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design of multiband reflectors adapting the concept of stack
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Designed Mirrors double and triple package adoption concept heap where they were changing the thickness of the layers within periodic basis of the pile and different ratios (p: q) in addition to change the refractive index of materials within periodic basis and its impact on sites Dhour tops high reflectivity study included spectral region visible and infrared, depending on NdharahFeatured matrix adjusted fall of light close to the vertical arrangement multilayer dielectric materials and thin films homogeneous and uniform

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design High Efficient Reflectivity of Distributed Bragg Reflectors
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Bragg Reflectors consist of periodic dielectric layers having an optical path length of quarter wavelength for each layer giving them important properties and makes them suitable for optoelectronics applications. The reflectivity can be increased by increasing the number of layers of the mirror to get the required value. For example for an 8 layers Bragg mirror (two layers for each dielectric pair), the contrast of the refractive index has to be equal to 0.275 for reaching reflectivity > 99%. Doubling the number of layers results in a reflectivity of 99.99%. The high reflectivity is purely caused by multiple-interference effects. It can be analyzed by using different matrix methods such as the transfer matrix method (TMM) which is the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Biomechanical Concept Design of Artificial Human Hand
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This work is focused on the design parameters and activity of artificial human finger for seven grips. At first, obtained the ideal kinematics of human fingers motion by analyzing the grips video which were recorded using a single digital camera recorder fitted on a tripod in sagital plane while the hand is moving. Special motion analysis software (Dartfish) the finger joint angles were studied using the video recording. Then the seven grips were modeled using static torque analysis, which calculates the amount of torque applied on the fingers joint grip depending on the results of the kinematic analysis. The last step of the work was to design the actuator (Muscle Wire) of artificial finger for the seven grips in a simple design approac

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adapting the rhetorical concepts architecturally Excerption and inclusion as example
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Excerption and inclusion are two terms in Arabic rhetoric. The excerption is defined as a taking a part of text from Holly Quran or Hadith and put it in a poem, verse line, or put it in a prose text. But the linguistics expand the concept of this term to include taking from another sciences and knowledge, like Grammar, Philology, and Prosody.
Inclusion is defined as taking a verse line or part of verse line from another poet to put it in a new poem, it is necessary that the poet who take the text should declare it, and if he hides it, it will be plagiarism.
This search is use these two terms in architecture, we have now new two terms in architecture, first one; architectural excerption, it means the designer takes a part of religio

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Strangeness Concept in Commercial Advertisement Design: يوسف مهدي سعيد -سحر علي سرحان
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  Strangeness in design generally and in advertisement design specifically is manifested in various images and creative propositions and shapes that depart the traditional and conventional framework to elevate design to virtual intellectual worlds related to the inspirational and imaginative range of the creative designer, which makes the forms of strangeness a means for persuasion and astonishment which achieves the functional and aesthetic objectives of the advertisement. The two researchers identified the research question "what is the concept of strangeness in the commercial advertisements design? The research objective has been determined by identifying the concept of strangeness in the commercial advertisement design. Strangen

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Parameters Affecting the Thermodynamic Efficiency of PEM Single Cell and Stack of Cells (Two Cells)
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In this work, thermodynamic efficiency of individual cell and stack of cells (two cells) has been computed by studying the variation of voltage produced during an operation time of 30 min as a result of the affected parameters:- stoichiometric feed ratio, flow field design on single cell and feed distribution on stack of cells. The experiments were carried out by using two cells, one with serpentine flow field and the other with spiral flow field. These cells were fed with hydrogen and oxygen at low volumetric flow rates from 1 to 2 ml/sec and stoichiometric ratios of fuel (H2) to oxidant (O2) as 1:2, 1:1 and 2:1 respectively. The results showed that

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 02 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study photometric properties of spiral galaxy NGC 4448 using CCD camera with multiband filters
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The goal of our study is to perform detailed multiband surface photometry of the spiral galaxy NGC 4448 and its brightest star-forming regions. The structure and composition of the stellar population in the surface brightness galaxy NGC 4448 was studied using BVR CCD photometry. The observations were obtained on the 1.88 m optical telescope of Kottamia Astronomical Observatory (KAO), Egypt. A two-dimensional decomposition of the galaxy bulge and disk components is carried out. A powerful star forming region is observed near the galactic center. Based on the positions of the various components of the galaxy in two color diagrams. From the observations, the surface brightness profiles, Ellipticity profiles, position angle profiles and colo

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adapting the Grimms: Going Against Patriarchy in Singh’s Movie Mirror Mirror
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Many cinematic adaptations were produced for the Grimms’ “Little Snow-White” (1812) including Mirror Mirror movie (2012), the contemporary version adapted by Taresm Singh. Singh’s version was able to depict the modern reality of women and went against patriarchy by embracing feminist ideologies of the fourth-wave feminism. Therefore, he challenged the ideologies of the mainstream cinema dominated by the patriarchal élite’s capitalist mode of production that still adhere to the stereotyped patriarchal image of women’s ‘victimization,’ ‘objectification’ and ‘marginalization,’ which did not represent women’s modern reality anymore. This paper, however, is a qualitative study aimed to prove that the femini

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Spe Middle East Oil And Gas Show And Conference
Evaluation of the Potentials for Adapting the Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing Technology in Tight Carbonate Reservoir
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Abstract<p>Hydraulic fracturing is considered to be a vital cornerstone in decision making of unconventional reservoirs. With an increasing level of development of unconventional reservoirs, many questions have arisen regarding enhancing production performance of tight carbonate reservoirs, especially the evaluation of the potential for adapting multistage hydraulic fracturing technology in tight carbonate reservoirs to attain an economic revenue.</p><p>In this paper we present a feasibility study of multistage fractured horizontal well in typical tight carbonate reservoirs covering different values of permeability. We show that NPV is the suitable objective function for deciding on the optimum number</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of violence in political thought (Theoretical study, compared with the concept of terrorism)
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The researcher of human history finds that the first social relations on earth were represented by the violence of Adam, peace be upon him, Cain and Abel. Violence has been a phenomenon of life and society. The history of history is full of all forms of violence and its forms. It speaks of cruelty, oppression and states. History began, in some of its chapters, written with the blood of the victims. It is a testimony to the cruelty of human beings. His human nature and his sin have played a major role that can not be overlooked in the development of important and fundamental developments in some historical turning points where violence was a necessity for life, and its launching change, renewal and reform, and major revolutions in human h

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Adapting IFRS 15 on Auditing Procedures for Auditors in Iraqi Environment
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The purpose of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS 15) is to determine the basis for reporting useful information to the users of financial reports on the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty about revenues and cash flows arising from a contract with a customer. It is based on specific conditions for recognizing revenue from the contract. When the two parties to the contract or one of them fulfil the performance obligations, specifically after the customer has the ability to exercise control over the product or service that is the subject of the contract. As a result of the failure of the revenue reporting requirements in the Iraqi environment to provide adequate and honestly representative information on the o

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