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Disclosure of deferred taxes according to IAS-12: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب قسم الشركات
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The research aims to clarify the importance of adoption of International Accounting  Standard No. (12) "Income Taxes" as a tool for the measurement and disclosure of income taxes in the financial statements، and how to deal with the differences that arise as a result of difference in net profit accounting for net tax profit ،The problem of the research focused on the disparity between the income tax estimate in Iraq in accordance with the accounting standards and financial reporting and assessment of income tax in accordance with the tax laws and legislation, this discrepancy has led to the emergence of differences between accounting profit and tax profit (temporary differences and permanent differences) and these differences of which affect the estimate tax in subsequent years, a temporary differences but the differences, the study has  shown that the process of the Iraqi Investment Bank deferred tax liabilities arising from temporary differences by (313 833 600) for the years (2011).The research has concluded a set of  conclusions, including that set off the tax assets and liabilities as permitted by the standard underconsideration was compatible with the principle of revenue expenses interview, in addition to a set of recommendations which included the need to amend the tax Iraqi law and make it compatible with international and local standards requirement

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الكفاءة النوعية لطلبة الدراسات العليا في التخصصات التربوية والنفسية في كليات مدينة بغداد
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This thesis aims at identifying:

  1. The level of qualitative efficiency of higher studies students in educational and psychological fields in the colleges of education Baghdad according to the perspectives of both teachers and students.
  2. The statistical differences in levels of qualitative efficiency of higher studies students in educational and psychological fields in the colleges of education in  Baghdad Collegeteacher's viewpoints with reference to the two variables of the scientific title and gender.
  3. The statistical differences in levels of qualitative efficiency of higher  studies students in the educational and psychological fields

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أثر البيئة في غرض المديح في كتاب ) خريدة القصر وجريدة العصر ( للمؤلف عماد
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The environment plays a fundamental role in the production of
poetry. It is often said that poets are the products of their environment.
The environment has a clear impact on poets in terms of their style
and their choice of simple and reader-friendly words, which do not
require linguistic dictionaries but suit the readers.

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing a multi-areas model in strategic thinking (Departments in private banking, health and education sectors)
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The study discussed three areas in strategic thinking, namely, (patterns elements, outcomes) , this study aimed to measure extent to which strategic leaders have the type or types of patterns of strategic thinking, and measure the extent of their use of the elements of strategic thinking, and measurement of strategic thinking outcomes for managers at various levels , And to know the relationship between the modes of strategic thinking, elements and outcomes in organizations. the study included five banks and four hospitals and four colleges and universities, has been a research sample consisted of 168 individuals, distributed in positions (Director General , Director of Directorate , Director of

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Visual illusion in Contemporary Theatre décor A Study in technical Variables: سامي علي حسين
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Our research deals with the role of theatrical decoration in creating visual thumbs and the effect achieved as a result in the theatrical presentation in terms of supporting the idea of centralization of the dramatic construction of the show, as the researcher emphasizes that this topic has begun with a new horizon removed many technical concepts and knowledge in the theater.
Horizon knowledge and discoveries based on the structures of light and sight to achieve an existing transformation from steel to ethereal. According to these new concepts, systems other than those based on old methods of presentation have been formed.
In light of this, the researcher divided his research into:
First: the problem of research and the need fo

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المهن المهن الحرة عند البخاري في كتابه التاريخ الكبير دراسة في اهميتها الاقتصادية
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The importance of the jurist concentrated on Abu-Abdullah Mohammad Bin Ismael Al- Bukhary who wrote his famous writing (the great history) according to his Modern approach.  His style was clearly aimed to record historical events helped narrators reported novel especially through deep reading to be as a sign of special different style from curriculum historians and their ways. It was an approach like an affect charm to the reader and transmitted to a state of grandeur and pride.  

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 14 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
تجريم المخالفات الجسيمة في اتفاقيات جنيف في قانون العقوبات وقانون العقوبات العسكري العراقي
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تمثل اتفاقيات جنيف لعام 1949 وبروتوكوليها الاضافيين لعام 1977 عصب الحماية للافراد الذين لا يشاركون في العمليات العدائية او الذين كفوا عن المشاركة فيها. وتكاد تكون معظم دول العالم اطراف في هذه الاتفاقيات ويبلغ عددها 194 دولة طرف[i].  ان هذه الاتفاقيات ترمي بالثقل الاكبر في مسؤوليتها عن احترام وكفالة احترام قواعده على الدول. ويتجسد واجب الاخيرة في الايفاء بالتزاماتها الدولية على صعيدين، الدو

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Exploitation decision and impact factors in improvement in stock exchange markets proportion investment small
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The purpose of the search definition on factors superior this whoever  impact on the improvement the exploitation  decision this  detect on stock exchange markets  assumption , and using  questioners to data accumulate  and the Iraq market of financial papers  battleground to search annoy chose the eyeball extension (47) peoples from peoples employees on the market , and using the bought statistic program (SPSS) on input and analysis search  data , and machinate the search outputs to their group of factors internal and external which impact on exploitation  decision on financial papers markets , and the search commend on necessary rise  the incumbency direction  in the stock exchange

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
أثر معايير الخصائص للمدقق الداخلي في تحقيق المسائلة: دراسة ميدانية في البنك العربي
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The research aims at introducing international standards of internal auditing standards, including properties, performance, and special focus on the role of internal auditors abide by the standards of properties in achieving better accountability of the various actors in the Arab Bank and its branches in Jordan. The researcher to gather information on the questionnaire that was designed in accordance with the pivotal first measure the degree of compliance with the standards of properties and the second measures the following criteria for properties to achieve accountability is through the use of statistical methods to researcher concluded that 42.5% of the changes to achieve accountability back to the standard features and more standards

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Functional Performance For Patients Post Heart's Valves Replacement at Cardiac Surgery Centers in Baghdad City
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Objectives: The study is carried out to assess functional performance for heart's valve replacement patients and find out relationship with sociodemographic data and clinical data
Methodology: Descriptive design is carried out at cardiac surgery centers in Baghdad ; Ibn -Al Betar Specialized for cardiac surgery center and Al-Iraqi center for cardiac disease. its initiation from December28the 2013 to September 1st 2014,A non- probability (purposive) sample of 50 adults patients are attended cardiac surgery centers at Baghdad city and who have heart valves replacement. The data collection through development of questionnaire which is composed from three parts(socio demographic data, clinical information, functional performa

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
استخدام محاسبة التكاليف في أحتساب تكاليف المؤسسات التعليمية: دراسة تطبيقية في جامعة بغداد
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The institutions of higher education and scientific research are the strategic institutions in the field of investing the human resources.


Expenditure on such institutions is considered a long – term investment. Thus, the financial balancing in such institutions is not a traditional one.

These institutions are not for profit organizations.

Accordingly, they need to have accounting data that are calculated on an agreed upon cost basis due to the continuous growth in the expenditure on the services rendered by these institutions. These calls for the availability of tools that help rationalize the expenditure.

Cost Accounting system is capable of providing the useful data for such purposes an

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