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الانموذج الخلدوني لاستراتيجيات التعلم والتعليم مبادى وفنون
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ما كان للعرب في تاريخهم الطويل قبل الإسلام، وبعده أن يبدعوا ما أبدعوه في صنع الحضارة وتاريخها ، لولا اعتمادهم أنظمة تربوية سليمة في التنشئة والتعليم، ولولا ان عصورهم قد عرفت مربين ، ومعلمين، وعلماء اسهموا في تقديم نظريات تربوية آثرت في تقدم الفكر التربوي وفي تقدم الإنسان.

 فمن الطبيعي أن تكون للعرب تربية منظمة، ولمفكريهم عناية بهذه التربية في كل حقب تاريخهم الطويل، ما دام طفل الإنسان هو أطول مواليد الكائنات الحية طفولة، أحوجها إلى الرعاية حتى يبلغ اشده، ولكنه مزود بقدرات كبيرة على التعلم في نطاق محيطه الاجتماعي.                                     (الأبرشي ، ص1979، ص94)

ففي كل أطوار الماضي التاريخي للعرب ، وفي كل مصر من أمصارهم قامت نماذج تربوية علمية موجهة بنظرة معينة للحياة ، ومعززة بتقاليد محددة للسلوك المطلوب من الصغير والكبير ، وبحكم أحكام ، وضوابط هي جميعاً الممثلة لدستور التربية المتحتم الاخذ به في التعايش المشترك العام والصراع الحيوي.

          إن التربية العربية في عهد ما قبل الاسلام موصوفة وصفاً دقيقاً في القصص، والحكم والشعر، والأمثال ، وما عكاظ الامهرجان ثقافي ، ومدرسة تربوية به ما بكل مدرسة على الإطلاق من اتجاه تقليدي اتباعي ، واتجاه ثوري تقدمي فمن الاتجاه الأول زهير بن أبي سلمى الذي حافظ على ضبط قواعد السلوك الاجتماعي.

ومن بك ذا فضل فيبخل بفضله

على قومه يستغنى عنه ويذمم

ومن الاتجاه الثاني معلقة طرفة بن العبد المتنكب عن المألوف المعرض عن المتبع إلى نزع ثوري منتصر للذات ولحريتها.

الا أيها اللائمي احضر الوغى

وأن اشهد اللذات هل انت مخلدي

ثم حين ظهر الاسلام أنضاف الى الحكمة العربية التشريع السماوي باصليه القران الكريم، والسنة النبوية الشريفة ، ذلك التشريع الذي اقر العديد من المعايير الجمالية في بلاغته العربية ، والكثير من المعايير السلوكية الاجتماعية فصارت تجريبية للحياة وبالحياة ولما بعد الحياة.                                                      (بركات ، 1982، ص86)



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Publication Date
Wed Mar 22 2023
Journal Name
مجلة الجامعة العراقي ة
اتجاهات معاصرة في ط ا رئق التدريس التعلم النشط أنموذج ا
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يعد التعلم النشطعملية نشطة ذهنية يبذٌل بها العقل الجهد الكافي لإِكتشاف المعرفة فالمعلمليس ناقلاً فيه للمعرفة ،) وانما مرشداً وموجهاً والمتعلم محور العملية التدريسية فيه،إِي عمليةإِبداع يختار منها المعلمما يستطيع الابداع فيه وتركيبه)حارص، 2015:6 والتعلم النشط طريقة تعاونية يشترك فيها جميع المتعلمين بالأنشطة والواجبات المتنوعة التي تسمح لهم بالأصغاء الإِيجابي والتحليل السليم للمادة والتفكي ا رلابداعي اذ تت

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
العلوم التربوية والنفسية
فاعلية استراتيجية التعلم بالتخيل الموجه في التحصيل الرياضي
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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Effect of Orgnizational Learning in gnizational Effectifness: An Applied Study
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The purpose of this study is testing the effect of orgnizational learning in orgnizational Effectivness an applied study in Al-hiqma Jordinan Medecine Company . study sosiety 88 manegers sleect 80 of them .study used SPSS to test the reachs to significant conculctions

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detecting Textual Propaganda Using Machine Learning Techniques
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Social Networking has dominated the whole world by providing a platform of information dissemination. Usually people share information without knowing its truthfulness. Nowadays Social Networks are used for gaining influence in many fields like in elections, advertisements etc. It is not surprising that social media has become a weapon for manipulating sentiments by spreading disinformation.  Propaganda is one of the systematic and deliberate attempts used for influencing people for the political, religious gains. In this research paper, efforts were made to classify Propagandist text from Non-Propagandist text using supervised machine learning algorithms. Data was collected from the news sources from July 2018-August 2018. After annota

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exploring the Challenges of Diagnosing Thyroid Disease with Imbalanced Data and Machine Learning: A Systematic Literature Review
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Thyroid disease is a common disease affecting millions worldwide. Early diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease can help prevent more serious complications and improve long-term health outcomes. However, thyroid disease diagnosis can be challenging due to its variable symptoms and limited diagnostic tests. By processing enormous amounts of data and seeing trends that may not be immediately evident to human doctors, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms may be capable of increasing the accuracy with which thyroid disease is diagnosed. This study seeks to discover the most recent ML-based and data-driven developments and strategies for diagnosing thyroid disease while considering the challenges associated with imbalanced data in thyroid dise

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of the Strategic Leadership in Strategic Learning Exploratory Research at Anbar University
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        This study aims to know the extent of the impact of Strategic Leadership as an independent variable in Strategic Learning as a dependent variable to help the senior leadership in Anbar University to take the right decisions to develop Strategic Learning programs in light of the circumstances of the Covid-19 and the sudden decisions adopted by the university to switch to E-learning and to blend. The survey was conducted by distributing a questionnaire that was adopted as a primary tool in data collection from the study sample represented by the university's senior leaders, An intentional random sample of (105) was selected from our community of (127), the data were analyzed by (SPSS) Depe

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching techniques due to the Brain-based learning theory among math teachers
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The purpose of the study is to identify the teaching techniques that mathematics' teachers use due to the Brain-based learning theory. The sample is composed of (90) teacher: (50) male, (40) female. The results have shown no significant differences between male and female responses' mean. Additionally, through the observation of author, he found a lack of using Brain-based learning techniques. Thus, the researcher recommend that it is necessary to involve teachers in remedial courses to enhance their ability to create a classroom that raise up brain-based learning skills.  

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between critical thinking, epistemological beliefs, and learning strategies with the students’ academic performance
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The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between critical thinking, epistemological beliefs, and learning strategies with the academic performance of high school first-grade male and female students in Yazd. For this purpose, from among all first-grade students, as many as 250 students (130 females and 120 males) were selected by using multistage cluster sampling. The data needed were then collected through using California Critical Thinking Skills Test, Schommer's Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire, Biggs’ Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire. The findings indicated that there is a positive significant relationship between critical thinking and academic performance and achievement. Moreover, four fa

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Oil spill classification based on satellite image using deep learning techniques
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 An oil spill is a leakage of pipelines, vessels, oil rigs, or tankers that leads to the release of petroleum products into the marine environment or on land that happened naturally or due to human action, which resulted in severe damages and financial loss. Satellite imagery is one of the powerful tools currently utilized for capturing and getting vital information from the Earth's surface. But the complexity and the vast amount of data make it challenging and time-consuming for humans to process. However, with the advancement of deep learning techniques, the processes are now computerized for finding vital information using real-time satellite images. This paper applied three deep-learning algorithms for satellite image classification

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
معوقات تطبيق الإدارة الإلكترونية في وزارة التربية والتعليم بسلطنة عمان(البوابة التعليمية الإلكترونية أنموذجاً) من وجهة نظر موظفي المديرية العامة لتقنية المعلومات
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Drawbacks of Implementing Electronic Management in the Ministry of Education (A sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the Point of View of IT Staff. The study aimed at discovering the drawbacks of implementing electronic management in the Ministry of Education (a sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the point of view of IT staff, and that is by answering the following questions: - What are the main drawbacks (administrative, financial, technical and drawbacks related to human resources) that hinder implementing the electronic management in the Ministry of Education (a sample: Oman Educational Portal) from the point of view of IT staff? - Are there any statistical significance differences at the level (0.05) between study samples on the

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