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Use lean performance measures to achieve customer satisfaction
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The use of performance measures modern and sophisticated one of the most important factors that help organization management in achieving customer satisfaction which today is the premise of The scales cell performance and value stream performance measures that will help organization management elimination of waste in all its forms, by allowing the organization opportunities and strengths to help them in achieving their goals. as well as achieving market share and growth in sales and increase cash inflows Where research deals with the concept of lean performance and managerial and its measurement and the evolution of these measure, and the ability of these organizations to achieve customer satisfaction through the application of these modern measure.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Catalysts for money laundering and control by the banks / analytical study in the province of Arbil measures
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Receive money laundering phenomenon of interest to researchers and scholars on different intellectual orientation of economic or political or other, as this process is gaining paramount importance in light of business and increase the number of banks in the province of Kurdistan of Iraq and Erbil in particular and in the presence of openness developments chaotic economic and there are no factors encourage money laundering operation because of the presence of the hidden economy and the weakness of the banking and legal measures to combat them, and on this basis there is a need to examine money laundering operation in the province of Arbil, to indicate the presence or absence of a money laundering operation in working in the provin

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Star model –model of organization design and reflections of its variables and dimensions of health performance on-filed study in medical city hospital
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      The goal of current research to describe and diagnose the level of attention of doctors to design and regulatory dimensions, (strategic vision, organizational structure, organizational processes, business systems, personnel), and the performance of hospitals and dimensions, in six hospitals in medicine and selected a sample for research, as well as identify organizational design effect in the performance of hospitals and dimensions (efficiency, the development of human resources, patient satisfaction, achieve financial results, quality of health care).

 Research has focused in part theoretical on key variables to look organizational des

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using TD-ABC technology to determine idle production capacity: An applied research in Al-Wasat Oil Company
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The aim of the research to apply TD-ABC technology to determine the idle capacity of the central oil companies (oil field east of Baghdad), as a modern cost management technology based on time-oriented activities (TD-ABC) is used by industrial companies in general and oil companies on In particular to build a sustainable Calvinist pillar and make future decisions by identifying idle energy to gain it a competitive advantage, the descriptive analytical approach has been adopted in calculating and analyzing the company’s data for 2018, and the most prominent conclusions of this research are managing idle energy and the task of applying cost technology on the basis of time-oriented activities and providing Convenient spatial infor

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Electronic Payment System and its impact on the efficiency of the performance of banking: An applied research on a sample of banking sector in Iraq
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The electronic payment systems are considered the most important infrastructure for the work of banks, particularly after a steady and remarkable development in information and communication technology, Which created the reality of the work of the infrastructure for these systems and these systems also become one of the most important components of infrastructure for the work of banks, cause it is one of the most important channels through which the transfer of cash, financial instruments between financial institutions in general and banking in particular.

     In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the most important to identify the concept of electronic payment systems, and its divisions, and th

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Advanced Research In Hr And Organizational Management
Entrepreneurial Performance of the Organization According to the Approved Training Strategy
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The research aims to determine the role of the training strategy with its dimensions of (strategic analysis, formulation of training strategy, implementation of training strategy, evaluation) in the pioneering performance of the organization with its dimensions of (pre-planning , renewal and modernization, efficiency, effectiveness). Important and modern in pioneering performance and training strategy, and in recognition of the importance of the subject and the expected results of the surveyed banks, an analysis was made of the data obtained through field visits in addition to the questionnaire and interviews ,and the most prominent results that were reached were taking the research sample into consideration all the requirements of the trai

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Using Artificial intelligence to evaluate skill performance of some karate skills
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Human beings are starting to benefit from the technology revolution that witness in our time. Where most researchers are trying to apply modern sciences in different areas of life to catch up on the benefits of these technologies. The field of artificial intelligence is one of the sciences that simulate the human mind, and its applications have invaded human life. The sports field is one of the areas that artificial intelligence has been introduced. In this paper, artificial intelligence technology Fast-DTW (Fast-Dynamic Time Warping) algorithm was used to assess the skill performance of some karate skills. The results were shown that the percentage of improvement in the skill performance of Mai Geri is 100%.

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2017
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Applied Sciences, Engineering And Technology
A Prototype and Roadmap for Transition to IPv6 with Performance Evaluation
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The migration from IPv4 to IPv6 can not be achieved in a brief period, thus both protocols co-exist at certain years. IETF Next Generation Transition Working Group (NGtrans) developed IPv4/IPv6 transition mechanisms. Since Iraq infrastructure, including universities, companies and institutions still use IPv4 protocol only. This research article tries to highlight, discuss a required transition roadmap and extend the local knowledge and practice on IPv6. Also, it introduces a prototype model using Packet tracer (network simulator) deployed for the design and implementation of IPv6 migration. Finally, it compares and evaluates the performance of IPv6, IPv4 and dual stack using OPNET based on QoS metrics such as throughput, delay and point to

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Queues Models and its Role in Improving Performance in the City of Medicine / Baghdad Teaching Hospital / Clinic Internal Medicine Advisory
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The purpose of this research is to a treatment the impact of Views outliers to the estimators of a distributed arrival and service to the theory of queues and estimate the distribution parameters depending on the robust estimators, and when he was outliers greatest impact in the process of estimating the both distributions mentioned parameters, it was necessary to use way to test that does these data contain abnormal values ​​or not? it was used the method ( Tukey ) for this purpose and is of the most popular ways to discover the outliers , it shows that there are views abnormal (outliers ) in the estimators of each of the distributional arrival and service, which have a significant impact on the calculation of these estimato

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect the Natural Lighting In The Visual Comfort & Workers Satisfaction in Industrial Companies
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Energy crisis and the requirements of health and feel good, all this renewed attention to the importance of natural lighting in all kinds of factories.
    Research problem was how to achieve the plant's own natural outlets visual comfort and satisfaction of workers in
Companies, the industries of cotton and general al-fedaa.

     The research compuns address the impact of daylight to provide visual comfort in the factory. Indeed, the light must be treated very carefully, and natural lighting should be thinking from the perspective of the occupants of the plant and not wishing to view from the outsid

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 11 2018
Journal Name
Treatment satisfaction with disease-modifying therapy in relapsing-remit-tingmultiple sclerosis in Iraq
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Multiplesclerosis(MS)isachronic,inflammatory,immune-mediateddiseaseof the central nervous system (CNS). More than 2 million people worldwidehave MS. The goal of the present study was to compare Iraqi patients' treat-ment satisfaction with three different disease-modifying therapies (DMTs),administeredorally,subcutaneously,andbyslowinfusion;namely,fin-golimod, interferon beta-1b (IFNβ-1b), and natalizumab, respectively. Aswell as to assess the individual differences among these therapies about theireffectiveness, convenience and global satisfaction also to assess the role ofcertain predictors on treatment satisfaction. Patient satisfaction with medi-cation assessed by the Treatment Satisfaction Questi

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