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Judicial Accounting and its impact on the outcome of the activity of the Iraqi General Insurance Company: applied research

The research aims to shed light on the importance of forensic accounting and its impact on the outcome of the activity of the Iraqi general insurance company by winning the lawsuits filed against the company because the forensic accountant (the judicial expert) possesses the ability to interpret and analyze the data. The research community represents the insurance companies in Iraq. Iraqi insurance, and the researchers adopted the descriptive approach in covering the theoretical aspect and the deductive approach in covering the practical side, depending on the financial statements of the Iraqi insurance company for the years of research.

One of the most important conclusions reached by the researchers was that forensic accounting has an impact on the outcome of the insurance company's activity through winning the lawsuit an not paying compensation or reducing it

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Biochemical Cellular Archive
The relationship between helicobacter pylori infection and reproductive disorder

To determine the relationship between infertility and Helicobacter pylori infection, thirty-five infertile patients of ages (20-49) years have been investigated and compared with 10 apparently firtility individuals. All the studied groups were carried out to measure (ASA), (TNF-á), (IL-6), (anti-H.pylori IgA) and (anti-H.pyloriIgG) by Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. The statistical analysis also demonstrated that there were a highly significant differences (P<0.01), when compared between studied group. Also, the statistical analysis demonstrated that there were a highly significant differences (P<0.01) when compare between infertility and fertility in Conc. of sperm. The percentage distribution of ASA in serum and seme

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 08 2022
Journal Name
Mathematical Statistician And Engineering Applications
Illation for the Groups SL(2,112 ) and SL(2,132 )

Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
Computations for the groups SL(2,81) and SL(2,729)

For any group G, we define G/H (read” G mod H”) to be the set of left cosets of H in G and this set forms a group under the operation (a)(bH) = abH. The character table of rational representations study to gain the K( SL(2,81)) and K( SL(2, 729)) in this work.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The political dimension Engineering social characteristics and Alssayashllansan community

تستهدف هذه الدراسة وبشكل أساس، الكشف عن طبيعة وخصائص البعد السياسي لهندسة/صناعة الخصائص الاجتماعية والسياسية للإنسان والمجتمع، بوصفها العملية المسؤولة عن تصميم هذه الخصائص وصناعتها وتغييرها جزئيا أو كليا، دون أبعادها الأخرى المتعددة والمتنوعة، لا لمجرد الانسياق وراء دوافع الرغبة الذاتية، أو اعتبارات التخصص الدقيق وأحكامه، لأن معهما أيضا، بل وقبلهما أحيانا، دوافع واعتبارات أخرى موضوع

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Typographic Accomplishment between the Manual Skill and Contemporary Technology

     The typographic accomplishment is the most important means of cognitive communication and carries a message from the sender to the recipient which serves a certain objective functionally, economically and advertisingly.

            The design of typographic accomplishment depends on two different techniques, the first is manual, which depends on the skill, training and individual achievement of the designer and his ability to design and produce typographic accomplishment with manual skill effects. The second one is the contemporary digitization which is represented by computers, programs and printers attached to them. The problem of the current resear

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Assessment the Relation between Breast Cancer and Blood Group

Objectives: To assess the relation between breast cancer & blood groups, identify the importance of women
age group and the relation of age with breast cancer.
Methodology: The study was performed on (115) women who were diagnosed with breast cancer in different
stages of disease and different ages. Blood samples were taken from them to demonstrate their blood groups and
(20) fresh tumor tissue samples were obtained; the tumor tissue used as a source of lectin for hemagglutinate
with erythrocyte of different blood groups. The study conducted at Baghdad Teaching Hospital and Radiation &
Nuclear Medicine Hospital from January, 2007 through June 2007.
Results: The study shows that the highest percentage of women

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Sculptural Formation in the Third Millennium: Styles and Trends

The research studies the sculptural formation in the third millennium: styles and trends, by taking the most important results of sculpture in the third millennium. The problem of the research is to search for the new sculptural formation in what it constitutes of social and human importance, and what are the important factors in forming the   contemporary sculptural structure, and what is the mechanism of showing and producing the new formation. The research requires the study of the most important thing that the (sculptural formation in the third millennium styles and trends) represents. The importance of research depends on the importance of the sculptural formation after the twentieth century and the importance that the for

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Medical Toxicology &amp; Legal Medicine
The relationship between body mass index and asthma control

Asthma and obesity are both a major public health problems affecting large numbers of individuals across the globe. Link between obesity and asthma is now considered as a recognized fact, and many epidemiological studies, found that overweight and obese people had a higher chance of developing asthma, with more severe symptoms. Assessment of the relationship between body mass index and asthma control. A cross-sectional study, that included 100 patients diagnosed with asthma, attending the respiratory disease consultatory unit at Baghdad teaching hospital. Body mass index was calculated by (BMI= weight in Kg/Height in m2), and Asthma control was assessed using asthma control test questionnaire forma. Statistical analysis done using, Test of

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri May 26 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Islamic Thought And Civilization
Undermining the Familiar and Embodiment Content in Arabic Calligraphy

Contrary to deconstruction and its destructive pursuit, the concept of undermining the familiar seeks to refute the constants and its known limitations. It is done through the process of receiving and what is imposed by the formation of the word or text or the structural and design structure in general, along with the Arabic calligraphy in particular. This is based on the recipient's understanding and interpretation of the dual phenomenon and the content's manifestation. More accurately, the disclosure of its reality through its expressive phenomenology; for that sake, the research was devoted to studying “undermining the familiar and embodiment content in Arabic calligraphy” including four chapters. The first chapter comprised

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The city’s ecological applications and standards in ALAMARA city
Abstract<p>In the last period there have been rapid developments and increased interest in the integration of the environment into urban planning. It has occupied a large part of the world’s most economically and economically important concerns, emphasizing the need to adopt the concepts of green urban construction as a basis for future cities. Both human and nature to continue and stay. Hence, the importance of research in building a base on the planning and design principles of the eco-friendly city for the purpose of local adoption”, thus facing the problem of” lack of application of knowledge on the basis of planning and design eco-friendly city. The hypothesis that “the development </p> ... Show More
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