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The Impact of Non Iraqi shares trading on financial investment: An Applied in Iraq stock Exchange
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 The research aims to identify the extent of the impact of non-Iraqi trading of shares in the Iraq Stock Exchange on the overall financial investment in the market size. And it imposes a search and no statistically significant relationship between variable trading non-Iraqis, the size and the total volume of the market and took the search Iraq Stock Exchange sample to search being the only private place to trade securities in Iraq for the period of 2009- 2015 in order to see if there is a positive impact on the size of trading non-Iraqis or not. Search and adopted the annual reports issued by the Iraq Stock Exchange the main conclusion are:

Having a positive effect on the size of the trading of non-Iraqis in the financial volume of investment despite the presence of a sharp reduction in the size of the trading day.

The recommendations of the research are:

We aspire to be encouraging foreign investment in order to address the sharp decline in foreign investors trading in Iraq size and because of its importance to the level of the Iraqi economy as a whole and the particular market in is done by giving more features to the foreign investor or add other tools and means to encourage investment in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
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In the spreading of the Internet, mobile smart devices, and interactive websites such as YouTube, the educational video becomes more widespread and deliberative among users. The reasons for its spread are the prevalence of technologies, cheap cost, and easy to use. However, these products often lack to the distinction in video production. By following videos of an educational channel on YouTube, some comments found to discuss the lack of the content presented to motivate the learners, which lead to reduce the viewers of the videos. Therefore, there is an important decision to find general standards for the design and production of educational videos. A list of standards has been drawn up to help those interested in producing educational

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
The Sgrafitto’s technique and its impacts on the contemporary ceramic art
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The current study deals with one of the ancient and modern techniques of ceramic art, which has evolved dramatically. This technique is interested in the muddy Body and its coloring, rather than interesting in the coloring of the layer on the surface of the glass port on the ceramic object. It is classified as ceramic techniques of the single heartburn, where use many coloring oxides. As well as, the use of (Pigment), which is often made of metal compounds, or metal oxides such as iron and manganese, copper and cobalt and more others.
The first chapter includes the problem, the importance, the goal, and the boundaries of the study. In addition, focuses on determining the terms such as (Sgrafitto). The second chapter consists of two to

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Poetics and its functions In the book of "The Magic and Poetry" by Lisan Al-Din Ibn Al-Khatib (776 AH
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This study deals with a prominent critical term - poetics - in critical studies as an area related to uncovering the laws of creative and aesthetic discourses (Preaching)، and the various functions that accompany it in literary texts. So، the study employs the pioneers' works of this theory specially the eastern theorists in making a parallel comparing study of the text book of " the Magic and Poetry” by Al-Lisan Al-Din bin Al-Khatib (776 AH). It displays the utility of the concept of poetics in the referred book pointing to the illumination of various functions that، in turn، reflected the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Features of wisdom and methods in the approach of Imam Hassan al-Askari (Peace Be upon Him)
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Wisdom is the separation and distinction between aim in the word and work and the lack thereof in accordance with the knowledge surrounding the arts of science, which reached a thorough understanding of things and put them in the quorum. In this research, I have tried to discern the characteristics of the wisdom of Imam Hassan al-Askari (peace be upon him) and to explain his methods and actions which are indicative of the various facets of wisdom required by the nature of the actions and behavior that he has to deal with. Or future mother.
The second topic was devoted to the style of Imam (p) and his wisdom in the situations that necessitated the diversity of methods of dealing such as the method of concealment and the method of refer

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Magazine Aldhakwat Albedh
The methodology of Ibn Mamati (d. 606 AH) in his book Laws of Diwans - A Civilizational Study
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The book The Laws of Duwan of Mamati's Son (T, 606 E) His approach to his narratives is a topic of historical and civilized importance. The Fatimid Age of the People of Jehovah has expanded its influence and authority, including ministers, writers, doughnuts and foreshores. One of the Christian families that shined in the late Fatmi era was "Mamati", who lived in "Assiut" from Upper Egypt, then moved to Cairo, and enrolled in the service of the Fatimids, where their sons held important positions in State offices.Ibn Mamati became in charge of the Army Office and then added to it the Finance Office, which became the most important downs in Egypt. Through his work in the Duwan Law Books, this book was a living record of the Dawawans in the Ay

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering And Applied Sciences
sEffect of Sb doping on CuAlSe2 thin films and their behavior on the preparation CuAlSe2/Si heterojunction solar cells
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Vitamin A on Testis Weight and Sexual Glands on Albino Male Mice Treated with Hexavalent Chromium
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This study was conducted to determine the effect of vitamin A ( 10 mg/kg ) on avearage testis weight and sexual glands ( Prostate and Seminal Vesicle ) for albino male mice treated with Hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) .The current study 40 mice were divided into fife groups : 1st group treated with distilled water and considered an control group (C) / the 2nd group treated with sesame oil ( T1) / 3rd group was givin hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) (T2) / 4th group treated with vitamin A ( 10 mg / kg ) and exposed to hexavalent chromium ( 1000 ppm ) (T3) / 5th group treated with vitamin A ( 10 mg kg ) (T4) . The expermint lasted 35 day . the results showed a significant ( P ? 0.05 ) decrease in avearage testis weight and sexual glan

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Morpho-physiological study on the effect of lead stress and selenium foliar application on growth of dill plant anethum graveolens l
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The experiment was carried out in the green house of botanical garden belong to Department of Biology/College of Education for Pure Science Ibn AL-Haitham, University of Baghdad for growing season 2017-2018 to evaluate effect of lead stress with concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150) mg.L -1 and Selenium concentrations (0, 15, 30) mg.L-1 on growth of dill plant using pots. The experiment was designed according to completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications. Result indicated that dill plants subjected to lead stress with height concentrations caused decrease in plant parameters (plant height, no. of branches. plant-1, root length, shoot dry weight, the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, protein concentration, no. of umbe

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Scopus (1)
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the effect of adding TiO2 nano-powder on some surface properties of TiO2 thin film prepared on stainless steel substrate
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In this research TiO2 nano-powder was prepared by a spray pyrolysis technique and then adds to the TiO2 powder with particle size (0.523 μm) in ratio (0, 5, 10, 15 at %) atomic percentage, and then deposition of the mixture on the stainless steel 316 L substrate in order to use in medical and industrial applications.
Structure properties including x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM0, also some of mechanical properties and the effect of thermal annealing in different temperature have been studied. The results show that the particle size of a prepared nano-powder was 50 up to 75 nm from SEM, and the crystal structure of the powders (original and nano powder) was rutile with tetragonal cell. An improvement in

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Study of Nutritional Adequacy Provided by some Imported Infant Milk Formula Available in the Local Market: Study of Nutritional Adequacy Provided by some Imported Infant Milk Formula Available in the Local Market
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This investigation was carried out to study the nutritional adequacy for
infant milk formula, which imported by Iraqi Ministry of Trade, and are
available in local markets .Most of these formulas contained nearly the same
composition of nutrients which are ,Matines ,Sunny Boy , Salsabeel AL- Badie
,Moroug, ,Charton ,Materna Lery Celia ,Lacstar Lailac,Nactalia. yet they are
unbalanced for providing the daily nutritional requirements for infants whom
depend on bottle feeding for six times daily in their first six month of age. As
there were an increase in daily intake for protein content and most vitamins
that included D, E, C, B1, B2, Niacin, B6, B12, and Biotin as well as most
minerals namely Calci

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