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Tax Exemptions and their impact in reducing the phenomenon of tax evasion: A field study
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The research aims to verifying the tax exemptions granted in accordance with the Iraqi tax legislations, showing their suitability for basic tax rules, and identifying their role to reduce the tax evasion phenomenon and the negative effects resulting therefrom, which arerepresented by a decrease in the proceeds of tax revenue and therefore leadings to a reduction of public revenues of the state. Also, the research tries to identify the ways to reduce cases of tax evasion due to their reflection positively on the public budgetof the state. The data of the research was collected through two models of questionnaires distributed to a sample of taxpayers from some professions and a sample of the tax administration staff. The research has reached a number of important results, that tax exemptions have an active role in reducing the tax evasion phenomenon, as well as that tax exemptions lead to the achievement of tax justice among taxpayers by taking into account their personal and family circumstances.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Attitudes of the Iraqi Public towards the Propaganda Logic of Terrorist Organizations
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                     The research entitled "the attitudes of Iraqi People towards the Logic Propaganda for Terrorist Organization such as Daash Regulation, as-Qaida, and Jabhat al-Nasra". It is a field study on the professors and the students of the College of Mass Media at Baghdad University in 2014.

                      After the global war on terrorism declared on September 11, 2011, the researcher finds it is important to study such subject as it threats the unity and sovereignty of Iraq especially after th

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of the Adoption of IAS.1 on Improving the Qualitative Characteristics Using Financial Indicators - An Applied study
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The international financial accounting and reporting standards IFRS/IAS represent the set of rules and foundations that the economic entity must follow in the measurement, presentation, and disclosure of the elements of the financial statements, the implementation of adopting the international financial reporting standards contributes to improving the qualitative characteristics of accounting information, so the current research aims to explain the role of adopting the International Accounting Standard (IAS) in improving the qualitative characteristics as well as analyzing the impact of the adoption of IAS.1 in improving the qualitative characteristics of accounting information within the financi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study on the Accuracy of Prediction in Recommendation System Based on Similarity Measures
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Recommender Systems are tools to understand the huge amount of data available in the internet world. Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most knowledge discovery methods used positively in recommendation system. Memory collaborative filtering emphasizes on using facts about present users to predict new things for the target user. Similarity measures are the core operations in collaborative filtering and the prediction accuracy is mostly dependent on similarity calculations. In this study, a combination of weighted parameters and traditional similarity measures are conducted to calculate relationship among users over Movie Lens data set rating matrix. The advantages and disadvantages of each measure are spotted. From the study, a n

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of empowerment strategies on the characteristics of work enrichment An exploratory research to the views of a sample of the leaders of the Ministry of Oil in Iraq
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The study aimed to investigate the relationship between empowerment strategies and their impact on the success of enrichment work, it included the dimensions of empowerment strategies (power, knowledge, information, rewards), The dimensions of Job enrichment are (Skill variety, Task identity, Task significance, Autonomy, Feedback). The study was conducted at the headquarters of the Iraqi Oil Ministry in Baghdad and was based on a sample of the leadership of the ministry of managers consisting of 215 people. The data were collected using the questionnaire method based on scientific standards adopted in previous st

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A study to determine the most important factors affecting student performance In the secondary school in Diwaniya
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Student performance may influence by several factors in all his study levels such as primary school, intermediate school and even in his college; some of these factors are psychological factors, social factors, and the factors which correlate with student environment.

In this paper we study some of these factors to discover their influence by using canonical correlation analysis to analyze the data. Many conclusions are discovered to help who focuses student performance or to make it pest in future.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The senses and their role in financial transactions
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This study aimed to clarify the legal provisions concerning the senses and their role in financial transactions, in the light of the definition of all the vocabulary presented by this study (senses - the definition of senses apparent: they are hearing - sight - smell - taste - touch) in the first section. The study deals with the second topic of the reference and writing denominator phrase and includes two requirements, the first requirement: the establishment of the denominator of the phrase, which has two branches: Section I: signal Akhras. Section II: Signal of the Spokesman.
 The second requirement is that writing takes the place of the phrase in financial transactions. The owners argue that the sale of the blind is correct a

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Zankoy Sulaimani - Part A
A Comparison Study on the Formation of Administrative and Leadership Policies for the Team and Individual Olympic Games in the Iraqi National Olympic Committee
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The planning for the formation of administrative policies and guidance through leadership are important things for managing administrative processes and sporting activities. As both contribute in the stability of the administrative conditions, and their development in the sport federations, whether they both were attentive about team and individual Olympic Games. The two researchers observe that, there is a variation in the correct way of application. Particularly in the formulation of administrative policies and leadership describing it as, modern management standards for both team and individual Olympic Games in the Iraqi National Olympic Committee. That led to cause a misconception and lack of clarity for some administrators of those uni

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Leadership crisis and environmental pressures A Survey of the views of a sample of administrative leaders at Mosul University and the North technical University
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The administrative leadership relies on a variety of behavioral paths in the functional areas in which it operates, and thus indicates its ability and thus has the upper hand in the organizational events, and in such a way that it can draw lessons and evaluate the results so as to test the expectations within the framework of the changes.

Does the study sample leadership have the characteristics that enable it to contain both crises and environmental stresses?

The aim of the study was to determine the location of the administrative leaders in the system of the study sample from the issue of crises and environmental pressures. The study concluded with a number of conclusions, the m

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Determinants of Total Factor Productivity Growth: an Analytical Study of a Cross Section of Countries for the Period (2003-2016)
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            This study tests the effect of a large number of independent variables that control the growth of the total productivity, which amounted to 112 variables, gathered from what is mentioned in the specialized theoretical and applied literature. The data for these variables were taken from global reports of sound international organizations and reliable databases covering the period 1991-2016. The data of the dependent variable, the growth of the total factor productivity, were taken from the database of the world development indicators. The study covered 61 countries for which data were available. The study included three regression models to explain

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Improving the Recovery of Hydrocarbons in a Well in the Gullfaks Field by Injecting Sequestrated CO2
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The Gullfaks field was discovered in 1978 in the Tampen area of the North Sea and it is one of the largest Norwegian oil fields located in Block 34/10 along the western flank of the Viking Graben in the northern North Sea. The Gullfaks field came on stream in 1986 and reached a peak of production in 2001. After some years, a decrease in production was noticed due to the decrease in pressure in the well. The goal of this paper is to improve the production of a well located in Gullfaks field by injecting CO2 through coiled tubing. The use of the CO2 injection method is due to the fact that it is a greenhouse gas, and its production in the atmosphere contributes to global warming. It is important to reduce its emission

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