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Evaluation the Procedure for Recognition of Income Tax to Reduce Tax Evasion: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب
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  Tax state institution regards as one of the largest state institutions implementing the tax rules issuing be legislative body and achieving the goals of tax (financial, economic, social and political). So, the tax management should pay attention to the procedures enabling it to achieve those rules starting from the procedures of tax restrict and ending by tax allocation where the process of assessment the taxation must relaxing on modern methods. The problem of the study raising from that in spite of there is a low  obliging the taxable person (registered or not) to submit a declaration about his income and the achieved profit to be the base of taxation˒ where the other ways  are secondary ways helping in rejection of tax declaration, the scientific application becomes contravention of the law where  the tax declaration and its procedures transform to a secondary method effecting the tax obligation negatively and leading to the expansion of tax evasion beside that the is weakness in the procedures of taxation and in following up by the units which in charge of their achievement  all this lead us to the following question! Are the adopted procedures of taxation of true income and its resources achieved their role to restrict the tax erosion?  So, this study aims at shading the light on the theoretical framework of the tax declaration adopting in the tax state institution and its place among the different assessment methods, discussing the procedures of taxation depending on the income tax low, their abilities in retracting the tax evasion and the level of implementing of them by the responsible units, observing the weakness points, clearing the indicators of assessment and putting the solutions to treat them. The result of this study show that there are some weakness points in the procedures of taxation adopting by the responsible units in implementing them in the brings of the institution and in the process of following up by the department of vocational  and merchandise works. The study concludes some of suggestions basing on the scientific and theoretical conclusions among of them focusing on suitability of the tax procedure and don’t depending on the traditional desk inspection but trying to widen its field to include observation of the taxable person's records in their places of work .                                                                                                                           

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The extent of adopting the dimensions of the Blue Ocean Strategy and its impact in the market share: بحث استطلاعي في شركة الحمراء للتأمين
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With the increase in competition between insurance companies in addition to the increasing numbers in the number of insurance companies, whose number decreased to (32) private companies until the end of the year (2020). The blue ocean at the level and its effects on increasing the market share. Therefore, the two researchers tested the hypothesis and the research concluded that there is a relationship A .Also the researcher put some recommendations the most prominent is that the invention is considered one of the successful strategies an d the company has to encourage the employees according to inventive thoughts

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تصميم نظام مقترح لتخصيص مهام العمل لمحطات العمل وباعتماد الطرق الاجتهادية دراسة حال في الشركة العامة للصناعات الكهربائية
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This research work dealt with the problem of layout the production line of engine of fan roof at the General Company for Electrical Industries (GCEI). It was observed that the assembly line of engine was unstable and subject to severe fluctuations. In addition the execution of tasks at some stations was observed to be very fast while at other stations was slow. This phenomenon resulted into bottlenecks between workstations, idle time, and work in process. The system design was used to assign tasks to work stations according to different heuristics (Ranked Positional weight techniques, longest Task Time, Most following tasks, Shortest tasks time, Least number of following task).

The study revealed that th

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of the General Dudget in the Achievement of Sustainable Development: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة للموازنة العامة العراقية
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The traditional method adopted in the preparation of the general budget in Iraq is not consistent with developments in the size specification response and spending and the associated weakness in the size of the amounts earmarked for investment projects which could adversely affect future generations and not to enable them to continue the development, which requires talking to estimate the adoption of style public expenditure in the state budget and reduce waste and extravagant where and invest public revenues of the state in investment projects and preservation of the environment and natural resources in order to ensure the benefit of future generations system, according to the system serves to achieve the overwhelming majority of member

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Product development For Use Some Of The Lean Production Tools A Practical Research in the General Company for the automotive industry
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     This research aims to analyze the reality of the production process in an assembly line Cars (RUNNA) in the public company for the automotive industry / Alexandria through the use of some Lean production tools, and data were collected through permanence in the company to identify the problems of the line in order to find appropriate to adopt some Lean production tools solutions, and results showed the presence of Lead time in some stations, which is reflected on the customer's waiting time to get the car, as well as some of the problems existing in the car produced such as high temperature of the car, as the company does not take into account customer preferences,

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of applying lean construction tools to improving the results of the earned value management model: Applied research in Al-Rasheed General Company for Construction Contracting
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Contracting companies play a prominent role today in economic activity, due to their contribution to the implementation of major construction projects which together constitute the infrastructure of society. Most construction projects also suffer from exceeding the time and cost specified and planned for the completion of the project, and this comes for several reasons, including the work environment, country conditions, The method of managing project costs and the techniques used in its implementation Accordingly, the concepts of lean construction came, which help in addressing the causes of waste, both in time and cost, in addition to the fact that project management needs techniques that are useful in controlling the control and manag

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of Risk Management practices and their relationship to the Entrepreneur behavior of managers in insurance companies: applied research
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The objective of the research is to evaluate the risk management practices of the variables (risk management structure, risk management methods, key components of risk management) and their relation to the principled behavior of managers behavior(innovation, proactive, risk acceptance) By adopting the questionnaire as a main tool in collecting data from managers in the National and raq insurance companies of (50) officials Department manager, department administrator, unit administrator, and analyzed their answers using the SPSS In calculating arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage weight and simple correlation coefficient. The most prominent conclusions were:1.There is a positive trend in the sample in both companies and a high

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
مدى ملائمة خصائص العمل البيئية لتخطيط وتصميم مساحات المصنع دراسة ميدانية في الشركة العامة للصناعات الإنشائية (مصنع الأنابيب البلاستيكية) والجلدية (مصنع الدباغة) في الزعفرانية
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 The Problem of the research  is Limited with the ambguity of environmental work Characterstics role and among them the natural Working Conditions: Temproture, Lighting, Noise, Colours,and Smells, in the Decisions that rule the Planning and Designing work of the industrial Location and it 's targets are Limited with discovering the effect of environmental work Characterstics in planning and designing the industrial Companies and to reach to the most important properties that distinguish the industrial Location Within the frame of dealing with the nature Conditions in the dry, hot regions and the dfining of the relationship between them on the assumption that the Characterstics of environmental work have agreat effect in

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of educational institutions and regulatory bodies to reduce the financial and administrative corruption
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This research seeks to clarify the regulatory and educational role of the regulatory and educational institutions in reducing the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption as a dangerous phenomenon of the communities, as it touched search kinds of financial and administrative corruption and the causes and effects, as well as to the role of educational institutions in reducing this phenomenon, and finally between experiments some SAIs and accounting Arab and foreign countries on how to reduce the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption.The research aims to several targets which shed light on the role of educational and supervisory institutions in reducing corruption, a statement origins and evolution of and justi

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation of the performance of scheduling The implementation of school buildings projects: (Project of the Ministry of Education No. 1)
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It highlights the importance of construction projects because of its significant role in the development of society, including the buildings FEDE projects to their importance to raise the level of education through the conclusion of the special to implementation and the establishment of schools of contracts at the country level, which requires the completion of the project at less time and within the cost specified and the best quality and may highlight the importance of time on all the elements of what has an important role in setting up the project for various reasons may be the need for the use of schools as soon as possible, but the reality showed exceeded the completion of those schools could be up to 6 years and there are some cont

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
التقييس: أسلوب لتحديد مستوى الدخل في العراق
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ظهر التقييس كمفهوم لقياس الضرائب وتحديد الأجور والرواتب منذ مدة ليست طويلة وتم استخدامه في العديد من بلدان العالم. ولاجل تحقيق العدالة في توزيع الدخول ورفع المستوى المعيشي لذوي الدخول المحدودة، اذ يتطلب من الدولة إتباع أسلوب التقييس للأجور والرواتب للموظفين ،إضافة إلى استخدام التقييس في فرض الضرائب وتحديد السماحات اعتمادا على مستوى التضخم في الاقتصاد. خاصة وان الهدف الأساسي من إتباع أسلوب التقييس هو

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