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الثقة بالنفس وعلاقتها باساليب المعاملة الوالدية لطلبة الجامعة
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لما كانت العلاقه بين الاولاد  ووالديهم  مؤثره في تحديد شخصيتهم وتطويرهم اجتماعيا , اصبح من الضروري ان ندرك بان هناك انواع مختلفه من اساليب المعامله الوالديه لكن الشائع عن اسلوب التنشئه الوالديه في العراق هو الاسلوب التسلطي الذي يفرض فيه الاب بالذات اكثر من الام اراء  ومعتقدات ويتحكم في اتخاذ القرارات نيابه عن الابناء وحتى عن الزوجه في كثير من الاحيان وقلما يتنازل الاب عن هذه الحقوق . انه  في الغالب يميل الى ان يغرس في ذهن الابن ماتعلمه من قيم وعادات اكتسبها من ابيه عندما كان طفلا وهو يتبع للوصول الى هذا الهدف نفسها الاساليب التي استعملت معه . وان التغيرات ان وجدت في اساليب التنشئه  يكون تغيرا بسيطا كان تغير وسيله العقاب من العصا التي يحتفظ بها الاب في البيت سابقا ، الى استخدام اليد فقط او تعابير العقاب اللفظي من الاسلوب المباشر الى الاسلوب غير المباشر...... ...... الخ

ان هذا الاسلوب له علاقه  كبيره بسمات وشخصيه الطفل . واحدى هذه السمات هي الثقة بالنفس وهي سمه عامه من سمات الشخصيه  التي ترتبط بمجالات التكيف المختلفه الانفعاليه وبالتالي فانها تطبع الشخصيه بطابعها فنقول هذه الشخصيه قليله الثقه بنفسها ونصفها بالسلبيه  او التردد والاعتماديه وعدم القدره على حل المشاكل الحياتيه وعدم القدره على تحمل المسؤوليه واتخاذ القرارات . ان هذه الصفات لاتسبب الضرر وألالم للفرد فقط نتيجه شعوره بالنقص والدونيه وانما تكون لها اثار سلبيه على المجتمع فهذا الشخص من الممكن يكون ابا ومنتجا مما تبرز لديه مظاهر اجتماعيه واقتصاديه خطر داخل المجتمع كالاتكالية وانخفاض الطموح . وعكس ذلك صحيح اي انتشار اساليب التنشئه التي تزيد الثقه بالنفس وتزيد المظاهر الصحيه في المجتمع .ومن خلال ملاحظة الباحثة اثتاء عملها في الجامعة  كتدريسية , من ان هناك عدد من الطلبة يتصفون بسلوكيات كالانانية  والاعتمادية والتسلطية , لذا جاءت هده الدراسه  كمحاولة لمعرفة العلاقة بين ما يتمتعون به من ثقة بالنفس وبين الاسلوب الذي يتبعه الوالدين معهم في تنشئتهم .

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The quality of work-life and relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University of the faculty members' point of view / Business School Case study
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This study aimed to identify the quality of the career path and its relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University in the Faculty of Business from the point of view of the faculty members by identifying the dimensions quality of work-life including (participation of decision making, training and development opportunities, and the balance between personal and work life, and to identify the level of organizational excellence through dimensions ( Excellence of leadership, excellence of the  strategy, and excellence of organizational culture). The descriptive approach was used. The questionnaire was a research tool. It consisted of (29) paragraphs, distributed to the entire study community and then received 127

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Associations Between Phonological Processing and Working Memory in Students with and without Reading disabilities in Basic Education Cycle One Schools in Muscat
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The study aimed to examine the phonological processing profile for students with and without reading disabilities in cycle 1 schools of basic education in the Governorate of Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The study participants included 306 students, 165 students with reading disabilities and 141 students without reading disabilities. The Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (CTOPP) and Working Memory Test (WMT) were administered to the participants. The results of the study showed that the mean score of students without reading disabilities was higher than that of students of reading disabilities in all measures of phonological processing, and that there are statistically significant differences on the  case of students in all

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of performance based costing technology in measuring the cost of consulting services : (an applied study in the Office of Scientific and Consulting Services - University of Technology
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             This research aims to apply the Performance Focused Activity Based Costing System in the offices of scientific and advisory services at the University of Technology for the purpose of measuring the cost of services provided by these offices in order to reduce costs. To test the hypothesis of the research, the research was applied in the consulting offices of the University of Technology through the financial statements for the year ending 12/31/2017 of the Scientific and Consulting Services Office of the University of Technology, because the data of these years were issued and audited by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision.

A number of

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making Styles And their effect on Performance Excellence the university" An exploratory search for a sample of the administrative leaderships in the Mustansiriya University"
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   Addressed this research the impact of intelligence emotional dimensions of the main(self awareness, and self-management, and social awareness, and relationship management) in the performance excellence the university(performance optimization, and strategic development) this is by middling the styles decision making which are (rational and intuitive, and dependent, and spontaneous, and avoidant), and Go search of an intellectual dilemma raise fundamental questions revolve around the search was to answer those questions through a theoretical framework for search variables first and test models of the relationship and second through the impact six hypotheses President.The objective of the research to make sure the contr

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Evaluating Educational Programs in Combating Indecent Behaviors Among University Students Using Structural Equation Modeling (Field study: Northern Border University)
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The study aimed to evaluate educational programs efficiency in applying the best educational practices to educate students from the dangers of indecent behaviors, in line with higher education policy and the appropriateness of educational program dimensions to spread awareness among students to not fall into the indecent behaviors clutches. The study adopted the inductive exploratory approach through structural equation modeling and the descriptive analysis of the collected data from randomly selected sample (n=385) from educational academics at Northern Border University in the Saudi Arabia using a specially designed survey tool to meet study purposes to evaluate dimensions of teaching methods, evaluation tools, training courses, course

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Immunohistochemical study of bone marrow angiogenesis in multiple myeloma and its correlation with clinicopathological factors
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Background: In recent years, bone marrow angiogenesis was reported to be involved in the pathogenesis and progression of certain hematological malignancies like multiple myeloma, leukemias, and lymphomas. Recent studies have suggested that bone marrow angiogenesis plays an important role in the pathogenesis and prognosis of multiple myeloma.
Objectives: at the present study, bone marrow angiogenesis in multiple myeloma was examined using immunohistochemical staining for CD34, and correlated with various pathological and clinical parameters.
Patients and methods: This is a retrospective study; where by archival paraffin-embedded tissue blocks along with the clinical and hematological records of fifty-two patients with multiple myelo

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Mathematical-procedural Knowledge ant its relation to logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department
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The study seeks the relationship between the mathematical-procedural Knowledge and the logical-mathematical intelligence among students at the third stage in mathematics department. To this end, three questions were arisen: what is the level of mathematical-procedural Knowledge among the third stage students in mathematics department regarding their gender? Do male or female students have more logical-mathematical intelligence and are there significant differences base on their gender? What kind of correlation is between the level of mathematical-procedural Knowledge and the logical-mathematical intelligence of male and female students in the third stage in the mathematics department? A sample of (75) male and female students at the thir

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Digital Citizenship and its Relationship to the Level of Health Awareness of Corona Virus (Covid-19) among a Sample of Palestinian University Students: محمود عبد المجيد عساف
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The study aims to identify the degree of appreciation for the level of digital citizenship of a sample of Palestinian university students in the governorates of Gaza, and its relationship to the level of health awareness about the emerging coronavirus (covid-19). To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher followed a descriptive approach by applying two questionnaires; the first, which consists of 30 items, was used  to measure the level of digital citizenship.  The second, which consists of 19 items, was used to measure the level of health awareness. Both questionnaires  were applied on a sample of 367 students who were electronically selected using the manner simple randomness. Results have shown that the degr

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 07 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الدراسات الاقتصادية والادارية
Measuring readiness to accomplish organizational change through personal characteristics: Crisis management approach: An exploratory study of the opinions of a sample of managers at Central Technical
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The self-evident truth existing in today's business environment is the continuity of change and its continuity and turmoil, also its increase over time as it is more abundant, abundant, wide and complex than ever before, and it is the dominant feature in the business environment, as different organizations and operating units can find themselves shifting from the top to the bottom. And then it requires its departments to strive to adapt to these rapid and turbulent shifts and changes by bringing about a series of organizational and adaptive changes that are not limited to one organizational aspect only but rather include all organizational components. Accordingly, this research came to determine the readiness of public organizations to chan

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Descriptive study of incidence of side effects of Pegylated interferon alpha therapy and their relation to age, gender, duration of treatment and type of hepatitis in 50 Iraqi patients.
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Background: Hepatitis C and B is common disease all over the world and their chronicity is a social and medical problem so medical treatment by alpha interferon can change the mortality and morbidity.
Object: Identify the incidence of the side effects of pegylated interferon alpha in a sample of Iraqi patients with chronic hepatitis B&C and their relation to age, gender, duration of treatment and type of hepatitis comparing them with the literatures from other countries.
Patients and methods:A descriptive case series study was conducted on 50 patients, 24 male and 26 female, with established diagnosis of hepatitis B(20 patients)and C(30 patients) who attend Baghdad Teaching hospital and Gastroenterology and Hepatology centre in

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