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The role of transformational leadership in achieving administrative creativity: Search exploratory sample of the views of officials in the office Iraqi Ministry of Education
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Testing the current research and effect correlation between Transformational leadership variable manufacturing and variable administrative creativity, as it represented the research problem the extent of the role of transformational leadership in achieving administrative creativity in the office of the Iraqi Ministry of Education, it has been used questionnaire as a tool for data collection, as is the distribution (32) for the sample of the research, which was selected intentional and as director general and assistant general manager and director and deputy director and head of the Division, and represented the premise of the major search existence of liaison and the impact of significantly between transformational leadership and achieve administrative creativity relationship, and the data using spss program analysis were used a number of statistical methods to validate hypothesis, including the correlation coefficient (person) and analysis of simple regression, and the results were identical to the hypothesis of the research, it has been shown, Joe d link and the impact of legal persons between transformational leadership and achieve administrative innovation and against which has been drafting a set of recommendations that will hopefully be taken advantage of them involved in the current research relationship.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 03 2014
Journal Name
Heat Transfer - Asian Research
CFD Simulation of Heat Transfer Augmentation in a Circular Tube fitted with Alternative Axis Twisted Tape in Laminar Flow under the Constant Heat Flux
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of using 940 nm Diode Laser in Comparison with Endoactivator on Radicular Dentin Permeability and Smear Layer Removal (An in Vitro Study)
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of 940 nm diode laser in comparison to Endoactivator in elimination of smear layer in terms of radicular dentin permeability and ultra-structural changes of root canal walls by SEM evaluation. Twenty-eight single-rooted extracted lower premolars were instrumented up to size X4 (protaper Next, Dentsaply) and divided into two experimental groups according to the irrigation system, G1; activated by EndoActivator and G2; activated by Diode laser 940 nm, CW mode, 1.7 W. Afterward, the roots were made externally impermeable, filled with 2%methylene blue dye, divided horizontally into three segments representing the apical, middle, and coronal thirds then examined under stereo- micr

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Prevalence and Infection Rate of Three Gizzard Nematodes in the Mallard Anas Platyrhynchos L., 1758 Collected in Al-Diwaniya and Diyala Provinces , Central Iraq
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         Three nematodes : Amidostomum  acutum , Epomidiostomum uncinatum and Hadjelia truncata , were recovered from the gizzards of wintering mallard collected at two sites in central Iraq. A brief description of the parasites along with some notes on their infection rate, prevalence and discussion with the pertinent literature are provided.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 17 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Molecular Sciences
AhR Activation Leads to Alterations in the Gut Microbiome with Consequent Effect on Induction of Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells in a CXCR2-Dependent Manner
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Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is a potent ligand for AhR and a known carcinogen. While AhR activation by TCDD leads to significant immunosuppression, how this translates into carcinogenic signal is unclear. Recently, we demonstrated that activation of AhR by TCDD in naïve C57BL6 mice leads to massive induction of myeloid derived-suppressor cells (MDSCs). In the current study, we investigated the role of the gut microbiota in TCDD-mediated MDSC induction. TCDD caused significant alterations in the gut microbiome, such as increases in Prevotella and Lactobacillus, while decreasing Sutterella and Bacteroides. Fecal transplants from TCDD-treated

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Emotional maturation and its relation with leading behavior among the lecturers of Baghdad university
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Self is the main factor of personality and the acceptance of others where each of them are connecting and plays an important role in emotional maturation. The researches affirmed that the leading behavior depending on good human relations between the employers and the employees will enhance their goals and the goals of the institution at the same time . This study aims to measure the emotional maturation among the leactures of the university according to sex variable and identify the correlation between emotional maturation and the level of leading behavior among the lecturers of the university. The sample consists of two samples where the lst is to build the measwe consisting of (200)males and famales lecturers and the 2nd which is the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Trypan Blue Exclusion Assay Verifies in Vitro Cytotoxicity of New Cis-Platinum (II) Complex in Human Cells
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          Various assays are used to determine the toxic effects of drugs at cellular levels in vitro.  One of these methods is the dye exclusion assay, which measures membrane integrity in the presence of Trypan blue. Trypan blue the dye which was used in this study to investigate cytotoxic effect of a new Cis –dichloroplatinum (II) complex [(Qu)2PtCl2] on the viability of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs). Three concentrations of platinum complex were prepared (70, 35and 17.5 µg/ ml) and the results revealed that the percentage of cell viability decreased as the platinum complex concentration increased in comparison with control.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Trees and their impact on humans And the environment from a Qur'anic perspective
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Show the greatness of Allah Almighty when contemplating the benefits of trees and plants in
Life in general and trees mentioned in the Koran in particular, do not have to meditate that
He acknowledges the greatness of the Almighty Creator, and his preference over man, that he is prepared for his livelihood
And give him what he can do in this life to the fullest.
  The study also stressed the need to urge people to this great blessing trees
By preserving them and wasteful wastefulness.
  The study also pointed to the need to guide people towards the aesthetics and improvements of
Look through and enjoy the beauty of trees, flowers, greenery and fruits ..

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
الرك للفلسفة واللسانيات والعلوم االجتماعية
فاعلية المواقع الالكترونية للصحف العراقية في تعزيز القيم الايجابية لدى المجتمع ( دراسة مسحية لعينة من جمهور مدينة بغداد )
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اصبحت وسائل الاعلام في ظل المتغيرات الجديدة قادرة على صياغة وعي وثقافة وهوية الشعوب الى حد كبير في المجتمعات المعاصرة , وذلك نظرا لما تتمتع به من اليات مختصة في التأثير والمتمثلة عموما في التكرار المتنوع للرسالة الاعلامية وقدرة الخطاب الاعلامي في معالجة القضايا المختلفة فضلا عن تقديم المعلومات وغزارتها وشرحها المستفيض , وقد بات من الواضح جدا مدى التأثيرات الكبيرة التي من الممكن ان يحدثها تعرض الافراد للمواق

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Special exercises according to the Dynafoot data and its effect on the force index and the performance of the front straight air flip skill on the ground movements mat device
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Trade War Between the United States and China and Its Impact On the World Economy2017-2019
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The trade war, of course, leads to a sharp tension in international relations because the economy is the lifeblood of the states. In the world of trade and economy, countries began to lean towards cooperation. Economic relations after World War II were more liberal, trade barriers were removed and global trade became more flexible and smooth

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