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الكفايات التدريسية اللازمة لمدرسي التربية الإسلامية في المرحلة الإعدادية
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مشكلة البحث :

إن القرآن الكريم هو النور المبين والذكر الحكيم يحتوي على الغاية الأسمى التي تهدف اليها الإنسانية ، فهو روح التربية الإسلامية وهو المنهج القديم الذي تستمد منه فلسفتنا التربوية واتجاهاتها ،                                        (الزوبعي ، 1974: 18)

إن الدين الإسلامي هو نظام الهي يرشد الى الحق في العقيدة والخير وهو خاتم الرسالات السماوية وديناً للناس جميعاً ، وهو نظام الحياة الحرة الكريمة المستقيمة ، ومن فضل هذا الدين على البشرية أن جاءها بمنهاج شامل قويم من تربية النفوس ، وتنشئة الأجيال وتكوين الأمم ، وبناء الحضارات ،و إرساء قواعد المجد والمدنية ، وما ذلك إلاّلتحويل الإنسانية من ظلمات الشرك والجهالة والضلال الى نور التوحيد والعلم والهدى والاستقرار ، حيث يقول تعالى : بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم " يهدي الى الحق والى صراط مستقيم "

(الأحقاف : 30)

والتربية الإسلامية هي نظام حياة يجمع بين الدين صلة الإنسان بربه وبين الدنيا بعلومها أخلاقها وادبها عقلياً ونفسياً وروحياً ، إنها الحياة بأوسع معانيها فهي نظام تربوي متكامل يشمل فلسفة التربية وأهدافها ومناهج التربية والتعليم وخصائصها وطرق التدريس والإدارة التعليمية والإدارة المدرسية والتوجيه والأشراف والأنشطة المدرسية.

( الهاشمي ، 1999: 26)

فلقد أثيرت مشكلة ضعف مدرسي التربية الإسلامية في مختلف المراحل ضعفاً يعجزهم عن تلاوة القران الكريم وتفسيره ، وعن النطق الصحيح للأحاديث النبوية مع قصورهم في معرفة الأحكام الشرعية العبادات والمعاملات. لان اغلبهم لم يؤهل على نحو جيد لتدريس القران الكريم ، وكذلك طرائق التدريس التي يعتمدها المدرسون في تدريسهم القران الكريم ، تلاوته ومعانيه ، لا سيما ان هذه المرحلة تؤهل الطالب للدراسة الجامعية.

وفي ضوء ما تقدم ارتأت الباحثة إجراء دراسة ميدانية تستهدف تشخيص الكفايات التدريسية اللازمة لمدرسي التربية الإسلامية في المرحلة الاعدادية ، لذا تامل الباحثة في تحديد الكفايات التدريسية بصورتها الواقعية بغية تحسينها وتعزيزها بما يخدم العملية التربوية وأغراض هذا البحث.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Focus groups strategy and its impact on the achievement of primary school students in art education
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Art education is one among the fundamental subjects for elementary school students, because it contributes to assembling learners’ personalities and developing their technical skills. For this reason, this research comes, which aims to understand the effect of the task groups’ strategy in developing the performance of elementary school students in art education. to realize the goal of the research, the researcher put the subsequent hypotheses:
-There is not any statistically significant difference at the amount (5%) between the typical many students between the experimental group that studied consistent with the strategy of task groups and therefore the control group that studied in keeping with the same old method that they obt

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Designing Interactive Educational Website for Highschool Students in Iraq: أحمد ناجي علي-يوسف مشتاق لطيف
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       publishing has become a large space in the field of interactive education and modern  pages have become dedicated to the service of the educational effort in this area as the research in this context of the urgent scientific necessities, especially as we consider in Iraq from the new countries in the exploitation of these new technologies and investment possibilities of the information network And the contents of different in the framework of so-called distance education Here lies the problem of research in the possibility of finding scientific solutions for the design of interactive inter active website for students of the preparatory stage in Iraq and to find out the scientific ways to find des

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Factorial Structure of The Emotional Intelligence Scale to Bar-On Applied on Students from Preparatory School in Baghdad City.
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The aim of the study was to know the factors analysis of scale Bar-On & Parker, post analysis is found fourteen factors for the first degree of the scale. Also we extracted five factors from the second degree.

  The scale consists of (60) items , applied on sample of (200) students (Male &Female ) age (15-18) years randomly chosen from preparatory schools . The scale unveiled satis factors  validity and reliability. An others aims is to low the  emotional  Intelligence level and  know the difference of statistical in sex , age variable and the specialization variable .The result was no difference of statistical in sex and specialization variable , but the difference appear

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching Problems Faced by Female Teachers of Students with Intellectual Disability in Special Education Programs and the Proposed Solutions for that from their point of view - a qualitative study
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This study aims to identify the teaching problems that teachers of students with intellectual disabilities face, in addition to exploring the solutions suggested by them in order to overcome such problems or challenges. The researchers used a qualitative approach in order to understand the teachers' perceptions about these problems in a more in-depth way. The interview tools (in-depth and semi-structured interviews) were used to collect data from (3) female teachers from special education programs in the Asir region. The results revealed a number of themes including problems related to students, teachers and the teaching methods they use, curricula, school environment, and school administration. Moreover, the results indicated that famil

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
مجلة التربية الرياضية
إدارة درس التربية الرياضية لدى الطالب المطبق وفقا المهارات التدريسية من وجهة ً الهم نظر اعضاء هيأة التدريس في كلية التربية البدنية وعلوم الرياضة جامعة بغداد
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Connectivism Theory in Developing E-Learning Competencies among Teachers of Islamic Education in Dhofar Governorate
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The study aims to build a training program based on the Connectivism Theory to develop e-learning competencies for Islamic education teachers in the Governorate of Dhofar, as well as to identify its effectiveness. The study sample consisted of (30) Islamic education teachers to implement the training program, they were randomly selected. The study used the descriptive approach to determine the electronic competencies and build the training program, and the quasi-experimental approach to determine the effectiveness of the program. The study tools were the cognitive achievement test and the observation card, which were applied before and after. The study found that the effectiveness of the training program

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر إستراتيجية التعلم التنافسي في التحصيل لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الأدبي في مادة التربية الإسلامية
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Aim of the research

The current research is aimed to know the effect of competitive education strategy at the fifth-grade students in the preparatory Islamic Education .

Search procedures

To achieve the goal of research researcher Qsidia chose a middle channel of the daughters of the breeding Baghdad Rusafa , The research sample has been reached (69) student -Bois Qa (34) in the control group , And ( 35) in the experimental group , Researcher Strategy competitive education that was applied to the experimental group were used , the traditional way to the control group .

search result

Search result yielded superiority of the expe

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Actual Use of Instructional Technology in Teaching History Subject in the Colleges of Education for Humanities from the of the College Staff Members' Perspectives and their Attitudes Towards Them
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The study aims at knowing the actual uses of instructional technology in teaching history subject in the colleges of education for humanities from the college staff members' perspectives and their attitudes towards it. The sample of the study consisted of (24) instructors from the Colleges of Education for the Humanities, the College of Basic Education- Haditha and the College of Education for Women, the study used the descriptive method, and the questionnaire was consisted of (50) items, and the psychometric properties of the instrument of the study were extracted. The researchers used the appropriate statistical means to analyze the data, and the results of the study showed the following: the teaching staff attitudes towards the use of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 16 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Learning Cleverness of Physics Teachers in Secondary Stages According To the Variable Years of Service
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This current research aims to reveal the difference between the levels of teaching expertise of physics teachers according to the years of service by answering the following question: does the educational skill level of physics teachers work according to the service? The sample of the study consisted of (225) physics teachers by (125) females (56%), and (100) males (44%), distributed on (4) education directorates in Baghdad governorate on both sides of al-Karkh and al-Rusafa. In order to achieve the aim of the study, the researcher prepared a note card for expertise teaching, consisting of (39) paragraphs distributed into (5) fields. The apparent validity and reliability of the card were verified through an agreement (the researcher hers

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
كلية التربية الاساسية
تقويم الكفاءة الادارية لأعضاء اللجان المشرفة على التطبيقات التدريسية في كليات التربية بجامعة بغداد من وجهة نظر التدريسيين المشرفين عليها
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هدف البحث إلى معرفة تقويم الكفاءة الادارية لأعضاء اللجان المشرفة على التطبيقات التدريسية في كليات التربية بجامعة بغداد من وجهة نظر التدريسيين المشرفين عليها. اعتمد البحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي. وتكون مجتمع البحث من (162) مشرفاً على التطبيقات التدريسية من كليات التربية/ جامعة بغداد، واختيرت عينة البحث بالطريقة العشوائية البسيطة، وبلغ عدد أفراد العينة (120) مشرفاً من الكليات آنفة الذكر. وتم بناء استبانة تضمنت (35)

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