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Use of non-Conventional Material to Remove Cu+2 ions from Aqueous Solutions using Chemical Coagulation
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Coagulation - flocculation are basic chemical engineering method in the treatment of metal-bearing industrial wastewater because it removes colloidal particles, some soluble compounds and very fine solid suspensions initially present in the wastewater by destabilization and formation of flocs. This research was conducted to study the feasibility of using natural coagulant such as okra and mallow and chemical coagulant such as alum for removing Cu and increase the removal efficiency and reduce the turbidity of treated water. Fourier transform Infrared (FTIR) was carried out for okra and mallow before and after coagulant to determine their type of functional groups. Carbonyl and hydroxyl functional groups on the surface of okra and mallow were the major groups responsible for coagulation process. By using alum (conventional coagulants), okra and mallow (as a primary coagulant or in combination with the other two primary coagulants) and by the jar testing, the optimum pH-value and dose of the coagulants were determined. The results indicated that the optimal pH values were 6.7, 8 and 6 for alum, okra and mallow, respectively. Mathematical modeling show significant results (sig.<0.05) for the % Cu  removal (dependent variable) with respect to coagulant dose (independent variable) for the okra as a primary coagulant, alum with okra and alum with mallow as binary coagulants and  alum, okra  and mallow as ternary coagulants .



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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Lettuce Leaves as Biosorbent Material to Remove Heavy Metal Ions from Industerial Wastewater
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The current study was designed to remove Lead, Copper and Zinc from industrial wastewater using Lettuce leaves (Lactuca sativa) within three forms (fresh, dried and powdered) under some environmental factors such as pH, temperature and contact time. Current data show that Lettuce leaves are capable of removing Lead, Copper and Zinc ions at significant capacity. Furthermore, the powder of Lettuce leaves had highest capability in removing all metal ions. The highest capacity was for Lead then Copper and finally Zinc. However, some examined factors were found to have significant impacts upon bioremoval capacity of studied ions, where best biosorption capacity was found at pH 4, at temperature 50º C and contact time of 1 hour.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Phragmites australis(Iraqi plant) to remove the Lead (II) Ions form Aqueous solution.
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Lead remediation was achieved using simple cost, effective and eco-friendly way from industrial wastewater. Phragmitesaustralis (P.a) (Iraqi plant), was used as anovel biomaterial to remove lead ions from synthesized waste water. Different parameters which affected on adsorption processes were investigated like adsorbent dose, pH, contact time, and adsorbent particle size, to reach the optimized conditions (maximum adsorption). The adsorption of Pb (?) on (P.a) involved fast and slow process as a mechanism steps according to obey two theoretical adsorption isotherms; Langmuir and Freundlich. The thermos dynamic adsorption parameters were evaluated also. The (?H) obtained positive value that meanes adsorption of lead ions was an endothermic

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Scopus (4)
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 05 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Phragmites australis(Iraqi plant) to remove the Lead (II) Ions form Aqueous solution.
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Lead remediation was achieved using simple cost, effective and eco-friendly way from industrial wastewater. Phragmitesaustralis (P.a) (Iraqi plant), was used as anovel biomaterial to remove lead ions from synthesized waste water. Different parameters which affected on adsorption processes were investigated like adsorbent dose, pH, contact time, and adsorbent particle size, to reach the optimized conditions (maximum adsorption). The adsorption of Pb (?) on (P.a) involved fast and slow process as a mechanism steps according to obey two theoretical adsorption isotherms; Langmuir and Freundlich. The thermos dynamic adsorption parameters were evaluated also. The (?H) obtained positive value that meanes adsorption of lead ions was an endothermic

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Comparative Study for Removal of Zn+2 Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption and Forward Osmosis
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The aim of this paper was to investigate the removal efficiencies of Zn+2 ions from wastewater by adsorption (using tobacco leaves) and forward osmosis (using cellulose triacetate (CTA) membrane). Various experimental parameters were investigated in adsorption experiment such as: effect of pH (3 - 7), contact time (0  - 220) min, solute concentration (10 - 100) mg/l, and adsorbent dose (0.2 - 5)g. Whereas for forward osmosis the operating parameters studied were: draw solution concentration (10 - 150) g/l, pH of feed solution (4 - 7), feed solution concentration (10 - 100) mg/l. The result showed that the removal efficiency by using adsorption was 70% and the removal efficiency by using forward osmosis was 96.2 %. 

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Efficiency Study of Two Adsorbent Materials to Remove Eosin Y Dye from Aqueous Solutions
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This study was done to find a cheap, available and ecofriendly materials that can remove eosin y dye from aqueous solutions by adsorption in this study, two adsorbent materials were used, the shells of fresh water clam (Cabicula fluminea) and walnut shells. To make a comparison between the two adsorbents, five experiments were conducted. First, the effects of the contact time, here the nut shell removed the dye quickly, while the C. flumina need more contact time to remove the dye. Second, the effects of adsorbent weight were examined. The nut shell was very promising and for all used adsorbent weight, the R% ranged from 94.87 to 99.29. However C. fluminea was less effective in removing the dye with R% ranged from 47.59 to 55.39. The thi

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
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Feasibility of biosorbent of England bamboo plant origin was tested for removal of priority metal ions such as Cu and Zn from aqueous solutions in single metal state. Batch single metal state experiments were performed to determine the effect of dosage (0.5, 1 and 1.5 g), pH (3, 4, 4.5, 5 and 6), mixing speed (90, 111, 131, 156 and 170 rpm), temperature (20, 25, 30 and 35 °C) and metal ion concentration (10, 50, 70, 90 and 100 mg/L) on the ability of dried biomass to remove metal from solutions which were investigated. Dried powder of bamboo removed (for single metal state) about 74 % Cu and 69% Zn and maximum uptake of Cu and Zn was 7.39 mg/g and 6.96 mg/g respectively, from 100 mg/L of synthetic metal solution in 120 min. of contact t

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Removal of Methyl Orange from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption Using Corn Leaves as Adsorbent Material
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A comparative study was done on the adsorption of methyl orange dye (MO) using non-activated and activated corn leaves with hydrochloric acid as an adsorbent material. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were utilized to specify the properties of adsorbent material. The effect of several variables (pH, initial dye concentration, temperature, amount of adsorbent and contact time) on the removal efficiency was studied and the results indicated that the adsorption efficiency increases with the increase in the concentration of dye, adsorbent dosage and contact time, while inversely proportional to the increase in pH and temperature for both the treated and untreated corn leav

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Modeling the removal of Cadmium Ions from Aqueous Solutions onto Olive Pips Using Neural Network Technique
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The uptake of Cd(II) ions from simulated wastewater onto olive pips was modeled using artificial neural network (ANN) which consisted of three layers. Based on 112 batch experiments, the effect of contact time (10-240 min), initial pH (2-6), initial concentration (25-250 mg/l), biosorbent dosage (0.05-2 g/100 ml), agitation speed (0-250 rpm) and temperature (20-60ºC) were studied. The maximum uptake (=92 %) of Cd(II) was achieved at optimum parameters of 60 min, 6, 50 mg/l, 1 g/100 ml, 250 rpm and 25ºC respectively.

Tangent sigmoid and linear transfer functions of ANN for hidden and output layers respectively with 7 neurons were sufficient to present good predictions for cadmium removal efficiency with coefficient of correlatio

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Adsorption of Lead Ions from Aqueous Solutions onto Rice Husks, Continuous System
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Color Removal from Waste Water by Chemical Coagulation
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