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Media concepts in social studies and national textbooks in public education in light of media education standards and the nature of Saudi society
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The study aimed to reveal the degree of inclusion of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in general education in light of the criteria of media education and the nature of the Saudi society. Additionally, to identify the estimations of the participants in the study of the importance of including media concepts in these books, and to build a matrix of the range and sequence of media concepts in the books of social and national studies in the grades of Saudi general education. The study followed the descriptive approach in both descriptive analysis of the textbooks and descriptive survey of the study participants who were (203) students in the schools of boys and girls in general education in Makkah. The study used two data collection tools: the content analysis card for textbooks (18 books for students) and the questionnaire of the participants' estimations in the study, as ensuring the validity and reliability of the tools. The data were processed using the statistical program (SPSS) according to a set of appropriate statistical tests. The results of the study led to the preparation of a list of (156) media concepts distributed in (13) fields. The results of the content analysis revealed a very low inclusion of the media concepts in the books of social and national studies. While, the participants' estimations in the study revealed high degree of importance of inclusion of media concepts in those books. In view of this, a model for the matrix of the extent and sequence of the media concepts was designed in the books of social and national studies in Saudi general education.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political Culture and Civil Society in Algeria: Problematic relationship
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In light of what constitutes the cultural factor from a great importance in the context of the incorporation of an active and participant civil society in the process of democracy- building and the achievement of political development, this article tries to look at the concept of the political culture and the civil society with the stand on the nature of existing relationship between them in its theoretical part, then the move to dissection of the civil society crisis in Algeria under the prevalent cultural values for understanding the relationship between the two variables in its empirical part, as a step towards the detection on the pivoting of democratic values in activating the political participation and attainment the democratic co

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Adenoidectomy with Myringotomy and Tympanostomy Tube Versus Adenoidectomy with Myringotomy in Treatment of Otitis Media with Effusion in 5-7 Years Old Children
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Background: Adenoiditis is a common cause of otitis media with effusion (OME) in children & perhaps OME is one of the most common diseases leads to hearing impairment in children with subsequent impairment of speech development & learning difficulties , however, treatment remains controversial. Objectives: To evaluate if there is a significant advantage of tympanostomy tube insertion in association with adenoidectomy over adenoidectomy in association with myringotomy alone in treatment of children with OMEType of the study: This is a prospective study. Patients & methods: The study consisted from 63 children diagnosed as cases of bilateral OME & variable degrees of adenoid hypertrophy. The patients were divided randomly i

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluating the Science Experts Program at the Specialized Institute for Professional Training for Teachers in the Sultanate of Oman in Light of the Kirkpatrick Model
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This study aims to identify the degree to which the first cycle teachers use different feedback patterns in the E-learning system, to identify the differences in the degree of use according to specialization, teaching experience, and in-service training in the field of classroom assessment as well as the interaction between them. The study sample consisted of (350) female teachers of the first cycle in the governmental schools in Muscat Governorate for the academic year 2020/2021. The study used a questionnaire containing four different feedback patterns: reinforcement, informative, corrective, and interpretive feedback. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were verified in terms of validity

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Discoloration of Stretched Clear Elastomeric Chains by Dietary Media (An in vitro study)
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Background: With the increasing demand on esthetic orthodontic appliances, discoloration of clear elastomeric chains and modules remains an issue which concerns both orthodontics and patients. This in vitro study was conducted to evaluate the effect of exposing stretched clear elastomeric chains from six different companies (Ortho Technology, Ormco, Ortho Organizer, American Orthodontics, Opal and G&H companies) to three types of dietary media (tea, coffee and turmeric). Materials and methods: A total of 960 lengths of six modules were cut from short type elastomeric chain; 160 pieces from each brand. The specimens were stretched 50%, placed on plastic boards, and incubated in water at 37°C for 1 day, 7 days, 14 days and 28 days. Once a

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Laminar Forced Convection of Dusty Air through Porous Media in a Vertical Annulus
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An experimental and numerical study has been carried out to investigate the forced convection heat transfer by clean or dusty air in a two dimensional annulus enclosure filled with porous media (glass beads) between two vertical concentric cylinders. The outer cylinder is of (82 mm) outside diameters and the inner cylinder of (27 mm) outside diameter. Under steady state condition; the inner cylinder surface is maintained at a high temperature by applying a uniform heat flux and the outer cylinder surface at an ambient temperature. The investigation covered values of input power of (6.3, 4.884, 4.04 and 3.26 W), Reynolds number values of (300, 700, 1000, 1500, and 2000) and dust ratio values (density number N) of (2, 4, 6 and 8). A comput

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The results revealed that the incidence of Rhizoctonial damping-off of tomato was 65% and 67% in both rotations. Substrates of pine leaf litter and mushcom 2 suppressed infection reaching 59 and 60%. Mushcom1 restricted disease occurrence to 53%. In contrast, formulated Th + B. subtillus revealed a noticeable disease reduction reaching 33.16%, due to nutrients incited from mushroom thallus. The highest occurrence of damping-off (92 and 94 %) was found in control (sandy loam soil) during rotations. However, partial suppressive of Trichoderma spp. against R. solani was detected in different substrates. Mortality was 90% in control (non-amended soil). Finally, a comparable reduction of

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Preparation and Characterization of Graphene Oxide – Attapulgite composite and its use in kinetic study of Alizarin Dye Adsorptionfrom Aqueous Media
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ATTAPULGITE clay was modified in this study by the graphene oxide sheets and the clay was diagnosed before and after modification using several techniques (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR, X-ray powder diffraction XRD, Scanning electron microscope SEM , energy dispersive spectroscopy EDX ) ,The surface of the attapulgite clay (before (Ata) after modification by graphene oxide (Ata-GO) ) was applied to adsorption of the Alizarin dye from its water solutions through the application of several kinetic models (pseudo first-order model , pseudo second -order model , intraparticle diffusion model ),It was found that the practical results follow pseudo second -order model. The process of modification on the surface of the mud has imp

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
Peer Education Strategy and its Impact on the Development of Skill of Perspective Drawing
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       After the twenty – first century become  necessary for us motorcade era in educational a chevements by searching  for the best  strategies and teaching methods and  techniques  artotalbagesh  resorting to the strategy

Did not use in use in the teaching of the foreseeable  material  general by voice and teaching  perspective  for the student of the class fourth science

In particular ,so the researcher asking the question follows:

Can the peer education strategy to have an impact in perspective drawing skill development ?

   From here it demonstrated the importance of current research know the impact of  p

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political development on the royal regime era : A perusal according to the standards of Alexis de Tocqueville
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Abstract: The researcher aims to highlight the historical frames of political development in royal regime era (1921-1949) and study its transitions on social-political aspect for the various periods during this consistent era of Iraq history. As some elements played an important role in shaping this era’s features ,as well as 2hat succeed it, which mainly affected the political progression’s configuration, such as : political culture role, social and cultural foundation, state policy essence and the unofficial institutions remarkable role in influencing public awareness and concerning it's relation to the state ,the clan and religious institutions. The researcher employed Alexis de Tocqueville’s evaluation criteria and indi

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 28 2018
Journal Name
مؤتمرات الآداب والعلوم الانسانية والطبيعية
Analyzing the Content of the Science Textbook for 7th Grade Iraqi Schools in Light of Educational Concepts of Sustainable Development
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The aim of this research is to analyze the content of the science textbook for 7th grade Iraqi schools in the light of the educational concepts of sustainable development, the science textbook (1st edition), for the academic year 2017-2018. To this end, the researchers prepared list of issues in the light of the educational concepts of sustainable development, consisted of (13) issues, branched to (51) subissues, presented to a group of arbitrators and specialists in science curriculum and methods of teaching. The researchers analyzed the content of the 7th grade science textbook, in the light of the list that is built, the idea has been adopted as a unit of analysis. One of the most important findings is attention to neglected sub-issues o

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