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بناء وتطبيق مقياس مفهوم المواطنة لدى طلبة الجامعة
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تعد المواطنة مبدأ ومرجعية دستورية وسياسية لا تلغي عملية التدافع والتنافس في الفضاء الاجتماعي ، نضبطها بضوابط الوطن ووحدته القائمة على احترام التنوع وليس على نفيه ، والساعية بوسائل قانونية وسلمية للافادة من هذا التنوع في تمتين قاعدة الوحدة الوطنية ، بحيث يشعر الجميع بان مستقبلهم مرهون بها ، وانها لاتشكل نفيا لمحو حياتهم ، وانما مجالا للتعبير عنها بوسائل منسجمة وناموس الاختلاف وافاق العصر ومكتسبات الحضارة ، ولا يكتمل مفهوم المواطنة على الصعيد الواقعي الا بنشوء دولة الانسان تلك الدولة المدنية التي تمارس الحياد الايجابي تجاه قناعات ومعتقدات وايديولوجيات مواطنيها بمعنى ان لا تمارس الاقصاء والتمييز تجاه مواطن بسبب معتقادته او اصوله القومية او العرقية فهي مؤسسة جامعة لكل المواطنين وهي تمثل المحصلة الاخيرة لمجموع ارادات المواطنين (محفوظ ،2005 : 3 ).

وعليه ينبغي ان تعمل الجامعة ومن قبلها المراحل التعليمية الاخرى على تنمية مفهوم المواطنة عند الطلبة ، غير ان هذا يتطلب قياس درجة توافر مفهوم المواطنة عند طلبة الجامعة ، اذ في ضوء هذا التكميم يتمكن المعنيين والمسؤولين عن التعليم من تحديد احتياجات تنميتها واساليبه بدقة ، لان القياس يحول السمة الى كم او رقم لايختلف عليه اثنان ويسهل عملية التقويم والمقارنة بموضوعية (Ghiselli,et al , 1981 :23 ) .

الا ان عملية القياس تتطلب توافر مقياس موضوعي لقياس السمة معد على البيئة او المجتمع الذي تقاس فيه تلك السمة، ونظرا لعدم توافر مقياس لمفهوم المواطنة معد ومطبق على طلبة الجامعو على قدر اطلاع الباحث يتسم بالخصائص القياسية التي تحد من اخطاء القياس التي لابد ان تكون في القياس النفسي بشكل عام لذا فان مشكلة البحث الحالي يمكن ان تنبثق من الحاجة لمثل هذا المقياس وتحدد بعدم وجود مقياس يمكن استخدامه في قياس مفهوم المواطنة عند طلبة جامعة بغداد.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The phenomenon of building the act of the actor and the effect in the Quranic readings                          (Structural and semantic study)
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After this systematic presentation of the phenomenon of rotation of formulas, ie the construction of the verb and the verb, and the narrated narratives therein differed among the readers, it became clear to us how the difference was clear between reading and the other, and how readers have varied in their readings of the verb, As we have noted through our modest research that the phenomenon of building the verb for the actor and the effect have included the act of both past and present tense, and not limited to a specific time, and this difference in reading was not limited to a particular environment, but beyond To more than one environment This is evidenced by the readings of various readers from the environment of Kufa, Basra, Mecca,

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Constructing Quality House To Improve Health Services – an applied research in Educational Baghdad Hospital
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     Quality function deployment tool is trying to improve health services through this study that will be applied in health sector environment , and be based on applying quality function deployment tool (QFD) TO preferable evaluation of main patients requirements in order to determine the technical requirements that need most attention across improving and developing health services .                

   Main requirements are determined to patients lying in the hospital (under research) which is (educational Baghdad \ medicine city office) in Baghdad, and other technical requirements through pers

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The influence of organizational culture on the organizational performance of educational institutions (University of Technology as a model)
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The organizational culture is an effective control mechanism that dictates the behavior of employees and according to their intellectual and social orientations, so it is considered a more powerful way to control employee orientations and determine their management according to organizational rules and regulations, as it was one of the most important factors determining the performance of organizations, while organizational performance is a measure of what the organization has achieved from the objectives of the scheme To ensure that it faces various changes and remains within the global competition, and to reach that it was necessary to identify the most prominent and most important research problems in knowing the extent of com

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Iraqi Third Year College Students' Recognition of English Idioms: A Comparative Study
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An idiom is a group of words whose meaning put together is different from the meaning of
individual words. English is a rich language when it comes to idioms, they represent variety. For
foreign learners, idioms are problematic because even if they know the meaning of individual
words that compose an idiom the meaning of it might be something completely different.
The present study investigates Iraqi third year college students’ recognition of idioms. To
achieve this, the researchers have conducted a test which comprises three questions. Certain
conclusions are reached here along with some suggestions and recommendations.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 04 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Teaching Explanation Difficulties in Islamic University from the lecturers Point of View
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This study is about awareness of teaching explanation difficulties in the Islamic university from the lecturers point of view. It discussed the difficulties and the traditional teaching methods of explanation. The study concentrated on teaching Islamic studies in general and teaching explanation in specific and set difficulties so as to be treated.

            The study is of three chapters, the first contains the difficulties in several aspects like the educational goals, text contents, teaching methods and styles, students, educational techniques, educational aids and evaluation, it addition to the lecturers of Islamic university colleges in 2009-2

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Natural Language Processing For Requirement Elicitation In University Using Kmeans And Meanshift Algorithm
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 Data Driven Requirement Engineering (DDRE) represents a vision for a shift from the static traditional methods of doing requirements engineering to dynamic data-driven user-centered methods. Data available and the increasingly complex requirements of system software whose functions can adapt to changing needs to gain the trust of its users, an approach is needed in a continuous software engineering process. This need drives the emergence of new challenges in the discipline of requirements engineering to meet the required changes. The problem in this study was the method in data discrepancies which resulted in the needs elicitation process being hampered and in the end software development found discrepancies and could not meet the need

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Proposed Study Unit Based on the Funds of Knowledge Theory in Developing the Attitudes Towards Cultural Identity and the Proposed Study Unit among Students of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman
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The present study aims to explore the effectiveness of a proposed study unit based on the funds of knowledge theory in developing the attitudes towards cultural identity and the proposed study unit. In order to achieve the goal of the study, the two researchers followed the quasi-experimental approach, where the study sample consisted of (28) female students of the fifth-grade at Al-Jeelah Basic Education School, Al-Dakhiliyah Governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. The data were collected by two scales: the first is a scale of attitudes towards cultural identity consisting of (26) items. The second was a scale of attitudes towards the proposed study unit, which consisted of (24) items. The results of the study revealed that the effect of

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The role of teachers in Sociology In the development of creative thinking for students stage Middle school section of the literary In Karkh II schools From the perspective of the teachers and the students themselves
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This study aimed identify the teachers of sociology. In the development of creative thinking. I have students in middle school .llvra literary. In schools. Second Karkh From the perspective of the teachers and the students themselves  numbered (41), a teacher and a school. As The study population   encompassed of some students the fourth and fifth preparatory stage in the Karkh II schools, totaling 200 male and female students. As the study sample were consisted of (7) and a teacher (34) and accented (85) of male students (115) were female student The researcher the questionnaire which consisted of (39) items And to achieve the objectives of the study it was ascertained sincerity And stability. And

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر استعمال المُجمعات التعليمية في التحصيل لدى طلبة المرحلة الأولى قسم علوم القرآن الكريم والتربية الإسلامية في كلية التربية الأساسية في مادة علوم القران
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The research aimed to identify the effect of educational complexes use among the students of the first year students in Quran modernists curriculum department of Quran sciences and Islamic education . The research consisted of ( 60 ) male and female members , ( 30 ) represented the experimental group and ( 30 ) represented the controlled group . the group were randomly selected . for the prepared an achievement test included thirteen questions . Results were processed by using descriptive and statistical analyses to answer the questions of the study . also the researchers used suitable and typical and dual difference analysis . in the results , the researchers recommended a number of recommendations 

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 27 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Petra University’s Students’ Uses For SMS Messages and its Verifications (A Field Study on Students of Petra University’s Colleges)
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This study aims at identifying the extent of SMS usage and understanding the role it plays in satisfying users' needs and motivations. In order to achieve this aim, an analytical descriptive method was adopted by conducting a field survey among students at Petra University.

The study resulted in many conclusions, the most important of which is that using SMS meets the students' cognitive, social and communicational needs and desires, the highest being communicating with friends at 75%, followed by exchanging songs and videos at 52%, as well as exchanging photos at 45%. In regards to their motivation for using text messaging, forgetting daily problems scored highest at 81.4% and spending free time followed at 77.4%. This proves th

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