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Tax Exemptions and their impact in reducing the phenomenon of tax evasion: A field study
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The research aims to verifying the tax exemptions granted in accordance with the Iraqi tax legislations, showing their suitability for basic tax rules, and identifying their role to reduce the tax evasion phenomenon and the negative effects resulting therefrom, which arerepresented by a decrease in the proceeds of tax revenue and therefore leadings to a reduction of public revenues of the state. Also, the research tries to identify the ways to reduce cases of tax evasion due to their reflection positively on the public budgetof the state. The data of the research was collected through two models of questionnaires distributed to a sample of taxpayers from some professions and a sample of the tax administration staff. The research has reached a number of important results, that tax exemptions have an active role in reducing the tax evasion phenomenon, as well as that tax exemptions lead to the achievement of tax justice among taxpayers by taking into account their personal and family circumstances.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Foavedur mass media for children and modifyin Their behaviour from point of their parents view: Foavedur mass media for children and modifyin Their behaviour from point of their parents view
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The research aimed to know favoured mass media for children and
modifying their behaviour ,the child became aquires the information from
mass media that he exposure them without any guidance , where upon the
quidance proqrammes becomes real danger whereas qet out their civil

style and converting to deadly poisons,and because of little study for this
supject the two researchers opined to perform astudy to know the favoured
mass media to the children and what are the mass media that modify their
behavior according to ther parent points of view ,after propring the research
measurement and the suilable statical methods it has shown that there are
mass media affect in children behavior ,they are st

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of training programs directed toward the diagnosis of the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption
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It considers training programs is an important process contributing to provide employees with the skills required to do their jobs efficiently and effectively, so it should be concerned with and the focus of all government our organizations, and perhaps the most important reasons that I was invited to select the subject (evaluation of training programs directed toward the diagnosis of the phenomenon of financial and administrative corruption) It is the importance of those programs working in the regulatory institutions General and the Office of Inspector General of Finance and the Ministry particularly for employees because of their role in the development of their skills and their experience and their beha

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Middle East and its Strategic Dimensions: a theoretical study
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Characterized the Middle East has geographic, economic, and geostrategic peculiarities, but it suffers from many problems, such as disagreement over what it means as a concept, or what it represents of a geographic extension. The question is related to the ambiguity surrounding the concept of the Middle East? The purpose of its launch? As it relates to its geostrategic, economic, and geo-cultural importance? And manifestations of this importance? And to what extent he retained his value in the strategies of the major powers? Research hypotheses:

-The multiplicity of concepts for the Middle East region, with international political and Geostrategic interests.- The geostrategic value of the Middle East has made it a focal point for

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 19 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Health Sciences
A study of the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart and their relationship to the phosphagenic and lactic energy systems of young basketball players
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It was found that there was a significant correlation between all tests of the mechanical and electrical activity of the heart (systolic force FC, stroke volume SV, end-diastolic volume, EF volume, and left ventricular volume during diastole LVDD) with the test of the oxygen-phosphating energy system (Markaria). - As safe (Margaria-Kalamen( It was found that there is a significant correlation between all tests of the mechanical and electrical activity of the heart (myocardial systolic force FC, stroke volume SV, end-diastolic volume EDV, and the percentage of heart pumpingEF blood, and left ventricular volume during diastole (LVDD) with the Lactational Oxygen Energy System Test (Wingate Test 30 Second(

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
The effect of the green value chain in reducing environmental failure costs
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The research aims to apply the activities of the green value chain as one of the modern administrative techniques that economic units resort to develop solutions to the pollution problems that occur due to the activity of economic units and their products that may cause damage to the environment as well as the waste of natural resources and to identify the production of environmentally friendly products and reduce the costs of environmental failure of both types Internal and external that may be borne by economic units such as taxes, fines and compensation due to nonobservance of environmental requirements and the preservation of human health and protection of the environment. To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers rel

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The role of relaxation program for reducing anxiety of patients in dental clinic
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The role of relaxation program for reducing anxiety of patients in dental clinic  

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Cyber security technology and the reflection of its application on the quality of financial reports: An exploratory study of a sample of internal and external auditors
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                 This research aims to define the roles of auditors by clarifying the concept and risks of cyber security in protecting information and financial data in economic units. Najaf, Babylon and Karbala, then the results were analyzed and the results were presented and analyzed to show that adopting cyber security improves the quality of reports Finance through what it achieves in displaying information with credibility and transparency, in a way that suits the needs of users, and cyber security has a role in managing economic resources more effectively to obtain benefits that would have been lost in the event of an

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Math Word Problems in Mathematics Books for the First Three Grads of the Basic Stage in Palestine (An analytical and Evaluative Study)
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This study aimed at revealing the degree of availability of standards of word problems in mathematics books for the first three grades of the basic stage in Palestine. For this purpose, the researcher prepared an analysis tool and a list of criteria consisting of two areas: linguistic formulation and mathematical content. Every area had seven items. The results of the study showed that the third-grade mathematics book has the highest degree of availability of the standards with 85.75%, and then came the second-grade mathematics book with 83.12%. Finally, the first-grade mathematics book came with 80.13%. In the light of the previous results, the researcher recommended to develop the language of word problems, to take into account their i

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of Internal Control Activities and their Role in Administrative Decisions
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The current research aims to verify the relationship and impact of internal control activities as an independent variable in its dimensions (efficiency, training, independence) in making administrative decisions as a responsive variable and its dimensions (identifying and diagnosing the problem, searching for alternatives, evaluating alternatives, choosing the appropriate alternative, implementing the decision, following up Decision and evaluation) in the Kirkuk Water Directorate, as well as to identify the levels of their practices, and then try to come up with a number of recommendations contribute to the strengthening of internal control activities and the process of making administrative decisions of the researched Directorat

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the Axail Dispersion Model in Ion Exchange Column
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A mathematical model is developed which predicates the performance of cylindrical ion exchange bed involving comparing of axial dispersion model for cation exchange column with different assumption, this model permits the performance to predicate the residence time within the bed with the variance, axial dispersion and Pecklet No. to indicated deviation from plug flow model.

      Two type of systems are chosen for positive ions first with divalent ions (Ca+2) to exchange with resin of Na+1form used as application in  water softener units and second with monovalent ions (Na+1) to exchange with resin of H+1 form used as application in deionize water units &n

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