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The role of audit committees in reducing the risk of external Auditors Engagement Regarding Accepting Assignment: An Applied research in a sample of Iraqi private banks And Audit Bureaus
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The research aims to identify the most important concerns that led to the increase of  interest in the topic of corporate governance and specifically highlighting  the role of the audit committees of the Administration  Board in reducing the risk of the auditor and the rationalization of professional judgments، in particular about accepting  the assignment and setting the fees of the audit process by extrapolating  global experience in this area ، and a field study is conducted for a sample of private Iraqi banks to evaluate the role of audit committees constituted currently per with bank law no. (94) of 2004 and to be acknowledged with actual performance of these committees and their role in recommending the nomination of external auditor to be employed، setting the fees for him and being provided with necessary facilities to perform his audit missions by coordinating with internal audit and working as communication channel with administration board، and to follow up how the administration responds to observations mentioned in his report to be tackled and avoided. Then suggested disciplines are concluded to estimate the risk of auditors’ engagement regarding accepting assignment and setting fees. These disciplines are addressed to the Council of Accounting and Auditing profession in Republic of Iraq to assist auditors in dealing with engagement risk and rationalize their professional judgments concerned with that judgment. To accomplish the goals of the research، the following items are studied thoroughly in the field study:

  Studying and assessing current and actual performance of audit committees in private Iraqi banks as a sample of research by studying released financial annual reports of these companies for the period 2009-2012 ، as well as some officials in directorate general of banking and credit control in  the CBI.

Design a questionnaire to solicit the views of a number of auditors in the offices and audit firms approved، and distributed (50) questionnaire

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
المجلة العلمية لكلية التربية الرياضية للبنين بالهرم جامعة حلوان
تأثير تمرينات مركبة باستخدام السلالم الارضية في تطوير بعض القدرات التوافقية والبدنية والمهارية للاعبي كرة القدم للصالات
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 08 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الجامعة العراقية
أولويات ترتيب امتلاك المها ا رت الاتصالية عند المحررين الصحفيين د ا رسة مسحية في جريدة الزمان
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تبحث هذه الدراسة في المهارات االتصالية عند المحررين الصحفيين وترتيب أولويات امتالكها لديهم إذ تلعب المهارات االتصالية دورا مهما في نجاح عملية التحرير الصحفي للرسالة بكل أنواعها سواء كانت خبرا أو مقاال أو تقريرا أو تحقيقا أو حديثا ، وتتنوع هذه المهارات بين األساسية المتعلقة باالتصال والمالحظة القوية وسرعة التعبير وبين المكملة لها المتعلقة باللغة والمعنى واإلرسال واالستقبال ، وتأتي هذه الد ارسة لتركز الضوء

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
قياس مستوى جودة الحياة لدى أعضاء هيئة التدريس في الجامعة (دراسـة ثقافيـة مقارنة) لعينـات ( ليبيـة وعراقية ومصرية )
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The current study aims at identifying of the differences of life quality level for the academic instructors at Omar Al-Mukhtar University / Libya according to the city variable that the instructor belong to ( Libya, Iraq, Egypt ), and also according to gender Variable (Male - Female),To achieve the aims of study ,the researcher chose a sample consists of (210) instructors ( 170 males and 40 females) from four colleges at Omar Al- Mukhtar University/ Darna . The researcher built the scale of life quality which consists of (42) items in last version . The researcher has conducted the validity and reliability of the scale. and by using Analysis of Variance via (SPSS program). The research reaches the following results : 1-The life quality o

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 12 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رسالة رسالة في طبقات القراء لتاج الدين أحمد عبد القادر بن مكتوم القيسي (ت 749هـ) دراسة وتحقيق
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 The writer of this messagewas Tajaddin Ahmad Abdulqader bin Maktoom Al-Qaisy Al-masry.

This message dealt with the biographies of twenty scientists of readers about Quran readings in Cairo . He comprehended these biographies and make it an appendage

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
دراسة العلاقة بین وجبة الأفطار والمستوى الاقتصادي وعدد إفراد الأسرة وتأثیرھا في القابلیات الذھنیة لطلبة المرحلة الابتدائیة
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Five mixed primary schools from the district of Tikrit/ Salah al- din province
with a total of 100 male and female pupils and two ages(8-9 and 10-11 years),
were selected randomly to study the relationship between the breakfast meal and
the academic level, the socioeconomic situation, and the number of family
members. The study showed a positive linear correlation between the morning
meal, and academic level of students for both two covered ages, also showed a
clear impact between the development of family's socioeconomic situation and
their nutrition level. There were an increase in the percentage of pupils aged 8-9
years with a poor nutrition when they were belonged to a poor or medium
socioeconomic families,

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 15 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
رؤساء رؤساء النصارى في كتاب أخبار بطاركة كرسي المشرق (132- 542هـ/ 749- 1147م) دراسة تاريخية (القسم الثاني)
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The research deals with the Presidents of the Christians who called themselves (Ghaltka) in the book titled (orient chirsy patriarchs) that talked about their scientific practical biography adding to) that their completeness on the position of Ghaltka with its decrees and caliphs who were contemporaries to them ,as well as their places, deaths, cemeteries and their accomplishments In accordance with the powers granted to them and also it mentions the situation of The Abbasid caliphate with them and with the sons of their sect .

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Curtin University
Gas hydrates investigation: flow assurance for gas production and effects on hydrate-bearing sediments
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This thesis was aimed to study gas hydrates in terms of their equilibrium conditions in bulk and their effects on sedimentary rocks. The hydrate equilibrium measurements for different gas mixtures containing CH4, CO2 and N2 were determined experimentally using the PVT sapphire cell equipment. We imaged CO2 hydrate distribution in sandstone, and investigated the hydrate morphology and cluster characteristics via μCT. Moreover, the effect of hydrate formation on the P-wave velocities of sandstone was investigated experimentally.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Modern Applied Science
Hybrid Methodology for Image Segmentation Based on Active Contour Module and Alpha-Shape Theory
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The concept of the active contour model has been extensively utilized in the segmentation and analysis of images. This technology has been effectively employed in identifying the contours in object recognition, computer graphics and vision, biomedical processing of images that is normal images or medical images such as Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI), X-rays, plus Ultrasound imaging. Three colleagues, Kass, Witkin and Terzopoulos developed this energy, lessening “Active Contour Models” (equally identified as Snake) back in 1987. Being curved in nature, snakes are characterized in an image field and are capable of being set in motion by external and internal forces within image data and the curve itself in that order. The present s

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 04 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Transition Metal Complexes with Tridentate Ligand: Preparation, Spectroscopic Characterization, Thermal Analysis and Structural Studies
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New series of metal ions complexes have been prepared from the new ligand 1,5- Dimethyl-4- (5-oxohexan-2- ylideneamino) -2-phenyl- 1H-pyrazol-3 (2H)-one derived from 2,5-hexandione and 4-aminophenazone. Then, its V(IV), Ni(II), Cu(II), Pd(II), Re(V) and Pt(IV) complexes prepared. The compounds have been characterized by FT-IR, UV-Vis, mass and 1H and 13C-NMR spectra, TGA curve, magnetic moment, elemental microanalyses (C.H.N.O.), chloride containing, Atomic absorption and molar conductance. Hyper Chem-8 program has been used to predict structural geometries of compounds in gas phase, the heat of formation, (binding, total and electronic energy) and dipole moment at 298 K.

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Crossref (5)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Zinc Element Traces to Inhibit Scale Formation on Cooling Tower and Air Cooler Systems
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Calcium carbonate is predominantly present in aqueous systems, which is
commonly used in industrial processes. It has inverse solubility characteristics
resulting in the deposition of scale on heat transfer surface. This paper focuses on
developing methods for inhibition of calcium carbonate scale formation in cooling
tower and air cooler system where scaling can cause serious problems, ZnCl 2 and ZnI
2 has been investigated as scale inhibitor on AISI 316 and 304. ZnCl 2 were more
effective than ZnI 2 in both systems, and AISI 316 show more receptivity to the
chlorides salt compared to AISI 304. The inhibitors were more effective in cooling
tower than air cooler system. AISI 316 show more constant inhibition effic

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