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أثر أنموذج لاندا في تحصيل طالبات الصف الخامس العلمي في مادة الاحياء
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اظهرت نتائج ابحاث تربوية اجريت في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية ان تدريس مادة الاحياء يعتمد على حفظ المصطلحات والمفاهيم العلمية دون فهم واستيعاب لها، كما ان الاساليب والطرائق التدريسية المتبعة تقليدية وتؤكد على الجوانب الشكلية والنظرية والحفظ والتلقين. (عايش،1999،ص8).

        واشارت دراسة في وزارة التربية العراقية ان مادة الاحياء تشارك بعض المواد الاخرى في صعوبتها في المرحلة الثانوية لان المفاهيم الاحيائية لها خصوصية من حيث صعوبتها وتشابكها وتفرعها مما يزيد من صعوبة تعلمها.(العراق،1984،ص4-12). وتكمن مشكلة البحث من انخفاض مستوى تحصيل طالبات الصف الخامس العلمي في مادة الاحياء عند مقارنته بتحصيلهن في الصف الرابع العام، وقد يعود ذلك الى طبيعة مادة الاحياء المعقدة نوعا ما في هذا الصف لتضمينها مفاهيم ومبادئ،وقوانين ومسائل رياضية فسلجية تصعب على الطالبات ادراكها على وفق الاساليب التدريسية التقليدية الشائعة في مدارسنا(المحاضرة)، كما ان التركيز على التلقين وعدم ربط الخبرات السابقة للطالبات والتقييد الحرفي بالكتاب وعدم توظيف المفاهيم الاحيائية بصورة جيدة.        إضافة الى عدم جدية التدريس من قبل اغلب المدرسات وعدم استعمال التقنيات الحديثة انعكست هي الاخرى على تحصيل الطالبات وهذا ما لاحظه الباحث من خلال خبرته المتواضعة وعند زيارته للمدارس الثانوية عند التطبيق الجمعي.

        كما وجه الباحث سؤالاً الى (50) مدرس ومدرسة احياء حول معرفتهم لانموذج لاندا وكيفية استعماله في التدريس، فكانت أجابتهم جميعا بعدم معرفتهم بهذا النموذج وانهم اعدو لاعطاء المحاضرات حسب الطرائق المتبعة (التقليدية).

لذا جاء البحث في اثارة السؤال الاتي:-

هل لانموذج لاندا اثر في تحصيل طالبات الصف الخامس العلمي في مادة الاحياء؟

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Moral Intelligence and its Relationship with Academic Adjustment for Sixth Year Primary School Pupils
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This research aims at measuring the relationship between moral intelligence and academic adjustment for sixth year primary School Pupils.

The research is assigned to sixth year primary school pupils- Baghdad –the 2nd   karkh of the both genders .The total sample includes (500) pupils .The researchers has built two scales one for Moral Intelligence and another for Academic Adjustment and applied them on the total sample of the research .The researchers treated data by appropriate statistical means .The research has reached the following results:

  • The pupils of sixth year primary school characterized by Moral Intelligence.
  • The

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Perceived competence and its relation to locus of control among sixth-grade students
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The purposes of study are to measure the perceived competence and the locus of control among sixth-grade students, to identify the statistical differences between the perceived competence and the locus of control among sixth-grade students regarding the variable of gender, achievement, and economical status, and lastly, explore the correlation relationship between perceived competence and locus of control among sixth-grade students, To do this, the researchers have constructed two scales: one to measure the perceived competence based on bandura's theory (social-cognitive theory) which consisted of (26) items and the other to measure the locus of control based on Rotter's theory (social-learning theory) which included (25) items. The samp

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Domestic dialogue and its relationship with Self- Transcendence among pupils of grade praimary
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The dialogue considers a method and life curriculum help to solve many problems as well as the best way to build a healthy family setting supports the growth of children and leads to the formation sound, strong and positive character. It also supports the family relationship. many of family members needs may achieve through what prevails among them such as continuing a comprehensive and deep combines word, deed and feeling it enters the body and soul . So each part strengthens by the other part and exchanges effect The deep domestic dialogue opens hearts between parents and children  Family increases more loving , intimacy , honesty and happiness. So the domestic dialogue became an urgent necessity in the light of many socia

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Shyness and its relation to feeling of psychological isolation among first intermediate students
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The study attempts to measure the level of shyness; the level of psychological isolation; to identify the relationship between shyness and psychological isolation; and to identify the differences between shyness and psychological isolation among first-intermediate students. To this end, a random sample comprised (187) male and female students was chosen for the academic year (2016-2017) from Baghdad \ Al-Rasafa. To measure the shyness and psychological isolation, the researcher designed two scales: one to measure the shyness composed of (37) items divided into four domains; and the other to measure the psychological isolation made of (56) items divided into three domains. The study concluded that the sample has a medium level of shyness;

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 14 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Guidance Program in Reducing the Level of Addiction on Social Media in a Sample of High School Students in Karak Schools
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The current research aims to develop a guidance program suitable for high school students and apply it to them in order to ensure the reduction of addiction to the use of different means of communication. The researchers used the scale of addiction to the means of communication (SAS) to measure the level of addiction as well as to identify the impact of the proposed guidance program in reducing the degree of addiction to communication. It was applied to a sample of (20) female students divided equally into two groups: an experimental group of (10) female students and a control group of (10) female students from the secondary level in a school under the department of education in the education of the alma

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 06 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Bone Defect Animal Model for Hybrid Polymer Matrix Nano Composite as Bone Substitute Biomaterials
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Addition of bioactive materials such as Titanium oxide (TiO2), and incorporation of bio inert ceramic such as alumina (Al2O3), into polyetheretherketone (PEEK) has been adopted as an effective approach to improve bone-implant interfaces. In this paper, hot pressing technique has been adopted as a production method. This technique gave a homogenous distribution of the additive materials in the proposed composite biomaterial. Different compositions and compounding temperatures have been applied to all samples. Mechanical properties and animal model have been studied in all different production conditions. The results of these new TiO2/Al2O3/PEEK biocomposites with different

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The difficulties facing literary sixth students in studying modern and contemporary history from their point of view
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  The research aims to find out the difficulties of studying the subject of modern and contemporary history and its proposed solutions from the point of view of the students of the literary sixth in the secondary schools of the Directorate of Education Rusafa I-Baghdad, the research community of students of the literary sixth stage, which Number(150) students,and to achieve the- And Fisher's equation-and percent weight).The results showed the existence of a number of real difficulties achieved for the study of modern and contemporary history of the sixth literature, and the data showed the existence of Unreal difficulties diagnosed from the students ' point of view .In light of this, the researcher dev

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Degree of Practicing of the Sixth Primary Social Studies’ Teachers in Iraq for the Principles of Active Learning from their Point of view
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This study aimed to explore The Degree of Practicing of the Sixth Primary Social Studies’ Teachers in Iraq for the Principles of Active Learning from their Point of view

The study society consisted of 230 male and femalesocial studiesteachers’ subjects for the sixth primary grade in Al-Anbar General Directorate of Education. 160 of them were selected to represent the sample of the study with a percent of (70%) from the original society. To achieve the aims of the study, the researchers prepared a questionnaire consisting of (43) items which represented the active learning principles. The validity and stability of the tool were verified. The researchers used the descriptive approach to suit the objectives of this study. &

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Relationship between Fiscal Policy and Human Development Analytical Studay Of Iraq Using The (ARDL)Model
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Fiscal policy is one of the important economic tools that affect economic development in general and human development in particular through its tools (public revenues, public expenditures, and the general budget).

It was hoped that the effects of fiscal policy during the study period (2004-2007) will positively reflect on human development indicators (health, education, income) by raising these indicators on the ground. After 2003, public revenues in Iraq increased due to increased revenues. However, despite this increase in public budgets, the actual impact on human development and its indicators was not equivalent to this increase in financial revenues. QR The value of the general budget allocations ha

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
العملية – التعلمية في عصر الانترنت والصعوبات التي تعيق استعماله " دراسة اجريت على عينة من طالبات كلية التربية للبنات "
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The study aims to introduce at the difficulties in which delay the using of the internet In the educational process – learning , Study was conducted on a sample of students in the College of Education for Girls and the effects of variables : possession of computer , availability of the internet service , and the level of parents on these difficulties ,  Used for this purpose, a total sample size (400) students, distributed Departments . Results showed that the most important difficulties in which delay using of internet were : Lack of knowledge of internet availability , Lack of knowledge of the aim of using this service , and the students satisfaction that the disadvantages is more than the advantages of

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