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Orphans and Families of Martyrs of Terrorism Expert System-OFMTES
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The increasing number of orphans and their organizations and institutes in our community makes it increasingly important to design and develop an expert system that supports decisions concerning orphans and their families. This system can be used by any orphans organization to facilitate its work.
The proposed work is designed to manage the Orphans and Families of Martyrs of Terrorism Expert System (OFMTES) by registry all information about all orphans to display mostly orphan deserves bill, data is entered for each orphan, and with each entry a counter is increased according to this input information; the output result represents the score for that orphan. Different orphans have different scores. Coloring is used to know the degree of orphans merit; that is, when background color of that text is red this means that the orphan does not deserve bill, when the color is yellow this means that the orphan deserves bill but in little ratio, when the color is blue this means that the orphan deserves bill but in more ratio from blue, and when the color is green this orphan is mostly deserves bill.
The program was implemented using Microsoft office access 2003 and visual basic programming language, and can be executed using Pentium two or more computer.
Keywords: Expert system, knowledge engineering, decision support system, Knowledge Representation, Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Evaluation and Improvement of Manufacturing System Using Computer Software Arena
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The main purpose of the paper is to identify the controllability of an existing production system; yogurt production line in Abu Ghraib Dairy Factory which has several machines of food processing and packing that has been studied. Through the starting of analysis, instability in production has been found in the factory. The analysis is built depending on experimental observation and data collection for different processing time of the machines, and statistical analysis has been conducted to model the production system. Arena Software is applied for simulating and analyzing the current state of the production system, and results are expanded to improve the system production and efficiency. Research method is applied to contribute in knowi

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of a Pharmaceutical Inventory Database Management System
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The main aim of this paper are the design and implementation of a pharmaceutical inventory database management system. The system was implemented by creating a database containing information about the stored medicines in the inventory, customers making transactions with the pharmaceutical trading company (which owns the inventory), medical suppliers, employees, payments, etc. The database was connected to the main application using C sharp. The proposed system should help in manag inginventory operations which include adding/updating employees’ information, preparing sale and purchase invoices, generating reports, adding/updating customers and suppliers, tracking customer payments and checking expired medicines in order to be disposed

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of SCADA System for Sugar Production Line
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SCADA is the technology that allows the operator to gather data from one or more various facilities and to send control instructions to those facilities.  This paper represents an adaptable and low cost SCADA system for a particular sugar manufacturing process, by using Programmable Logic Controls (Siemens s7-1200, 1214Dc/ Dc/ Rly). The system will control and monitor the laboratory production line chose from sugar industry. The project comprises of two sections the first one is the hardware section that has been designed, and built using components suitable for making it for laboratory purposes, and the second section was the software as the PLC programming, designing the HMI, creating alarms and trending system. The system will ha

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
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Picasso ceramics represented illuminated sign in ceramic art and excelled in accord ceramic art dimension aesthetically, and put it in a new prospects, despite the simplicity of the forms turn into a magical images and multiple interpretations.
So the search deliberately to choose purposive (37) samples divided into four groups, as follows: -
A flat shapes / palets or saucers / the vases /modified vases .
benefiting from indicators were spawned from literature ,to analyzing samples within the totals for the identification systems act forming art work`s:-
(1)Picasso's ceramic work product of a deliberate process represented a capacity of technical experience, and formal
(2)The system configuration in the ceramic art works c

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Efficiency of Human Resources Information System and Its Impact on The Level Effectiveness of Employees Performance Appraisal System / Practical Research on Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
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The research aims to determine the role of the efficiency of Human Resources Information System in the effectiveness of Employees Performance Appraisal System in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Center for the ministry, it was touching the researchers need the ministry to devise methods that employ outputs Human Resources Information System in the organization surveyed for the development of methods and levels of process evaluate the performance of its employees, in order to identify the extent of the role played by human resources information system in the process of assessing the performance of employees, we raised the question of the President as follows:

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Evaluation of the Families, Attitudes toward Environment Pollution
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Objectives: To evaluate the families’ attitudes toward environment pollution, and determine the relationship
between families’ attitudes towards environment pollution and their demographic characteristics of age,
education, type of family, and socioeconomic status.
Methodology: A descriptive design is carried throughout the present study to evaluate families’ attitudes toward
environment pollution for the period of October 5th2013 to May 7th2014. A non-probability "purposive" sample of
(110) families’ is selected. The sample is comprised of two groups; (75) urban families’ and (35) rural ones. An
evaluation tool is designed and constructed for the purpose of the study. It is consisted of (4) main parts;

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On Antimagic Labeling for Some Families of Graphs
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Antimagic labeling of a graph  with  vertices and  edges is assigned the labels for its edges by some integers from the set , such that no two edges received the same label, and the weights of vertices of a graph  are pairwise distinct. Where the vertex-weights of a vertex  under this labeling is the sum of labels of all edges incident to this vertex, in this paper, we deal with the problem of finding vertex antimagic edge labeling for some special families of graphs called strong face graphs. We prove that vertex antimagic, edge labeling for strong face ladder graph , strong face wheel graph ,  strong face fan graph , strong face prism graph  and finally strong face friendship graph .

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Nahrain Mobile Learning System (NMLS)
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The work in this paper involves the planning, design and implementation of a mobile learning system called Nahrain Mobile Learning System (NMLS). This system provides complete teaching resources, which can be accessed by the students, instructors and administrators through the mobile phones. It presents a viable alternative to Electronic learning. It focuses on the mobility and flexibility of the learning practice, and emphasizes the interaction between the learner and learning content. System users are categorized into three categories: administrators, instructors and students. Different learning activities can be carried out throughout the system, offering necessary communication tools to allow the users to communicate with each other

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Design of a Simple Dust Removal System for a Solar Street Light System
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      Dust and bird residue are problems impeding the operation of solar street lighting systems, especially in semi-desert areas, such as Iraq. The system in this paper was designed and developed locally using simple and inexpensive materials. The system runs automatically. It Connects to solar panels used in solar street lighting, and gets the required electricity from the same solar system. Solar panels are washed with dripping water in less than half a minute by this system. The cleaning period can also be controlled. It can also control, sensing the amount of dust the system operates. The impact of different types of falling dust on panels has also been studied. This was collected from different winds and studied their impact o

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Scopus (3)
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hybrid CNN-based Recommendation System
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Recommendation systems are now being used to address the problem of excess information in several sectors such as entertainment, social networking, and e-commerce. Although conventional methods to recommendation systems have achieved significant success in providing item suggestions, they still face many challenges, including the cold start problem and data sparsity. Numerous recommendation models have been created in order to address these difficulties. Nevertheless, including user or item-specific information has the potential to enhance the performance of recommendations. The ConvFM model is a novel convolutional neural network architecture that combines the capabilities of deep learning for feature extraction with the effectiveness o

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