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التلوث البيئي ومخاوف المرآة من الانجاب
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         أن نظرة المرأة اليوم نحو الحمل والانجاب قد تغيرت نتيجة بعض العوامل وكان التلوث البيئي من أكثر العوامل تأثيرآ ، لانه يمثل أكثر الاخطار التي تبيد الجنس البشري وتقطع جذوره وتهدم سلالته الاصليه من خلال عملية التغاير في الجينات الوراثية وانتقالها عبر الاجيال . وأن أثاره لم تقتصر على الجانب الصحي للأم بل تعداه الى الجانب النفسي فاتجاهات الامهات اليوم نحو الحمل والانجاب ليس كما هو في السابق أذ تراجع درجات ودرجات بسبب خوفها من الفشل من ولادة طفل طبيعي خالي من التشوهات الخلقية . لذا فقد هدف البحث الحالي الى الاجابة على الاسئلة الاتيه :

  • هل يختلف عدد الاطفال باختلاف مستويات التحصيل الدراسي للام ؟
  • هل يختلف عدد الاطفال باختلاف مهنة الام (عاملة أو غير عاملة ) ؟
  • هل يختلف عدد الاطفال باختلاف عدد سنوات زواج الام ؟
  • هل يوجد فرق بين عدد الاطفال الحالي (الفعلي ) والمفضل عند الامهات ؟
  • هل يوجد فرق بين مستويات تحصيل الامهات في درجة الخوف من الانجاب؟
  • هل يوجد فرق بين الفئات العمرية للامهات في درجة الخوف من الانجاب ؟
  • هل يوجد فرق بين مهنة الام في درجة الخوف من الانجاب ؟
  • ما هي أكثر الاسباب التي تثير مخاوف المرآه من الانجاب ؟

      تكون مجتمع البحث من الامهات المتواجد ات في مستشفى اليرموك واللواتي في سن الانجاب الامثل من عمر (20-35) سنة ،أن عينة البحث (115) أم أختيرت عشوائيآ من المستشفى . واعتمدت الباحثة على الدراسات السابقه والادبيات واراء بعض المختصين في الصحة وعلم النفس في بناء اداة البحث وكان مجموع الفقرات النهائي (15) فقرة واستخرجت الباحثة الصدق والثبات والتمييز ، أستخدام (تحليل التباين ، النسبة المئويه ,الاختبار الزائي ) كوسيلة احصائية . واسفرت النتائج عما يأتي :

1-أن عدد الاطفال لايختلف باختلاف (التحصيل الدراسي ، المهنه ، عدد سنوات الزواج ) للامهات ، وكل هذه المتغيرات حصلت على أعلى نسبه لاعداد الاطفال من  ( 1-2 ) طفل ،واقل نسبة لاعداد الاطفال من (5) فاكثر  .

2- هناك فرق ذات دلالة احصائيه بين عدد الاطفال الفعلي (الحالي ) والمفضل للامهات  .

3- لايوجد فرق ذات دلاله احصائيه بين الفئات العمريه للامهات في درجة الخوف من الانجاب .

4- يوجد فرق دال احصائيآ بين الامهات في درجة الخوف من الانجاب  .

5- اعلى نسبه اتفاق حصلت عليها الامهات على الاسباب كانت :

    أ- خوفآ من التلوث نتيجة الضربات الامريكيه الصاروخيه  .

  ب- تلوث مصادر مياه الشرب  .

  ج- تلوث الغذاء  .

 واستنادآ الى هذه النتائج وضعت الباحثة بعض التوصيات والمقترحات .


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Publication Date
Wed Apr 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The legislative confrontation of the crime of benefiting public money in Iraq -A comparative study-
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The legislator sought to provide the greatest protection for public funds. The wisdom of this is clear and is one of the necessities of running the public utilities regularly and steadily. The waste of public money and its lack of public facilities impede the provision of its services and the delay of services and hindering access to the public. In Iraq, services are lagging behind and almost a collapse in service.

 Hence, the legislator has created a special protection for the employees because of the importance of the role played by this group as they represent the state with all its institutions and to enable them to perform their duties. To make the acts committed against them in the performance of their duties or to cau

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Solid Waste Treatment Using Multi-Criteria Decision Support Methods Case Study Lattakia City
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Lattakia city faces many problems related to the mismanagement of solid waste, as the disposal process is limited to the random Al-Bassa landfill without treatment. Therefore, solid waste management poses a special challenge to decision-makers by choosing the appropriate tool that supports strategic decisions in choosing municipal solid waste treatment methods and evaluating their management systems. As the human is primarily responsible for the formation of waste, this study aims to measure the degree of environmental awareness in the Lattakia Governorate from the point of view of the research sample members and to discuss the effect of the studied variables (place of residence, educational level, gender, age, and professional status) o

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
استشعار وحفز مفهوم "التنمية المستدامة" لدى طلبة مدارس اعدادية منتخبة في بغداد
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Hepatitis C Virus among Iraqi Patients on Renal Dialysis, Some Immunological Profiles
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Back ground: Chronic hepatitis C (HCV) is the most common chronic liver disease at present, and HCV infection is found with variable prevalence in dialysis populations in different parts of the world.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of sialic acid and immunoglobulins level in the sera of patients with chronic renal failure whom infected with Hepatitis C virus, and the effect of hemodialysis on them.
Patients&Methods: Regarding to this aim, total sialic acid levels (TSA) and immunoglobulins level were studied on the blood samples of 20 patients with chronic renal failure + Hepatitis C virus (positive group) and 20 patients with chronic renal failure (negative group) and 20 healthy volunteers.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 09 2020
Journal Name
Academic Journal Of Legal And Political Research
Unilateral Contracts - A Comparative Study Under the American System and Iraqi Civil Law
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At a time when the general rules in the different legal systems require the presence of two parties to the contract, one of which is issued the first expression of the will and is called the offer, and the other is issued from the other and is called the acceptance. A special type of contracts emerged in the beginning of the last century called the “unilateral contracts”. The side sparked a major jurisprudential dispute, as well as the issuance of several contradictory judicial rulings on it. Hence, this research came to highlight this special type of contract. Key words: the definition of a unilateral contract, its distinction from other legal situations, and its effects.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Taxonomy of Memory Usage in Swarm Intelligence-Based Metaheuristics
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Metaheuristics under the swarm intelligence (SI) class have proven to be efficient and have become popular methods for solving different optimization problems. Based on the usage of memory, metaheuristics can be classified into algorithms with memory and without memory (memory-less). The absence of memory in some metaheuristics will lead to the loss of the information gained in previous iterations. The metaheuristics tend to divert from promising areas of solutions search spaces which will lead to non-optimal solutions. This paper aims to review memory usage and its effect on the performance of the main SI-based metaheuristics. Investigation has been performed on SI metaheuristics, memory usage and memory-less metaheuristics, memory char

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Crossref (2)
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Jewish Community Holidays
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      Is a day or series of days celebrated by Jews for religious or worldly important event in Jewish history as an occasion in Hebrew is called Eid יום טוב good day or good or חג תענית celebrate the festival or celebration. Most of the Jewish holidays are of a religious nature, and there is a worldly character with festivals such as the Festival of Lights חג החנוכה the holiday of Purim and the holidays, although a religious appearance, but she celebration in mundane aspects of the history and traditions of the Jewish occasions. Mass over the holidays when Jews are those mentioned in the Bible in my Leviticus and Deuteronomy. And some holidays established by rabbis in the vicinity of the anc

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Scenario theory philosophy and methodologies
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clarify the basic dimensions, which seeks to indestructible scenarios practices within the organization, as a final result from the use of this philosophy.

Methodology: The methodology that focuses adoption researchers to study survey of major literature that dealt with this subject in order to provide a conceptual theoretical conception of scenarios theory  .

The most prominent findings: The only successful formulation of scenarios, when you reach the decision-maker's mind wa takes aim to form a correct mental models, which appear in the expansion of Perception managers, and adopted as the basis of the decisions taken. The strength l

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Tasks Implemented by Internal Auditors when Developing and Executing Business Continuity and Recovery Plan to Face the COVID-19 crisis
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The current research aimed to identify the tasks performed by the internal auditors when developing a business continuity plan to face the COVID-19 crisis. It also aims to identify the recovery and resuming plan to the business environment. The research followed the descriptive survey to find out the views of 34 internal auditors at various functional levels in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Spreadsheets (Excel) were used to analyze the data collected by a questionnaire which composed of 43 statements, covering the tasks that the internal auditors can perform to face the COVID-19 crisis. Results revealed that the tasks performed by the internal auditors when developing a business continuity plan to face the COVID-19 crisis is to en

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Green Productivity to Success the industrial organizations Applied Study in Midland Refineries Company – Al Daura Refinery
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      The Green Productivity topic is considered as one of  the more conceptual novelty in the field of Production and Operations Management, and one of the least topics addressed in the literature competent, Green Productivity (GP) is a strategy for enhancing a business's Productivity and environmental performance at the same time, for overall socio - economic development, It is  the application of appropriate techniques , technologies , and management systems to produce environmentally compatible goods and services. the research aimed to find the contribution of this concept for success the industrial Organizations.

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