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الضغــــوط المهنية وعلاقتها بالتوافق المهني لــدى أســــاتذة الجـــــامعـــة
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تكمن المشكلة  في ان معظم العاملين في عصرنا الحالي يواجهون انواعا متعددة من الضغوط اثناء العمل، ولهذا يعد اتجاه العامل نحو دوره في العمل عنصر مهم في زيادة الاداء الوظيفي وتحقيق التوافق النفسي السوي للعامل داخل عمله.

ان هناك ضغوط في بيئة العمل قد تسبب الشعور بالتوتر وتكمن خطورة الضغوط في الاصابة بالاحتراق النفسي والتي تتمثل في حالات التشاؤم واللامبالاة وعدم دقة الاداء وسوء التوافق العام والقيام بالواجبات بصورة تفتقر الى الاندماج الوجداني الذي يعتبر احد الركائز الاساسية في مهنة التدريس والطب وغيرهما

بناء على ما سبق فان الضغوط النفسية والمهنية يمكنها ان تتحول الى مشاكل صحية ومهنية مدمرة للكائن الحي وقد تكون هذه المشاكل مفجعة خاصة في حالة امراض القلب نظرا لان اول مؤشر للضغوط الحادة يمكن ان يكون الموت المفاجىء. وهناك العديد من الدراسات التي ربطت الضغط الزائد باعراض جسدية ونفسية ومهنية وباوجاع الراس والظهر وضعف الاداء وسوء التوافق، خاصة ما تشير اليه احصائية بعض الدراسات بان الضغط المهني يترتب عليه حالات خطيرة تاتي في مقدمتها امراض القلب الذي يصل عدد الوفيات فيها الى 27350حالة.

لابد من الاشارة الى ان العلاقة بين الضغوط في العمل والاداء ليست علاقة بسيطة بل هي معقدة اكثر مما يتصورها العديد منا، كون هذه العلاقة ترتبط بالمهمة التي يؤديها العامل وكون هذا يتطلب الاخذ في الاعتبار بمصادر الضغط ونوع الاداء المقاس والعوامل الشخصية كالعمر والخبرة والجنس.                

وتكمن خطورة هذه المشكلة فيما يترتب عليها من اثار سلبية عندما يواجه الفرد ضغوط عالية لا يستطيع تحملها، وهذه النتائج لها صور متعددة كونها تشمل الجوانب الصحية والسلوكية والانفعالية والعقلية للفرد، وتعرض صحة الفرد لكثير من المتاعب ينتج عنها امراض اكثر حدة ومن الممكن ان تضعف التوافق المهني للفرد او يكون غير متوافق مع نفسه او مع عمله، واخيرا تؤدي به الى الانقطاع عن العمل تماما.

 ولما كان معظم الناس يواجهون انواع متعددة من الضغوط اثناء عملهم سواء أكان بسبب العمل او خارجا عنه فان ذلك ادى الى زيادة اهتمام الباحثين بعلم النفس والصحة النفسية ودراسة السلوك التنظيمي خاصة، وهذا راجع الى الاثار التي يتركها العمل على الفرد سواء اكانت اثار نفسية او مهنية او سلوكية وسواء كانت في البيت او العمل او الشارع.

من هنا فان دراسة موضوع الضغوط وعلاقتها بالتوافق المهني لأساتذة الجامعة يعد مهما بسبب أهمية عينة البحث في المجتمع وأهمية المتغيرين لكونها من صميم الحياة اليومية ,فضلا عن إنها تمثل حالات من المعاناة اليومية لأساتذة الجامعة والذي قد يرتبط بشكل او بأخر بالتوافق المهني لهم وهذا ما يحاول البحث الحالي دراسته.

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological Barriers and Their Relationship in Cope with University Life at University' Students
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Current Thesis has aimed to identify : The Psychological barriers for university students , Differences in psychological barriers depending on the variable sex (Males – Females) , Adjustment to College life for university students, Differences in Adjustment to College at university life depending on the variable sex (Males – Females), and finally, The correlation between psychological barriers and Adjustment to College life. The researcher has prepared a sample consisted of (100) male and female students who were randomly selected from university students, The researcher has adopted a measure of (2002) to measure the psychological barriers, also the researcher adjustment scale with university life.
The results showed that universi

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاحداث الصدمية وعلاقتها بالتوافق النفسي الاجتماعي لدى تلامذة الصف السادس الابتدائي
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تتركز اهمية البحث الحالي في ان المجتمع العراقي يعد واحداًمن المجتمعات التي تتعرض يومياً الى احداث صدمية كثيرة ومتعاقبة . وأن ندرة الدراسات العراقية . وخصوصاً دراسة الاطفال الذين تعرضوا لهذه الاحداث ومدى قدرتهم على مواجهتها سواء اكانت هذه المواجهة عن طريق التعرض المباشر للحدث او عن طريق سماع تلك الاحداث من خلال الناس ، قد تسبب آثاراً نفسية تتضاعف بمرور الوقت .   وتأتي اهمية البحث الحالي من خلال التع

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Vocational stresses and their relation with the level of ambition among the lecturers of the university
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Vocational stresses and their relation with the level of ambition among the lecturers of the university In general , vocational stresses affect the attention and the process of focusing making individual busy with solving of his daily problems instead of his job. The vocational stresses , anxiety and tension are factors effecting the physical and psychological ability of the individual. This study aims to measure the vocational stresses among the lecturers of the university , to measure the level of ambition among them, to identify the statistical differences significant among them according to sex variable, to identify the differences significant in level of ambition among them according to sex variable and to identify the correlation r

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The professional self and its relationship with the school climate among educational counselors in secondary schools.
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The research aims to reveal the professional self and the school climate among the educational counselors. The research problem is crystallized in the following:

1-Identifying the professional level of the educational counselors.

2- Knowing the level of the school climate with the educational counselors.

3- Are there statistically significant differences in the professional self and the school climate between the educational counselors of different gender (male / female)?

4- Is there a relationship between the professional self and the school climate of the research sample?

To answer these questions, the research was conducted on educational counselors in secondary schools in the district of Falluj

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Excessive Indulgence Of Parents and Social Consensus for Children Kindergarten
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Parental socialization trends impacting seriously on the growth of individual
personality and psychological health trends ,love, acceptance and on confidence help
children to grow as a person who loves other accept others and trust and negative parental
attitudes such as excess portents us or negligence . and the focusing and demonstrate a
negative impact on the growth of excess an mental health and family play a significant role in
a childes life we can see how many manifestation of compatibility or incompatibility thatappear on individual behaviors and achieve their success or failure in life be returned to the
of human relations that prevailed between the family members of children in various stages of
his life fi

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 04 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Epidemiological Characteristics of Occupational Accidents Reported to the National Center for Occupational Safety and Health for the years 2011-2013
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Background: Understanding the risk factors associated with injuries at workplace is an essential element to design and implement preventive measures for such injuries which are a significant source of disability, death and socioeconomic losses worldwide.
Objectives: describe cases of occupational injuries with respect to person- place- time model.
Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study done from October 2013 to October 2014 carried on 467 records of occupational injuries kept in the National Center for Occupational Safety and Health for the years 2011-2013.
Results: Ahigher proportion of reported occupational accidents occurred in young male workers, during day time and among primary school graduat

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Vocational Self of Educational Counselors
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The current research aims to identify the Vocational Self of the educational counselors as well as to identify the significant difference in the professional self according to the gender variable (male-female). The researcher adopted the scale of al-hasani (2015), which consisted of (34) items. It was applied to a sample of (300) school counselors (male-female) who were randomly selected from the six directorates in the Baghdad governorate for the academic year 2020/2021. The results showed that the research sample of educational counselors has a vocational self-concept. There are no statistically significant differences in the vocational self-concept between males and females among the educational counselors.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Correspondents and Professional Standards in News Coverage (A Field Study)
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         The essence of the new work in the satellite TV channels is to provide news coverage of news that will inform the people of what is going on around them in order to increase their political, social, economic and cultural awareness and this drives them to take positions or certain behaviors on according to what the communicator in these channels wants. News and news reports are generally used as a psychological variable to influence public opinion and does not offer interestingness and information. Therefore, satellite TV channels have assumed special attention towards their correspondents desiring to achieve scoop in news coverage and to have the final word in reading events and install it

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Moral Intelligence and its Relationship with Academic Adjustment for Sixth Year Primary School Pupils
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This research aims at measuring the relationship between moral intelligence and academic adjustment for sixth year primary School Pupils.

The research is assigned to sixth year primary school pupils- Baghdad –the 2nd   karkh of the both genders .The total sample includes (500) pupils .The researchers has built two scales one for Moral Intelligence and another for Academic Adjustment and applied them on the total sample of the research .The researchers treated data by appropriate statistical means .The research has reached the following results:

  • The pupils of sixth year primary school characterized by Moral Intelligence.
  • The

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The auditor's qualifications and their role in the quality of professional performance
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The aim of the research is to clarify the requirements of the qualification of the external auditor in Iraq and the extent of their impact on the quality of the professional performance of the audit process. The research was based on analyzing the results of the questionnaire prepared for the impact of qualifications on the quality of professional performance. The researcher has reached a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that a highly qualified and unethical auditor has a greater negative impact on the quality of professional performance than those with low qualifications. The most important recommendations of the research were the need to pay

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