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أثر أستراتيجية الملخصات القبلية على التحصيل والاستبقاء لدى طالبات الصف الثاني متوسط في مادة التاريخ
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Research problem: the problem of the current research can determine the dimensions of answering the following question - What is the impact of the use strategy summaries tribal collection and retention in the second grade students in the middle of history?
The importance of research: In order to achieve the desired education and access to educational goals required, and to address all the challenges facing the educational process, so you may need to use methods and different educational methods in the teaching of social history, particularly, of those methods and modalities to adopt strategies tribal in teaching, has chosen researcher summaries tribal style, which is one of the strategies of good teaching preschool, mission and that Atkl important than teaching strategies to facilitate the learning process and clarify the idea of students being provided with a comprehensive, or to prepare them for the year will study them in the front row as it is an important and effective in Article study and summarize the main points of delivery and precise to the students accurately, short and clear, and wanted researcher through the adoption of this strategy in the tribal teaching their impact on the collection and retention in the second grade students in the average rule the Arab Islamic history of the State, and the results of this research shed light on this strategy and its role in quality learning and its impact in improving learning outcomes and retention of information to the learners.

Objective research: research aims to know the impact of the current strategy summaries tribal collection and retention in the second grade students average in history.

Research hypotheses:
1. No statistically significant differences with at the level (0.05) between average grades students who studied using the strategy summaries between tribal and average degrees of students who studied traditional manner in the test grades distance.

2. No statistically significant differences with at the level (0.05) between average grades students who studied using the strategy summaries between tribal and average degrees of students who studied traditional way to test retention.

Search results:
1 - no statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between average grades students who studied using the strategy summaries between tribal and average degrees of students who studied traditional manner in the test grades distance.
2 - no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05) in the interest of the pilot group, which examined the use of article abstracts strategy tribal officer studied the same article using the traditional way (routine) in the retention test.


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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Actual Use of Instructional Technology in Teaching History Subject in the Colleges of Education for Humanities from the of the College Staff Members' Perspectives and their Attitudes Towards Them
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The study aims at knowing the actual uses of instructional technology in teaching history subject in the colleges of education for humanities from the college staff members' perspectives and their attitudes towards it. The sample of the study consisted of (24) instructors from the Colleges of Education for the Humanities, the College of Basic Education- Haditha and the College of Education for Women, the study used the descriptive method, and the questionnaire was consisted of (50) items, and the psychometric properties of the instrument of the study were extracted. The researchers used the appropriate statistical means to analyze the data, and the results of the study showed the following: the teaching staff attitudes towards the use of

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Problems lead to the low level of academic achievement in the evening school: suggestions and solutions
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Academic achievement is a professional standard for measuring student levels in the first stages. Therefore, any indication of the level of achievement makes us in an attempt to employ students in evening schools. The researcher has developed a closed questionnaire of (36) paragraphs. A total of (164) male and (24) female students were chosen from evening schools. The result of this research revealed that the number of students was a reason for the low level of their achievement, the lack of laboratories, educational methods, and techniques of the most prominent problems confirmed by students in these schools. In addition, to support educational institutions with their necessary needs. The most important conclusion in this research is th

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 02 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر المعرفة المسبقة بالأهداف السلوكية في تحصيل طالبات قسم القران الكريم والتربية الإسلامية في مادة احكام التلاوة
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مشكلة البحث

إن طرائق تدريس المواد الشرعية ما تزال تُدّرس بطرائق لا تتناسب مع ما توصل إليه البحث العلمي في الميدان التربوي في الوقت الحاضر ، وهذا مما سبب في وجود أزمة فكرية وعلمية في الأقسام التي تدرس المناهج الدينية .

على الرغم من الأهمية الكبيرة لمادة التلاوة ، إلا أن هناك مشكلة كثيرا ما يعاني منها مدرسو هذه المادة، وهي انصراف الطلبة عن حفظ النصوص القرآن

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
سلوك التملق لدى طالبات الجامعة كما يدركه تدريسيو الجامعة
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اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه:

تعد الازمات التي تمر بها المجتمعات لفترات زمنية طويلة عاملاً مساعداً على تشكيل انسان تكون قيمه ومعتقداته وسلوكياته تختلف عما هو سائد في المجتمع ويعود سبب ذلك الى استمرار تعرض المجتمع لمزيد من الضغوط مما يجعل التنظيم الاجتماعي والنفسي يمر بحالة من الاضطراب (حسن، 1997، ص2) ، تظهر بصورة سلوك تملقي يمارسه الفرد للحصول على ما يريد وهذا ما بينه ابن خلدون في مقدمته ان من بين

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effect of the strategy of asking clustered questions on the acquisition and retention of the general Arabic language subject among students of the College of Languages
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An experiment in the semester, the second semester of the academic year (2022-2023), and the data used was not processed (the second test for two independent, inaccurate samples, the Bermon correlation coefficient, and the Spearman correlation coefficient), and the following results were reached: There is a statistically significant difference at the level of ( 0) average, 05) between the third grade who studied the plan for asking cluster questions, and between the average of those who studied the special feature according to the traditional method of selecting achievement, and enjoyed completing the specialization, choosing the experimental group, because the strategy of asking cluster questions is one of the externalities that... Lear

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 16 2020
Journal Name
Route Educational & Social Journal
Effect of applying the QR-Code system for acquisition chemistry and creative thinking in of first class female student at intermediate schools.
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This research aims at identifying the system of applying the QRcode system for acquisition of chemistry by first class female students studying at intermediate schools knowledge and its effect on creative thinking. The research sample consisted of (63) female students in one of the intermediate schools in Baghdad/Iraq using two equivalents experimental and control groups. The scientific context used was based on the chemistry text book related to the periodic table, (Metals) for the first group of students and Alkaline metals,Nonmetals, Metalloides) for the second group. The research methodology employed consisted of the followings :Measuring students acquisition using (35) issues. The results were verified for their face validity and obtai

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effectiveness of a teaching program based on the McCarthy Model (4MAT) in developing creative writing skills and reflective thinking among university students
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The aim of this study was to determine the effect on using the McCarthy Model (4MAT) for developing creative writing skills and reflective thinking among undergraduate students. The quasi-experimental approach was adopted. And, in order to achieve the study objective, the educational content of Teaching Ethics (Approach 401), for the plan for the primary grades teacher preparation program  was dealt with by using a teaching program based on the McCarthy Model (4MAT) was used.

The study which was done had been based on the academic achievement test for creative writing skills, and the reflective thinking test. The validity and reliability of the study tools were also confirmed. The study was applied to a sample consisting of

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of using Project - Based Learning method in development intensive reading skills at middle school students
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The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of the use of project-based learning in the development of intensive reading skills at middle school students. The experimental design was chosen from one group to suit the nature of the research and its objectives. The research group consisted of 35 students. For the purpose of the research, the following materials and tools were prepared: (List of intensive reading skills, intensive reading skills test, teacher's guide, student book). The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences at (0.05) in favor of the post-test performance of intensive reading skills. The statistical analysis also showed that the project-based learning approach has a high

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Exposure to violence and academic achievement in Iraq
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Background: Iraqis were exposed to wars, widespread violence and civil war. Post-traumatic stress disorder develops after exposure to trauma and violence. It has a negative effect on academic achievement of the students.
Objective: This report was carried out to study the effect of exposure to violence on academic achievement of youths in Iraq.
Methods: A total of 319 university students from Baghdad were included in the study. Their age ranged between 18 and 24 years with male to female ratio of 0.6:1. A questionnaire was filled for each participant. Requested data were demographic information, data on school achievement and Harvard Trauma questionnaire (exposure to war trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder “PTSD”). Chi square

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
العلوم النفسية
( التفكك الاسري لدى تلامذة الصف السادس الابتدائي في ضوء بعض المتغيرات)
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الملخص: لتحقيق أهداف البحث قامت الباحثتان ببناء مقياس للتفكك الاسري اعتمادا على نظرية (باندورا) وتكون بصورته النهائية من (24) فقرة ، وطبق المقياس على عينة البحث البالغة (150) تلميذ وتلميذة تم اختيارهم بالطريقة العشوائية البسيطة من مجتمع البحث ،وبعد جمع البيانات تم معالجتها باستعمال الوسائل الإحصائية منها الاختبار التائي، وتحليل التباين الرباعي والاختبار الفائي، وتوصل البحث الى النتائج الأتية :ان أفراد عينة ال

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