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The role of incentive legislation in job creativity: An applied study of a sample of Babylon Technical Institute employees
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The Incentives legislation aims to raise the efficiency of job performance of all kinds through optimal investment of human resources and their capabilities to raise or increase and production influence and provide distinguished and creative services such as The Incentives Law of Productive Ministries Employees No. 20 of 1993 and instructions issued by ministries and relevant Facilities regarding incentives for their affiliates based on provisions Public Companies Law and the instructions of the Higher Education Fund issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The human element is the most unstable and complex element of production as it is characterized by a set of feelings and emotions that is expresses in different ways, and is reflected in the performance of work in institutions. As the difference in the motives and needs of workers the interest and obligations of people differ from one person to another, and from time to time. The research aimed to identify the role of incentive legislation in Iraq, by studying and evaluating its effectiveness and impact on performance and job creativity. For the purpose of expertise with the aspects of the subject, the research was divided into four sections, the first section dealt with the research methodology, the second section touched on the general framework of the incentive legislation impact on job creativity, the third section represented the practical side, presentation and analysis of the results, and the fourth section included a the conclusions and recommendations.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Compound Heat Transfer Enhancement in Dimpled and Sinusoidal Metal Solar Wall Ducts Fitted with Wired Inserts
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An improved Metal Solar Wall (MSW) with integrated thermal energy storage is presented in this research. The proposed MSW makes use of two, combined, enhanced heat transfer methods. One of the methods is characterized by filling the tested ducts with a commercially available copper Wired Inserts (WI), while the other one uses dimpled or sinusoidal shaped duct walls instead of plane walls. Ducts having square or semi-circular cross sectional areas are tested in this work.
A developed numerical model for simulating the transported thermal energy in MSW is solved by finite difference method. The model is described by system of three governing energy equations. An experimental test rig has been built and six new duct configurations have b

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Callus Induction and Shoot Formation for Mexican Red Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Pinto Cultivar in Vitro
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The current study aimed to adopt a method for inducing callus cells and regenerating the important common red bean using different types of growth regulators such as N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP), Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), and Thidiazuron (TDZ). Different types of common bean pinto cultivar explants, such as internodes, cotyledons and roots, were inoculated on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) provided with different combinations of plant growth regulators, including 1- BAP (5 mg/l) 2-BAP (4.5 mg/l) NAA (0.5 mg/l), 3- BAP (4.5 mg/l), and TDZ (0.1mg/l). Callus was initiated on MS culture medium supplied with 5 mg/l BAP for all explants (internodes, cotyledons, and roots) at 50, 20, and 10% respectively, while adding NAA with 0.5mg/l showed

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Electronic government and its effect in reducing Management Corruption: دراسة استطلاعية في دائرة المرور العامة (الإجازات)
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In view of the huge and speedy development of the information and communications technology sectores which cover all the life aspects. The traditional government started to adopt the Electronic Government Concept to deliver the information, services and product marketing to the beneficiaries through the Internet and Computer system. The E-government became inevitable necessity that should be applied in every country wishes to face the Modern technical development.

E-government is not on alternative of the traditional government but a supporter which can increase its efficiency by keeping away from the routine and Beaurucratic complexity, this will save the efforts, increase achievement and reduce costs, in addition to Provide Man

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Flow Visualization And Velocity Measurement Using Hydrogen Bubble Generation Technique In Low Speed Open Channel
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Visualization of water flow around different bluff bodies at different Reynolds number ranging (1505 - 2492) was realized by designing and building a test rig which contains an open channel capable to ensure water velocity range (4-8cm/s) in this channel. Hydrogen bubbles generated from the ionized water using DC power supply are visualized by a light source and photographed by a digital camera. Flow pattern around a circular disk of (3.6cm) diameter and (3mm) thickness, a sphere of (3.8cm) diameter and a cylinder of
(3.2cm) diameter and (10cm) length are studied qualitatively. Parameters of the vortex ring generated in the wake region of the disk and the separation angle of water stream lines from the surface of the sphere are plott

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Succinic acid Production Strategy: Raw material, Organisms and Recent Applications in pharmaceutical and Food: Critical Review
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Succinic acid is an essential base ingredient for manufacturing various industrial chemicals. Succinic acid has been acknowledged as one of the most significant bio based building block chemicals. Rapid demand for succinic acid has been noticed in the last 10 years. The production methods and mechanisms developed. Hence, these techniques and operations need to be revised. Recently, an omnibus rule for developing succinic acid is to find renewable carbohydrate Feedstocks. The sustainability of the resource is crucial to disintegrate the massive use of petroleum based-production. Accordingly, systematically reviewing the latest findings of bacterial production and related fermentation methods is critical. Therefore, this paper aims to stud

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Revista Latinoamericana De Hipertensión
Iatrogenic atrial septal defect post radiofrequency ablation in patients with left atrial SVT: Predictors and outcomes
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atrogenic atrial septal defect (IASD), post Catheter ablation during electrophysiological study simply can be assess with Echocardiography nowadays ablation consider the main line in the managements of patients with various type of arrhythmia. This study aims to de-termine the outcomes of Iatrogenic Atrial Septal Defect (IASD) six months post radiofrequency ablation (RF) procedure of left atrial arrhythmia using non-invasive Transtho-racic Echocardiography (TTE) parameters (LVEF, E/e` and ASD size) with sheath size as predictors of atrial septal defect closure. Patients and methods: A prospective study was con-ducted in Iraqi Centre for Heart Diseases included 47 patients post Electrophysiology procedure and ablation of left atrial SVT were

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Scopus (11)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Society Of Petroleum Engineering
Investigating geomechanical considerations on suitable layer selection for hydraulically fractured horizontal wells placement in tight reservoirs
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 17 2016
Journal Name
Plos One
Efficient and Stable Routing Algorithm Based on User Mobility and Node Density in Urban Vehicular Network
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Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are considered an emerging technology in the industrial and educational fields. This technology is essential in the deployment of the intelligent transportation system, which is targeted to improve safety and efficiency of traffic. The implementation of VANETs can be effectively executed by transmitting data among vehicles with the use of multiple hops. However, the intrinsic characteristics of VANETs, such as its dynamic network topology and intermittent connectivity, limit data delivery. One particular challenge of this network is the possibility that the contributing node may only remain in the network for a limited time. Hence, to prevent data loss from that node, the information must reach the destina

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 30 2024
Journal Name
The Journal Of Infection In Developing Countries
Hematological profile among cutaneous leishmaniasis patients before and after treatment with sodium stibogluconate in Diyala, Iraq
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Introduction: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a common protozoan disease in Iraq characterized by localized ulcers, primarily on exposed skin. This study aimed to investigate the hematological parameters of infected patients using a complete blood count (CBC) in the endemic area of Diyala Governorate, northeast of Baghdad. This has been studied in newly diagnosed, untreated individuals and patients receiving sodium antimony gluconate. Methodology: Hematological screening was performed on blood samples from 161 patients with microscopically diagnosed cutaneous leishmaniasis before and after treatment. Anti-Leishmania IgG was also assessed by ELISA in seropositive and seronegative subjects. Results: The newly diagnosed, untreated pati

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Medicinal Chemistry
New Niflumic Acid Derivatives as EGFR Inhibitors: Design, Synthesis, In silico Studies, and Anti-proliferative Assessment
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1,3,4-oxadizole and pyrazole derivatives are very important scaffolds for medicinal chemistry. A literature survey revealed that they possess a wide spectrum of biological activities including anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects.


To describe the synthesis and evaluation of two classes of new niflumic acid (NF) derivatives, the 1,3,4-oxadizole derivatives (compounds 3 and (4A-E) and pyrazole derivatives (compounds 5 and 6), as EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in silico and in vitro.


The designed compounds were synthesized using convent

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