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اتجاهات طلبة جامعة بغداد نحو الديمقراطية
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مشكلة البحث واهميته


      نعيش حالياً في عصر تتردد فيه اصداء الدعوة الى الحرية والديمقراطية في ارجاء الوطن العربي بشكل عام والعراق بشكل خاص، رغم التحديات التي تواجهها هذه الدعوة، وبما ان دور الجامعة لم يعد اليوم محددا بتزويد الطلبة بالمعلومات والمعارف، فقد وسعت نطاقها وعددت اغراضها وتنوعت اتجاهاتها, واصبح للطالب الجامعي حرية الرأي وممارسة الحقوق الانسانية بوعي وبشكل واسع،وبما ان المجتمع العراقي احد المجتمعات التي عانت من ويلات الحروب والاختراقات الثقافية الغربية ، وكانت احدى هذه الاختراقات نشر مفهوم الديمقراطية ومحاولة ترسيخ هذا المفهوم في نفوس الافراد. ولعل المجتمع الواعي والذي تمثله فئة المؤسسات التعليمية العليا (الجامعات) قد تأثرت بهذه الاختراقات في العلاقات الانسانية والقيم الاخلاقية ولان طلبة الجامعة يحملون فكراً واعياً مميزاً بناءً  فقد يستطيعون تشخيص المعنى الحقيقي لمفهوم الديمقراطية وما يتضمنه هذا المفهوم من عناصر رئيسة عدت الشريان النابض في الحياة الجامعية خاصة والمجتمعية عامة. ومن هنا جاءت مشكلة البحث الحالي ، بعد ان كثر استعمال مصطلح الديمقراطية بين اوساط الطلبة وكل يفهمها بشكله الخاص،ولأهمية هذه المشكلة يكتسب البحث الحالي اهميته من كون الطلبة يمثلون مرحلة الشباب ورجال المستقبل،وتعد هذه المرحلة من ادق المراحل في حياتهم واشدها تأثيراً ، لان شخصيتهم ترتبط بالعديد من مظاهر السلوك الجامعي وعليه فقد تحسست الباحثتان من خلال خبراتهما التدريسية في التعليم الجامعي بوجود حاجة لاجراء دراسة علمية تسعى الكشف عن اتجاهات الطلبة نحو الديمقراطية،فضلا عن انه لايوجد ما يدل على ان موضوعه قد تناوله باحثون أخرون -(على حد علم الباحثتان)- ولهذا السبب انبثقت الحاجة لهذا البحث .


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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Preparation of A Measurement to the Affirmative Behavior for the Students at the University of Baghdad
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Self-Assertion is the individual ability to express any emotion well, except the anxiety. The decrease of the individuals asserting behavior makes them face many difficulties that prevent their social adjustment. Moreover it reflexes many negative behavioral and physical cases. The individual, who fails to express his or her negative feelings in required situations, feels with dissatisfaction, loneliness, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, conflict, and psychological disorder.
Accordingly, the importance of this study is represented in studying the self-assertion and studying the university students who reflect the strength of society.
The following are the two aims of the study:
1. Construct an asserting behavior scale.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship of the guilty conscience with the psychological health among the students of the University of Baghdad
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On of the psychological disorders that the human encounters is guilty conscience, this feeling is negative and affects on the individual and on those around him and harms the psychological health of the individual.

      since the university students slice is one of the important slices in the community which the country dependes on their abilities , their energies and their faculties in the construction and development, the university professors and specialists in the field of education and psychology who are around them should help them in achieving psychological balance and adjustment with themselves and with others, the following research objectives have been set : 

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Inventory of Saudi youth trends towards choosing fashion accessories
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This research aims to determine the Attitudes Towards Fashion accessories of Saudi youth, and the descriptive analytical method was used in this research. The research sample was 500 youth in Riyadh that age between 20 to less than 40.  The most important results show that young people prefer shoes by 53.2%, that 45.2% of young people prefer acquiring modern designs in fashion accessories, and the research emphasized the importance of studying the impact of rapid economic, social and cultural developments on young people’s attitudes towards fashion and its accessories, directing the attention of Saudi fashion designers towards complements Fashion to offer designs that match their trends

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship between Intrinsic Motivation Academy and Time Management among University students
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study aimed to recognize The relationship between Intrinsic Motivation Academy and Time Management among University students and measure Intrinsic Motivation Academy And Time Management for sample and Balancing Degrees of Basic Research on the two scales According to the Variable genders and Specialization, The sample consisted (350) students by (230) female (120) male , and the sample  responded scales of Intrinsic Motivation Academy for (Alwan & Attaat2009) and Time Management (Building tool), The Results of this study show that: There are statistically significant differences according to gender variable in Intrinsic Motivation Academy and Time Management in favor of the male, and there are statistica

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 31 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Audiences Atitudes tworads environmental issues in the public broadcasting service
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The category of those who agree with the phrase: The Environment and Life Program warns me of the environmental damages resulting from the issue of using black oil in electrical generators in residential neighborhoods came first, with a high rate of 81.4%. With the environment, the public always turns to the public broadcasting service and its programs to provide knowledge so that it can avoid it. Thus, the respondents' attitude towards this issue was positive.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Trends of poetic purposes towards praise: Dabal al-Khuzai's poetry is a model
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Poetic objects may go towards a specific purpose and dissolve and interact with them to produce
A purpose characterized by the title but belongs to the U from afar.
The yarn goes towards praise with a purely horizontal relationship that mentions virtues but crowns them towards women.
In lamentation remember the virtues but crown them towards the dead.
In wisdom remember the virtues but crown them towards time.
In the description remember the virtues but crown them towards nature. All objects are inline
Horizontal We will prove this in the axes of research has required the plan to be a blind, five
The preamble, a brief overview of the life of Dabal All Khuzaie and the works and poets of the first axis
The direction

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 31 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Media Coverage of the Iraqi Satellite Channels in Shaping Public Attitudes towards Terrorism (a Field Study of a Sample of an Audience of the City of Baghdad)
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Violence is one of the most serious threats facing societies because it affects their internal structure and threatens the security and stability of society. It is classified as one of the types of security crises that are emerging in Arab and Islamic societies in particular, and in most countries of the world in general.

The threat of this crisis is increasing. Terrorism is considered as one of the most serious aspects of that all the countries of the world, currently, suffer from. The terrorism has begun to penetrate deep into society in one way or another starting from the Second World War, which led to the emergence of leftist movements in Western Europe, Japan, France, Italy and other countries as a result of emerging ideas

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Anti-Social behavior and its relationship to the need to love at Baghdad University students
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1. Anti-social behavior Baghdad University students.
2. Know the differences in anti's social behavior according to gender, specialization.
3. Know-the need for love at Bagdad University students.
4. Know the relationship between anti-social behavior and the need to love.
The research sample consisted of (100) students, the researcher numbers tools to measure anti behavior and the need to love.
The results showed that college students have an anti-social behavior is weak and they need to love and there is no correlation between them Function relationship. Researcher has shown a number of recommendations and proposals.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Standraidization of Post traumatic Stress Disorder Scale on Students of University of Baghdad
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There are a lot of measures for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but what distinguishes it from other measures is the number of short paragraphs and concise depending on the classification of American Psychiatric Association (APA), which can be applied by the researchers on a large number, Because the Iraqi society suffered from psychological trauma due to wars, conflicts and occupation and the resulting psychological disorders of the members of Iraqi society, especially post-traumatic stress disorder, as mentioned by many studies and researches.

Therefore, the aim of this study was to standardize the PTSD scale for students at Baghdad University. For the Psychologist Fua . E. which was applied in many foreign studies. 

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Big five personality factors and relationship the Academic procrastination among Baghdad university students
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The aimed of the research was recognize the Big five personality factors and Academic procrastination among Baghdad university students, recognized differences between the gender according to   Big five personality factors and Academic procrastination , to recognized differences between specialization (scientific, human), and to recognize the relationship Between the variables of the research, and the extend of contribution Big five personality factors in Academic procrastination , to achieve these aims , Adopt scale to measure the Big five personality factors for (John Danahue & Kentle) , As we as the preparation of scale Based on An amber of previous scales to measure Academic procrastination, After processing the data st

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