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قياس الامن النفسي لدى طالبات كلية التربية للبنات
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مشكلة البحث واهميته

يعد الامن النفسي من الحاجات الاساسية اللازمة للنمو النفسي السليم لكل فرد، واذا ما اشبعها الانسان تهيأ لاشباع حاجاته النفسية والاجتماعية الاخرى. وتشتمل هذه الحاجة على تجنب الالم والتحرر من الخوف اياً كان مصدره والشعور بالطمأنينة الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والجسمية والحصول على تقبل الاخرين ورضاهم، فضلاً عن تقبل الفرد لنفسه وقناعته ورضاه عنها.

ان الشعور بالامن من الحاجات الضرورية لدى الطالب وهي تؤثر في شخصيته وسلوكه، فالخبرات المؤلمة والصادمة التي يعيشها الفرد مصدر مهم لاضطراب الشخصية، فالمضطرب شخصياً يفتقد للامن والرضا والحب، وتمتاز حياته بالتشتت والاضطراب انفعالياً وفكرياً وسلوكياً، وانعدام الشعور بالامن يفقد الفرد حيويته ومرونته في التعامل مع متطلبات الواقع، ويزيد من احتمالات القلق والصراع والاحباط، فتصبح حياته عبارة عن خطر يهدد نفسه، ويهدد الاخرين من حوله فما الامراض النفسية الا نتيجة لفقدان الشعور بالامن، (جاسم،2007،ص3).

تعد الحاجة الى الامن النفسي احد مقومات الصحة النفسية الاساسية لان هذه الصحة ليست مجرد خلو من الاعراض الشاذة وانما هي حالة تميز، فضلاً عن ذلك الشعور بالرضا والسعادة والطمأنينة. لذلك فان الحاجة للامن تؤدي دوراً فاعلاً في حياة كل فرد، اذ تؤثر في كيانه النفسي وتشتمل على كثير من خصائص الشخصية التي تميز الفرد عن الآخر، فالشخص الذي يشعر بالامن يتقبل نفسه والاخرين بالشكل الذي يمكنه من تكوين علاقات اجتماعية ناجحة تساعده على نمو مفاهيم ايجابية عن الذات، وتعزز هذه الرؤية ثقة الفرد بنفسه، فالشخص الآمن يمتلك لنفسه الشعور بالكفاية فيقدر ذاته ويحسها جديرة بالاحترام والثقة، (حسين،1987،ص109).      وتضطلع مؤسسات اعداد المدرس بمسؤولية تكوين شخصية الطالب بما يضمن تحقيق شخصية ناهضة متزنة تستطيع القيام بالادوار السلوكية التي توكل اليه في المستقبل. ومن هنا تحتاج الطالبة/ المدرسة الى ان تتمتع بالامن النفسي،  احدى جوانب الشخصية الواجب توافرها في مدرسة المستقبل للدور الذي ينتظرها في تشكيل سلوك التلاميذ وتعديله باعتبار ان الامن النفسي من الانماط السلوكية التي تكتسب من خلال عملية التنشئة التربوية، في حين ان عدم اشباع حاجة الفرد الى الامن النفسي يشكل مصدر للقلق وعدم الارتياح وانشغال الفكر وتوقع الشر وقلق المستقبل مما يؤثر على فاعليته ويعمل على شل حركته، وهذا ما يقف حائلاً امام تكيفه وتعايشه السلمي مع نفسه ومع الاخرين، فقد اشارت دراسة الدليم 2005 الى وجود علاقة دالة بين تدني الاحساس بالامن النفسي وارتفاع درجة الشعور بالوحدة النفسية لدى طلبة الجامعة، (الدليم،2005،ص15). كما اشارت دراسة الطهراوي 2007 الى ان مستوى الامن النفسي ارتبط طردياً بايجابية الاتجاهات نحو الانسحاب الاسرائيلي من غزة لدى طلبة الجامعات الفلسطينية، (الطهراوي،2007،ص1008). واشارت دراسة المحمداوي 2007 الى ان الامن النفسي يعد عاملاً منبئاً بالسلوك الاجتماعي، (المحمداوي،2007،ص80).

      يعاني الطالب العراقي اليوم الكثير من الحرمان والتهديد والقلق والصراع نتيجة للتغيرات الكبيرة التي حدثت في مختلف مجالات الحياة خاصة بعد9/4/2003 اذ ترتب على هذه التغيرات عند الشباب بصورة خاصة، تزايد الصراع بين الحفاظ على الموروث من جهة، واتباع نمط حياة متأثر بهذه التغيرات دون توافر الاستعداد لتحمل تبعات ونتائج هذا النمط، ونقص المحاولات الجادة لحل الاشكالية الناجمة عن الجمود النسبي للبنى التقليدية. مما حمل الظروف الراهنة اشكالاً اضافية من الارهاق التي قد تتجاوز امكانات المواجهة عند الافراد في المجتمع بصورة عامة والطلبة بصورة خاصة وبذلك فان احتمالات تضرر الامن النفسي تكون كبيرة، لذلك فقد استشعرت الباحثة اهمية التعرف على مستوى الامن النفسي لطالبات كلية التربية للبنات. وبذلك فيمكن ايجاز مشكلة البحث في السؤال الآتي:-

هل تتمتع طالبات كلية التربية للبنات بمستوى جيد من الامن النفسي؟

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Platelet Parameters in Nonthrombocytopenic Preeclampsia: A Case-Control Study
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Background: Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific, multisystem condition characterized by the onset of de novo hypertension and proteinuria occurring in previously normotensive women after the twentieth week of pregnancy. Pregnancy is associated with a physiological adaptation that leads to changes in the hematological system including platelet parameters.                                     

Objectives: Is to compare platelet count, and platelet indices, namely mean platelet volume platelet distribution width and platelet count to mean platelet volume MPV ratio in preeclamptic patients with normal pregnant women.           

Patients &a

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The effects of growth hormone replacement therapy on insulin, lipid profile and calcium in children with growth hormone deficiency
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Background: Growth hormone has multiple effects on the overall form and function of growing body. Aside from these growth stimulating functions, it has marked effects on energy metabolism, it acts on fat cells to reduce the amount of stored fats, promotes protein synthesis in cells and plays a role in regulating the sugar levels in the blood.

Objective: to investigate the effect of growth hormone replacement on lipid profile, insulin level, glucose and calcium level in patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD).

Method: A prospective study of 49 children; 37 boys  and  12girls  with a mean age(13.5±3.3)years   attending the Children Welfare Te

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Difficulties Facing the Schools of Challenge and Resilience and their Relationship to Motivation towards School Work for Its Workers in Hebron Governorate
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The current study aims to examine the level of problems faced by university students in distance learning, in addition to identify the differences in these problems in terms of the availability of internet services, gender, college, GPA, interactions, academic cohort, and family economic status. The study sample consisted of (3172) students (57.3% females). The researchers developed a questionnaire with (32) items to measure distance learning problems in four areas: Psychological (9 items), academic (10 items), technological (7 items), and study environment (6 items). The responses are scored on a (5) point Likert Scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). Means, standard deviations, and Multivariate Analysis of Vari

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Applying Social Stories in Developing Social Interaction Skills among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of social stories in increasing social interaction among children with an autism spectrum disorder. The researcher used the single-subject design methodology (Single Subject Designs, SSD) with

 (A-B) design to answer the research questions. The study sample consisted of (3) children with autism spectrum disorder enrolled in a transit daycare center in the Asir region, Saudi Arabia. The results of the study showed that there is a positive functional relationship between social stories and play to increase social interaction among children with autism spectrum disorder, which contributed to the acquisition and generalization of this behav

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Using Rational Judgment Strategy in Teaching Science on the Developing of Scientific Thinking at the Male Students of Intermediate Second Grade
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The study aimed to explore the effectiveness of using rational judgment strategy in teaching science to develop scientific thinking for second-grade students. The researcher utilized the quasi-experimental approach based on (the pre/post designing) of two groups: experimental and control. As for tools: a test of scientific thinking prepared by the researcher that proved its verification of their validity and reliability. The test applied on a random sample of (66) students, divided into two groups: (34) experimental, and (32) control. The results showed that the experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-application of the scientific thinking test, In each skill separately, and in the total skills. The study recommende

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The expression of Matrix metalloproteinase-2 and cyclooxygenase-2 by immunohistochemistry in patients with colorectal carcinoma
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Background: Human colorectal carcinogenesis is a complex, multistep and multigenetic process. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 and cyclooxygenase-2 are key enzyme in degradation of extracellular material, are over expressed in several epithelia like colorectal adenocarcinoma.
Objectives: This study was designed to detect the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and cyclooxygenase-2 in patients with colorectal carcinoma and their correlation with age, gender, tumor grade and presence or absence of muscle invasion.
Materials and methods: Immunohistochemical staining of MMP-2 and COX-2 was determined in 40 tissue samples from colorectal patients, from teaching laboratories in Baghdad medical city. In additi

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Cut-off Values of Triglycerides - Glucose Index for Metabolic Syndrome Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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       The co-occurrence of metabolic syndrome with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) will potentiate the morbidity and mortality that may be associated with each case. Fasting triglycerides-glucose index (TyG index) has been recommended as a useful marker to predict metabolic syndrome. Our study aimed to introduce gender-specific cut-off values of triglycerides- glucose index   for diagnosing metabolic syndrome associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The data were collected from Baghdad hospitals between May - December 2019. The number of eligible participants was 424. National cholesterol education program, Adult Treatment Panel III criteria were used to define metabolic syndrome. Measurement of fasting blood glucose, lipid pro

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
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The Employment of Brainstorming in developing the idea of design of Fine Arts Institute Students in Designing the Technical Advertisement
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Brainstorming is considered as one of the manners that develop learners' mental abilities. Besides, it can help learners get a lot of ideas and thoughts. And by following applied steps to answer the problem concerned, the researcher carried out this practical study aimed at:Developing the ideas of design of third year students/Institute of Fine Arts/Evening Studies- Baghdad/First Rusafa by employing Brainstorming mechanism to develop the ideas of design of institute students in designing the technical advertisement and to achieve the authenticity of the goal of the research, Department of Plastic Arts/Institute of Fine Arts/Evening Studies/Baghdad-First Rusafa was chosen as a case study for the research. It embraced (20) students who rep

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of a Computerized Interactive Program in Developing Mathematical Skills among First Cycle Students in Basic Education Schools in the Sultanate of Oman
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The current research aims to identify the effectiveness of a computerized program in developing mathematical skills among the first cycle students in basic education schools in the Sultanate of Oman. The two researchers used the quasi-experimental approach on an intentional sample consisting of (40) male and female students at Al Kawakeb School for Basic Education (1-4). Two of the basic fourth-grade classes and then randomly distributing them into two groups, one is experimental (20) male and female students who followed the computerized interactive program, and the other is (20) male and female students followed the traditional way. On the other hand, its reliability has reached (0.81), and the results of the research have concluded th

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Knowledge and Practice of Sectors of Health-Care Workers towards Universal Precautions in Baghdad Teaching Hospital
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Background: Universal precautions, as defined by centers for disease control (CDC), are a set of precautions designed to prevent transmission of human immunodeficiency virus , hepatitis B virus , and other blood borne pathogens when providing first aid or health care .
Objectives: To measure knowledge of and practice towards universal precautions among healthcare workers (apart from doctors) in Baghdad Teaching Hospital .
Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted during the period of two months from 26th of February to the end of April 2007 in Baghdad Teaching Hospital / Medical City ,Baghdad to assess the knowledge and practice of 110 health care workers towards the use of universal preca

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