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الاستثمارات الأجنبية في المؤسسات الصغيرة الأردنية الواقع والطموح: Foreign investment in Jordanian small establishments-Reality and emption
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The latest open commercial markets among countries, shift of capitals, and rise of mass economic, large international organizations, and international contracts leaded to a great increase of competition among countries for attracting capital for investments, specially among under developing countries which had bad economic situation, and which thinks that investment is the best solution to solve their old economic problems.

Developing small, and medium establishments in all economic sectors became the main economic force and natural resources for the development and growth of under developing countries. Small and medium establishments became the majority of any country establishments, and the past international experience shows that most of the developed, and under developing countries seek all ways to increase the number of small, and medium establishments. It is believed that those kind of establishments are too important because of the main roll they play in fulfilling the resources, increasing the added value, and achieving vertical accumulation required in any economy.

This research will deal with the concept of foreign investments, its nature, types, environmental elements, and by taking a close look at Jordanian experience in this matter for the period between 1970 and 2004, in away to point out the main elements and variables that encourage attracting foreign investments to this.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 08 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Measurement of Academic Stress Level in E-Learning Environment among Postgraduate Students at the College of Education, King Khalid University during Covid-19 Pandemic
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The study aims to measure the level of academic stress in the e-learning environment in three areas, students and their dealing with classmates, dealing with the professor and technical skills, and the nature and content of the curriculum among graduate students in the College of Education at King Khalid University during COVID-19 pandemic. This study was descriptive in nature (survey, comparative). The sample consisted of (512) male and female graduate students in the master's and doctoral programs. The Academic Stress Scale in the E-learning Environment designed by Amer (2021) was used. The results indicated a high level of academic stress among graduate students in the e-learning environment. The study also found that there were stati

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the use of digital marketing channels on the implementation of the strategy of positioning Applied study on a sample of the managers of the International Company for smart card "Key Card"
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 The technology in continuous and quick development, that reflects in all parts of our life and interred both scientific and practical fields. Marketing is one of them, a customer’s way to deal with choosing and demanding the product deferent from the traditional way. Some of the buying processes are electronic now, therefore the current research is identifying the digital channels that entered the world of marketing and influenced the activities and types that fall under this name and how it affects in positioning strategy, which is how to install the product or brand in the mind of the customer and was dimensions (brand identity, brand personality, brand communication, brand awareness, brand image), The researcher took t

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Using Cubing Technique in the Iraqi EFL Secondary Students' Composition Writing, Vocabulary, and Meta-Cognitive Awareness
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The aim of this research is to determine how well the Cubing Technique affects the Iraqi EFL students' composition writing, vocabulary, and meta-cognitive awareness of writing strategies. The sample of (64) secondary-school female students in the fifth grade is drawn from two classrooms and split into two equal groups: the experimental group and the control group, each of which consists of (32) students. A quasi-experimental design is applied. The performance test and Meta-cognitive Writing Strategies questionnaire are given as a pre-test for equalizing the two groups after ensuring their validity and reliability. Then, they are administrated as a posttest in both groups. According to the results, the si

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Reflection of the application TD-ABC approach on profits persistence Applied study in the General State of Hydraulic Industries Factory of Plastic*
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The interest of many companies has become dealing with the tools and methods that reduce the costs as one of the most important factors of successful companies, and became the subject of the attention of many economic units because of the impact on the profits of company, and since the nineties of the last century the researchers and writers gave great attention to this subject, especially in light of the large competition and rapid developments in cost management techniques, as well as the wide and significant change in production methods that have been directed towards achieving customer satisfaction, all this and more driven by economic units in all sectors whether it is service or productivity to find methods that would reduc

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The use of Arabic-Islamic Theme in The Stories of Western writers: El empleo del material árabe-islámico en las historias de los escritores occidentales
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This article presents and  explores the theoretical aspect in the use of Arab Islamic theme by the western writers to obtain and achieve individual motives. In this study the model for the theory of Arab presence in Andalusia  , through the book entitled “ Alhamra” by the English writer Washington Erving ,was  analyzed.

The most important results in this research: the success of  the author in the employment of the Islamic history in the formation of the first American legend, Columbus legend, through the selection of the right thoughts to establish his American National theory.  The author compared between the Andalusia experience and the Arab occupation to Spain and the American conquest of the new

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Convection in an Inclined Concentric Annular Square Cavities Filled With Porous Medium and Heated By Non-Uniform Temperature
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A numerical study of the two-dimensional steady free convection flow in an inclined annulus between two concentric square cavities filled with a porous medium is presented in this paper for the case when the side outer walls are kept with differentially heated temperature while the horizontal outer walls and the inner walls are insulated. The heated wall is assumed to have spatial sinusoidal temperature variation about a constant mean value. The Darcy model is used and the fluid is assumed to be a standard Boussinesq fluid. For the Cartesian coordinate system, the governing equations which were used in stream function form are discretized by using the finite difference method with successive under – relaxation method (SUR) and are solv

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقويم قانون الخدمة الجامعية رقم 23 لسنة 2008 وأثره في تقليل مظاهر الفساد الإداري والمالي: دراسة تحليلية قدية لنصوص القانون وتطبيقاته
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This research includes an analytical and critique study for the version of the University Service Law No.23 for the year 2008, containing all its aspects and failure whether in its legislation or its applications.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Unplanned Urbanization and Agricultural Land Degradation in Baghdad City from 2003 to 2017: احمد عباس كاظم , ليث زيد عباس
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Several problems have emerged as a result of urban expansion or the connection of urban areas with rural areas. This process has led to the urbanization of rural areas, and to have overlapping edges and margins of areas, which were outside the basic design of the city. Accordingly, the present research assumes that the accelerating growth of Baghdad population has contributed significantly to the process of unplanned urbanization. Thus, the study aims to examine the factors that have led to an increase of urban sprawl at the expense of the agricultural land. The study has thus adopted the descriptive, analytical, and historical approaches relying on the simple linear regression method to predict the phenomenon of urban expansion and its

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adopting the green value chain to achieve sustainable competitive advantage: study to views of a sample from Ur General Company for Engineering Industries in Dhi Qar
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       In light of the developments and intense competition that the world has witnessed, the need to search for a sustainable and continuous competitive advantage for economic units has emerged, as the economic units must not lose sight of their interest in the activities they perform to achieve that advantage, and it can be said that the goal of the research is to identify the theoretical dimensions of the green value chain represented by: (Green research and development, green design, green manufacturing, green marketing, green services) and the dimensions of the sustainable competitive advantage represented by (quality, creativity, innovation, cost, response to the customer), as well as identifyi

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Increasing Rehabilitation Program Using Electric Stimulation On Rehabilitating Knee Joint Working Muscles Due to ACL Tear In Athletes
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The research aimed at designing a rehabilitation program using electric stimulation for rehabilitating knee joint working muscles as a result of ACL tear using an apparatus developed by the researchers that stimulate the muscle vibration and work as well as the ability to rehabilitate the join in shorter periods. In addition to that, it aimed at identifying the effect of this program on rehabilitating the knee joint working muscles. The researchers used the experimental method on Baghdad clubs’ players who suffer from complete knee joint ACL tear aged (19 – 24) years old. The results showed that the training program developed the working muscles significantly achieving normal levels of activity.
