جديدة في اداء العمل الارهابي بدون عنف أو اراقة دماء، كما تم تجنيد العديد من العلماء والباحثين المارقين والمأجورين من قبل التنظيمات الارهابية او من قبل دول وذلك من اجل تنفيذ جرائمهم الارهابية.


 ولقد تفاقمت مشكلة

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Towards a new global leadership to combat international terrorism
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In the early 1990s, as the beginning of the new unilateral leadership of global power by the United States, a new climate of rivalry emerged between revolutionary jihad and national jihad. Al-Qaeda has played on both sides to promote its agenda in support of global jihad. The veteran Afghan warriors returned to the Arab world after the play against the Soviet army "infidel" in Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and until the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1990. The Arab world is looking for roles to attract international forces seeking to implement specific projects that need a combat tool . Al-Qaeda has tried to exploit national conflicts and the emergence of sectarian political streams in the Middle Eas

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The administration obligation in circulation the information to combat terrorism A study in the scope anti-terrorism apparatus law no.31(2016)
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     يمثل الارهاب في وقتنا الراهن اصعب التحديات التي تواجهها المجتمعات المختلفة ، فخطر توسع الظاهرة الارهابية اليوم لايشمل فقط دولاً او مجتمعات محددة او معلومة بل ان هذا الخطر يتسع ليشمل مجتماعات ودول كانت في مأمن حتى أوقات قريبة من الاخطار الارهابية ،إذ اصبحت مدن أوربية كثيرة تتعرض بشكل متكرر ومباشر الى الاخطار الارهابية من دون أن تؤتي التدابير الامنية والاستخبارتية الوطنية لهذه الدول

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal mechanisms to combat terrorism in contemporary international law
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The terrorist threat has increased dramatically over the past three decades. After terrorist attacks were carried out in traditional ways and left limited victims and casualties in targeted groups and installations, they were carried out in very precise and sophisticated ways, benefiting from modern technology and losing huge losses, Or property and installations ...

Until recently, terrorist operations were usually aimed at hijacking civilian aircraft, abducting individuals, taking and holding hostages (prominent figures, diplomats and even private individuals), as well as dropping bombs and planting unexploded ordnance, but their dangers now escalated depending on the development of the means used and t

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The role of journalism in the fight against terrorism
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The media plays an important role in a number of functions performed by them. Press is one of those media which had and still have a clear role in addressing the various issues, topics, and events. Journalism is no longer as expressed by owners of the liberal theory – it seeks to raise the instincts – but it began to excite the minds of readers to meet their needs. At the same time, it does not neglect the search for the truth and work to deliver it to readers. Some have identified a set of tasks carried out by the press including the interest in public affairs, the needs of the community, work to provide happiness, what is beneficial and useful and combat the negative phenomenon and to address the deviations facing society. The comi

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