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Auditing the performance of the structural capital according to standards of e-learning and its reflection on the performance of universities: applied research

The developments and transformations taking place in the era and the growth of knowledge economies and communication technology led this development to compel higher education institutions in Iraq to reconsider their objectives to keep pace with development. And one of the most important tools of development was the application of e-learning standards and its long-term impact on the performance of the educational institution. Performance auditing plays an important role in verifying the extent to which these institutions have implemented their activities and programs that auditing performance by adopting e-learning standards helps the institutions’ management by providing appropriate information on the extent to which they achieve their goals through efficient, effective and economical utilization of the available resources. E-learning standards. Based on the research problem represented in the absence of a program to audit the performance of structural capital in accordance with e-learning standards, which were circulated to all Iraqi universities as a result of the conditions imposed by the Corona pandemic, which obligated all Iraqi universities to apply, which was reflected in the performance of the college, the research sample. The research was built on the hypothesis that (the presence of a program to audit the performance of the structural capital in the college, the research sample, according to the standards of e-learning, is reflected in the performance in universities). Indicators included in e-learning standards.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Use Risk Score Method to Identify the Qualitative Risk Analysis Criteria in Tendering Phase in Construction Projects

The purpose of this article was to identify and assess the importance of risk factors in the tendering phase of construction projects. The construction project cannot succeed without the identification and categorization of these risk elements. In this article, a questionnaire for likelihood and impact was designed and distributed to a panel of specialists to analyze risk factors. The risk matrix was also used to research, explore, and identify the risks that influence the tendering phase of construction projects. The probability and impact values assigned to risk are used to calculate the risk's score. A risk matrix is created by combining probability and impact criteria. To determine the main risk elements for the tender phase of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Develop Bactra system to determine Mutagens in the Environment, Food III: use emulators nitrogenous bases 5 - Bromeuruasil

The results show that the compound affects the rest of the living cells after treatment for 15 minutes The influence Almtafr has had the effect BU less than the effect of NTG in the case of the registration of every of Struptomaysan resistance and rifampicin, although the first attribute more responsive

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 10 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Salivary α-Amylase Level in Relation to the Oral Health Parameters among Children in Baghdad City

Background: Saliva is a specific bio-fluid with important biomarkers. Analyzing any alternation in these markers could give valuable information, in relation to oral health status parameters. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of α -amylase in unstimulated whole saliva of healthy, primary school children in relation to some oral health parameters. Materials and Methods: A questionnaires consisted of demography and medical histories of participants were filled by children families. Saliva samples were collected for 5- minutes between 9:00 -11:00 AM from 114 healthy students aged 6-13 years, divided into four age groups. Flow- rate, Plaque and Gingival Index were assessed and dentition status was investigated by DMFT/dmft

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A New Approach to Solving Linear Fractional Programming Problem with Rough Interval Coefficients in the Objective Function

This paper presents a linear fractional programming problem (LFPP) with rough interval coefficients (RICs) in the objective function. It shows that the LFPP with RICs in the objective function can be converted into a linear programming problem (LPP) with RICs by using the variable transformations. To solve this problem, we will make two LPP with interval coefficients (ICs). Next, those four LPPs can be constructed under these assumptions; the LPPs can be solved by the classical simplex method and used with MS Excel Solver. There is also argumentation about solving this type of linear fractional optimization programming problem. The derived theory can be applied to several numerical examples with its details, but we show only two examples

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 24 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Highlighting the Treatment Regimens used in COVID-19 epidemic in Iraq with Special Regards to Vitamin D

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a flu-like infection caused by a novel virus known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). After the widespread around the world, it was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a global pandemic. The symptoms of COVID-19 may arise within 2 weeks and the severity ranged from mild with signs of respiratory infection to severe cases of organ failure and even death. Management of COVID-19 patients includes supportive treatment and pharmacological medications expected to be effective with no definitive cure of the disease. The aims of this study are highlighting the management protocol and supportive therapy especially vitamin D and manifesting the clinical symptoms b

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Use Risk Score Method to Identify the Qualitative Risk Analysis Criteria in Tendering Phase in Construction Projects

The purpose of this article was to identify and assess the importance of risk factors in the tendering phase of construction projects. The construction project cannot succeed without the identification and categorization of these risk elements. In this article, a questionnaire for likelihood and impact was designed and distributed to a panel of specialists to analyze risk factors. The risk matrix was also used to research, explore, and identify the risks that influence the tendering phase of construction projects. The probability and impact values assigned to risk are used to calculate the risk's score. A risk matrix is created by combining probability and impact criteria. To determine the main risk elements for the tend

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Differential Item Functioning at the scal of mental health

At the last years, the interesting of measurement spicilists was increased to study differential item functioning (DIF) wich is reflect the difference of propability true response for test item from subgroups which have equal level of ability . The aims of this research are, inform the DIFat Namers’scale(2009) for mental health to prepare students and detect items that have DIF. Sample research contants (540) students, we use Mantel- Haenzel chi-square to detect DIF. The results are point to there are (26) items have DIF according to gender which are delated form the scale after that.


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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Humanitarian Intervention between the Legal And Political Considerations: Humanitarian Intervention between the Legal And Political Considerations

Humanitarian intervention has taken different forms included within the
peaceful and military means to stop the human suffering, whether caused by
natural disaster or humanitarian disasters.
Intervention can not be acquitted because it carries with it political cover,
but sometimes it may be legitimate cover for the occupation and the violation
of sovereignty. Therefore, the research worked to capture the legal and
political aspects of international law and the role of international organizations
to intervene and the right to use force.
The research concludes that international law had not been fairly
successful in controlling the behavior of some countries in the use of force,
and that there is

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 26 2020
Journal Name
Clinical And Experimental Dental Research
The oral health and periodontal diseases awareness and knowledge in the Iraqi population: Online‐based survey

This study aimed to evaluate oral health (OH) and periodontal diseases (PD) awareness in the Iraqi population.

Material and methods

This study was a questionnaire‐based online survey of two weeks duration. The questionnaire was built using a Google platform and was distributed randomly via social media (Facebook and Telegram). The questionnaire consisted of a demographic data section and two other main sections for the evaluation of OH and PD awareness. Each response was marked with “1” for a positive answer and “0” for the other answers. For each respondent, answers were summed to give

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Change detection of the land cover for three decades using remote sensing data and geographic information system

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