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الفكر التربوي عند رفاعة رافع الطهطاوي
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اهمية البحث والحاجة اليه

      لم تعد التربية في الوقت الحاضر اعتباطا وتخبطا ، أنها علم وفن ، نظر وعمل ، اجتهاد وتطبيق ، اختصاص وابتكار والمربي ، أبا ، إما أو معلما أو زعيما أو مصلحا اجتماعيا ، أصبح بحاجة ماسة للاطلاع على التربية وفكرها التربوي والتعمق في أساليبها ووسائلها ( عاقل ، 1978 ،ص 3 ) .

    إن بناء المجتمع أو التربية ،لايمكن إن يكون لهوا ولعبا ، والحق إن بناء المجتمع بناء صحيحا لايمكن ألا إن يكون على أساس من الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل ، الماضي بخصائصه وتراثه ، والحاضر بواقعه والأمة والمستقبل بآماله وأهدافه ( عاقل ،1978 ،ص 180 ). 

  لذا جلب تطور المجتمعات البشرية عبر العصور التاريخية حضارات وثقافات مختلفة         ,وكان بالضرورة إن تتضمن نتاجات تلك الحضارات والثقافات محتوى الفكر البشري من تربية وعادات وفلسفات وغيرها من مكنونات الثقافة .وإن نظرة معمقة إلى خارطة الفكر البشري ،نجد الفكر العربي الإسلامي على مساحة واسعة من الخصوبة والنتاج بفعل نشاطات فكرية في جوانب مختلفة .

   وما يميزتلك الافكارهو الفكر التربوي العربي الإسلامي والذي يتميز بالأصالة والتفتح فالأصالة تعني إن دقائق الفكر التربوي العربي الإسلامي وجزيئاته هي أجزاء ودقائق عربية وإسلامية ، لذا يميزه من غيره وبقدر ما يكون الفكر التربوي أصيلا ماله وما يميزه من خصائص فهو منفتح بصفته جزء من الفكر الإنساني ( الموسوي ، 2000 , ص9 ) .

    لذا نرى إن الفكر التربوي تبؤا مكانة ممتازة لدى العلماء المسلمين باعتباره السبيل الذي ينير العقول ويفتح إمام الأمة سبيل التقدم والنهضة والتطور وهذا يعتمد على العلماء والمفكرين التربويين .

   لذا فان الغاية من دراسة هذا الموضوع هي إلقاء نظرة على الفيلسوف الكندي وما يحمله هذا الفيلسوف من أفكار وأراء علمية وفلسفية وفكرية وتربوية.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 15 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
العوامل المؤثرة على النزعة الاستهلاكية عند المستهلك العراقي: دراسة تحليلية لآراء عينة من الزبائن باستخدام اسلوب التحليل العاملي
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Factors affecting consumer consumerism Iraqi   The research aims to shed light on the factors influencing consumer consumerism Iraqi and arranged in terms of the degree of importance in influencing through poll sample, which amounted to (85) members of the shoppers of electrical goods in the markets of Baghdad, Questionnaire has been used as a tool head to collect data and information from the sample surveyed and their answers were analyzed using factor analysis and test ( ), and The research group was the most prominent

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 31 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Corrosion Behavior of V2AlC and Cr2AlC Compared with SS 316L in NaOH at Four Temperatures
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      This work involves the manufacturing of MAX phase materials include V2AlC and Cr2AlC using powder metallurgy as a new class of materials which characterized by regular crystals in lattice. Corrosion behavior of these materials was investigated by Potentiostat to estimate corrosion resistance and compared with the most resistant material represented by SS 316L. The experiments were carried out in 0.01N of NaOH solution at four temperatures in the range of 30–60oC. Polarization resistance values which calculated by Stern-Geary equation indicated that the MAX phase materials more resistant than SS 316L. Also cyclic polarization tests confirme

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
An Instructional Design According to the Active Learning Model and Its Effect on Students' Achievement in Chemistry for Fifth Intermediate Stage
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The objective of the research is to identify the effect of an instructional design according to the active learning modelsالباحثين in the achievement of the students of the fifth grade, the instructional design was constructed according to the active learning models for the design of education. The research experience was applied for a full academic year (the first & the second term of 2017-2018). The sample consisted of 58 students, 28 students for the experimental group and 30 students for the control group. The experimental design was adopted with partial and post-test, the final achievement test consisted of (50) objectives and essays items on two terms, the validity of the test was verified by the adoption of the Kudoric

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2024
Journal Name
مجلة الفارابي للعلوم النسانية
اثر استراتيجية نجمتين وامنية في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء عند طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط م . د . انور عباس محمد
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يهدف البحث الى التعرف على اثر استراتيجية نجمتين وامنية في تحصيل مادة الكيمياء عند طلاب الصف الثاني المتوسطولتحقيق هدف البحث تم اتباع المنهج التجريبي ذو الضبط الجزئي وتم تحديد مجتمع البحث بطلاب الصف الثاني المتوسط لجميع المدارس الثانموية والمتوسط التابعة لمديرية تربية الكرخ الثانية وتم اخنيار احد هذه المداس بصورة قصدية لتطبيق تجربة ابلبحث الحالي

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Daniel's Model on the Acquisition of Concepts for the Arabic Language Curricula Among the Students of Department of Arabic Language in Colleges of Basic Education
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The current research aims to investigate the effect of a specimen of Daniel in the acquisition of concepts for the Arabic language curricula material to the students of the third phase of the Faculty of Basic Education Department of Arabic Language. The sample consists of (93) applications and a student of (47) students in the Division (A), which represents the experimental group which studied the use of a specimen of Daniel, and (46) students in the Division (B), which represents the control group, which studied the traditional way. The subject of unified two groups, which subjects the Arabic language curricula which includes six chapters.
The duration of the experiment is a full semester. The researchers also prepared a tool for mea

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The impact of a typical student achievement teams use and integration of fragmented information in the collection of history students at the fifth grade literary
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The goal of this research is to find the effects of both the studying students groupwhich has various educational levels and the integration of the fragmented information through or during the study of history subjects for the female students of the fifth secondary literary section.
To achieve this study or case the researcher has chosen an experimental design or test by studying three groups: two are as mentioned above and the third is just ordinary team. In addition to that, there is a test after the experiment. The researcher chose on purpose female students of the literal section from two different secondary school Al Asil and Wahran both are secondary school for girls, and both are from directorate of education- Al Karkh 2nd dist

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Skills of Intended Meaning behind the Context when Reading Poetry among Fifth Grade Students- Literary Branch from Teachers’ Perspectives
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        The current research aims to investigate the skills of the intended meaning beyond the context when reading poetry among fifth literary students. To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher has followed the descriptive approach and used two tools: an open questionnaire that includes an inquiry about the skills of the intended meaning beyond the poetic context, and a closed questionnaire that were examined by the juries, and modified accordingly. Besides, its validity and stability were examined by applying the study on an exploratory sample of (15) teachers to reach its final version and determine the time required to answer it. Then, the researcher applied it on the research sample of (9

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
When Krochh aesthetic implications and their impact in raising the artistic and aesthetic taste among the students of the Department of Art Education: صلاح رهيف أمير
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The goal of current research to:1 - Know when aesthetic implications (Korchh)2 - To form the structure of systemic indicators and results that reflect the visions of intellectual, philosophical and aesthetic art for this study.The theoretical framework for the study of the search for the meaning of beauty, definition ( Krochh) being a philosopher, his views, his own aesthetic philosophy, knowledge, art and beauty, as well as a subject of artistic and aesthetic taste and Study in Art Education.The goals have been achieved during the search of Investigation theoretical framework for the search, which tried (INT) to form a clear vision check the second goal by the indicators reached.In light of this, the researcher recommended the need for

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
An Instructional Design According to the constructivism Model for Chemistry Subject and Its Effect on the Life Skill by the Second Intermediate Female Students
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The research aims to identify the effect of teaching-learning design based on the constructivism theory on the life skills of middle stage students. The sample consisted of (60) students from one of the middle schools in Baghdad's governorate. The experimental group and control group consisted of 30 students for each group, the research tool was the life skills scale composed of (78) items. The scale proved its validity and reliability, which was found to be (0.85). The results showed a statistically significant difference in life skills between the two groups of research in favor of the experimental group, which studied the educational design according to models of constructivism theory compared to the usual method of teaching.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Body mass index and shortened telomere length in middle-aged female and male RUNNING HEAD: Middle-aged and shortened telomere length
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Obesity is a risk factor associated with age-related disorders that accelerate aging, and it increases the risk of metabolic diseases. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the association of leukocyte telomere length (LTL) with the presence of higher body weight in middle-aged females and males. The study subjects comprised 160 (80 control and 80 higher body mass index BMI groups) with ranging ages of 30-50 years included and stratified for BMI. The physio-biochemical analysis was measured using enzymatic determination. Mean telomere length was determined by using the southern blotting technique. The association analysis revealed a significant variance (P < 0.01) in biochemical parameters between higher BMI grou

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